Big Zigzag Birding

week 012 | Little Zigzag Bird, and the Not Exists one | trip list 293 – 307

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From the grasslands around Boulia to the Dainasor district In an Eggshell: Big Zigzag bird species count: 307 (+14 this week) Big Zigzag bird families count: 78 (+1 this week: Pratincoles and Coursers)  Big Zigzag Lifers: 53 (+8 this week: Red-backed Kingfisher, Letter-winged Kite, Flock Bronzewing, Red-browed Pardalote, Rufous-crowned Emuwren, Grey Falcon, Opalton Grasswren, Hall’s […]

Big Zigzag Birding

week 011 | Welcome to the Spinifex & Kalkadoon! | trip list 257 – 293

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Fantastic birding week starting on the Great Inland Way into the Spinifex around Mount Isa, Kalkadoon county In an Eggshell: Big Zigzag bird species count: 293 (+36 this week) Big Zigzag bird families count: 77 (+3 this week: Buttonquail, Australo-Papuan Bellbirds, Reed Warblers)  Big Zigzag Lifers: 45 (+13 this week: Plum-headed Finch, Spinifex Pigeon, Gray-headed […]

Big Zigzag Birding

week 005 | Tropical Wet QLD | trip list 165 – 194 

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Mainly Atherton Tablelands, and Cairns In an eggshell Big Zigzag bird species count: 194 (+30 this week) Big Zigzag bird families count: 67 (+5 this week) Big Zigzag Lifers: 18 (+8 this week: Golden Bowerbird, Bridled Honeyeater, Atherton Scrubwren, Mountain Thornbill, Tooth-billed Bowerbird, Chowchilla, Fernwren, Rufous Owl) Campsite Lifers: 4 (+0 this week) Big Zigzag […]

Big Zigzag Birding

week 004 | Tropical Wet QLD | trip list 123 – 165

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Some fruitful traditional sites along Queensland shore In an eggshell Big Zigzag bird species count: 164 (+42 this week) Big Zigzag bird families count: 62 (+11 this week) Big Zigzag Lifers: 10 (+5 this week: Glossy Black-Cockatoo, Eungella Honeyeater, White-browed Crake, Little Bronze-Cuckoo, White-browed Robin) Campsite Lifers: 4 (+3 this week: White-browed Crake, Little Bronze-Cuckoo, […]