# World Bird Families#Nearctic

milestone 08 | USA 1996-2002 | families 99-108/250

America: Land of (birding) Opportunity

Project progress - Bird Families of the World 108/250

My first visits to US were business and family trips (not “bird families trips”… ). So, as an accidental birder, I used this opportunity to get some new birds and families.

One family to be mentioned is Silky-flycatchers: Phainopepla is common bird in south-west US and probably the first member of this family to be seen by most birders. The other three members occur in Mexico and central America.

This is my first catch from the new world: 

99. Family #29: Hummingbirds (Trochilidae) | Broad-tailed Hummingbird

100. Family #75: New World Vultures (Cathartidae) | Black Vulture

101. Family #126: Tyrant Flycatchers (Tyrannidae) | Black Phoebe

102. Family #246: Troupials and Allies (Icteridae) | Western Meadowlark

103. Family #249: Cardinals and Allies (Cardinalidae) | Northern Cardinal

104. Family #12: New World Quail (Odontophoridae) | California Quail

105. Family #212: Mockingbirds and Thrashers (Mimidae) | Long-billed Thrasher

106. Family #216: Silky-flycatchers (Ptiliogonatidae) | Phainopepla

107. Family #238: New World Sparrows (Passerellidae) | White-crowned Sparrow

108. Family #250: Tanagers and Allies (Thraupidae) | Bananaquit (photographed in Brazil)

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