# World Bird Families#Palearctic

milestone 05 | Israel 1978 | families 47-61/250

exploring the desert, the nights, the seas and all around

Project Progress - Bird Families of the world 61/250

There are other birder around! Learning from others experience, especially from the legendary Ehud Dovrat – these bird families have been added: 

47. Family #18: Sandgrouse (Pteroclidae) | Lichtenstein’s Sandgrouse

48. Family #19: Bustards (Otididae) | Macqueens-Bustard

49. Family #21: Cuckoos (Cuculidae) | Great-Spotted Cuckoo

50. Family #23: Nightjars and Allies (Caprimulgidae) | Nubian Nightjar

51. Family #67: Boobies and Gannets (Sulidae) | Northern Gannet (photographed in Ireland)

52. Family #79: Barn-Owls (Tytonidae) | Barn Owl

53. Family #80: Owls (Strigidae) | Long-eared Owl

54. Family #149: Old World Orioles (Oriolidae) | Eurasian Golden Oriole

55. Family #179: Penduline-Tits (Remizidae) | Eurasian Penduline Tit

56. Family #204: Nuthatches (Sittidae) | Western Rock Nuthatch

57. Family #194: Bush Warblers and Allies (Scotocercidae) | Streaked Scrub-Warbler

58. Family #185: Reed Warblers and Allies (Acrocephalidae) | Eurasian Reed Warbler

59. Family #201: Laughingthrushes and Allies (Leiothrichidae) | Arabian Babbler

60. Family #231: Accentors (Prunellidae) | Alpine Accentor (photographed in Switzerland)

61. Family #237: Old World Buntings (Emberizidae) | Striolated Bunting

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