# World Bird Families#Palearctic

milestone 06 | Israel 1979-1983 | families 62-71/250

from birdwatcher to birder in ten families

Project progress - Bird Families of the World 71/250

Twitching was not a common term in the early 80’s, but some surveys like autumn raptors migration in Kafer Kasem fields, or spring migration survey in Eilat (photo above with Hadoram Shirihai & Yaron Baser) along with other trips through out the country, contributed some good bird families to the list.  Bearded Reedling and Wallcreeper are worth mentioned as they are half of the 4 Palearctic endemic (monotype) families

62. Family #47: Painted-Snipes (Rostratulidae) | Greater Painted-Snipe

63. Family #52: Pratincoles and Coursers (Glareolidae) | Collard Pratincole 

64. Family #179: Grassbirds and Allies (Locustellidae) | Savi’s Warbler

65. Family #203: Wallcreeper (Tichodromidae) | Wallcreeper 

66. Family #59: Loons (Gaviidae) | Arctic Loon

67. Family #62: Southern Storm-Petrels (Oceanitidae) | Black-bellied Storm-Petrel (photographed in Australia, Wilson’s Storm-Petrel ticked in Israel)

68. Family #63: Northern Storm-Petrels (Hydrobatidae) | Leachs Storm-Petrel

69. Family #181: Bearded Reedling (Panuridae) | Bearded Reedling (photographed in Spain)

70. Family #207: Wrens (Troglodytidae) | Eurasian Wren (photographed in Spain)

71. Family #202: Kinglets (Regulidae) | Firecrest (photographed in Italy, Goldcrest ticked in Israel)

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