# World Bird Families

milestone 42 | China 2024 | family 250/250

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Pink tail at Tibetan plateau, Mission Accomplished - ALL 250!

Project progress - Bird Families of the World 250/250

Not many records this year for Przevalski’s Pinktail. Originally, we plan to check the Rubber Mountains near Qinghai Lake, but just 2 weeks before our trip, a local birder reported the bird near Haibei. We changed our itinerary, and headed on our first day north on an easy highway (toll), all the way from Xining (with a fruitful stop on the way on Datong Forest). The shrubby plains were a bit windy, but after not too long, the bird located. All 250 done! My Bird Families of the World project accomplished. We had a few more days to get some of the special spices of the area around the lake and near Chaka. Many thanks to Stefan Hirsch and Carmen Fuertes who joined, and of course to the professional, helpful, and extremely nice guides from Alpine Birding Bella Zang and Wenyi Zhou.

250. Family #227: Przevalski’s Pinktail (Urocynchramidae) | Przevalski’s Pinktail

Common NameScientific Name1st seen location
Bar-headed GooseAnser indicusHaibei, Haibei CN-Qinghai (36.9681,100.5986)
Graylag GooseAnser anserHaibei, Haibei CN-Qinghai (36.9681,100.5986)
Whooper SwanCygnus cygnusGanzihe Estuary Wetlands
Ruddy ShelduckTadorna ferrugineaHaibei, Haibei CN-Qinghai (37.6481,101.3130)
Common ShelduckTadorna tadornaGanzihe Estuary Wetlands
Cotton Pygmy-GooseNettapus coromandelianusGanzihe Estuary Wetlands
GadwallMareca streperaLake Xiligou
MallardAnas platyrhynchosBeijing Capital International Airport
Red-crested PochardNetta rufinaAuto selected 36.89988, 98.49267
Common PochardAythya ferinaGanzihe Estuary Wetlands
Ferruginous DuckAythya nyrocaHaibei, Haibei CN-Qinghai (36.9681,100.5986)
Tufted DuckAythya fuligulaGanzihe Estuary Wetlands
Common MerganserMergus merganserS206, Haibei CN-Qinghai 37.03592, 99.73892
Daurian PartridgePerdix dauuricaHaixi, Haixi CN-Qinghai (36.8481,99.0312)
Ring-necked PheasantPhasianus colchicusHills S of Lejiawan
Przevalski’s PartridgeAlectoris magnaAuto selected 36.75440, 98.75099
Great Crested GrebePodiceps cristatusHaibei, Haibei CN-Qinghai (36.9681,100.5986)
Eared GrebePodiceps nigricollisHaibei, Haibei CN-Qinghai (36.9681,100.5986)
Rock PigeonColumba liviaAuto selected 37.61677, 101.37749
Hill PigeonColumba rupestrisHills S of Lejiawan
Oriental Turtle-DoveStreptopelia orientalisDatong, Xining CN-Qinghai (37.0032,101.8365)
Eurasian Collared-DoveStreptopelia decaoctoEri, Haibei CN-Qinghai 37.14083, 100.55027
Spotted DoveSpilopelia chinensisBeijing Capital International Airport
Pallas’s SandgrouseSyrrhaptes paradoxusChaka Salt Lake–Salt Flats
Common CuckooCuculus canorusHills S of Lejiawan
Common SwiftApus apusBeijing Capital International Airport
Salim Ali’s SwiftApus salimaliiGanzihe Estuary Wetlands
Water RailRallus aquaticusLake Xiligou
Eurasian MoorhenGallinula chloropusLake Xiligou
Eurasian CootFulica atraHaibei, Haibei CN-Qinghai (36.9681,100.5986)
Black-necked CraneGrus nigricollisGanzihe Estuary Wetlands
Black-winged StiltHimantopus himantopusGanzihe Estuary Wetlands
Pied AvocetRecurvirostra avosettaLake Xiligou
Little Ringed PloverCharadrius dubiusHaibei, Haibei CN-Qinghai (36.9681,100.5986)
Northern LapwingVanellus vanellusGanzihe Estuary Wetlands
Kentish PloverAnarhynchus alexandrinusHaibei, Haibei CN-Qinghai (36.9681,100.5986)
Common RedshankTringa totanusHaibei, Haibei CN-Qinghai (36.9681,100.5986)
Brown-headed GullChroicocephalus brunnicephalusGanzihe Estuary Wetlands
Pallas’s GullIchthyaetus ichthyaetusGanzihe Estuary Wetlands
Whiskered TernChlidonias hybridaHaibei, Haibei CN-Qinghai (36.9681,100.5986)
White-winged TernChlidonias leucopterusGanzihe Estuary Wetlands
Common TernSterna hirundoGanzihe Estuary Wetlands
Great CormorantPhalacrocorax carboGanzihe Estuary Wetlands
Bearded VultureGypaetus barbatusHainan, Hainan CN-Qinghai (36.8025,99.6691)
Himalayan GriffonGyps himalayensisG315, Haibei CN-Qinghai (37.3146,100.1574)
Golden EagleAquila chrysaetosHalihatu Forest Park
Black KiteMilvus migransHalihatu Forest Park
Eastern BuzzardButeo japonicusHills S of Lejiawan
Upland BuzzardButeo hemilasiusHainan, Hainan CN-Qinghai (36.8025,99.6691)
Buteo sp.Buteo sp.Hills S of Lejiawan
Eurasian HoopoeUpupa epopsAuto selected 36.93479, 98.36736
woodpecker sp.Picidae sp.Datong, Xining CN-Qinghai (37.0032,101.8365)
Eurasian KestrelFalco tinnunculusHaibei, Haibei CN-Qinghai (37.2023,100.4322)
Isabelline ShrikeLanius isabellinusHaixi, Haixi CN-Qinghai (36.8481,99.0312)
Gray-backed ShrikeLanius tephronotusHills S of Lejiawan
Azure-winged MagpieCyanopica cyanusBeijing Capital International Airport
Black-rumped MagpiePica bottanensisHills S of Lejiawan
Oriental MagpiePica sericaBeijing Capital International Airport
Mongolian Ground-JayPodoces hendersoniHaixi, Haixi CN-Qinghai (36.7029,99.2597)
Red-billed ChoughPyrrhocorax pyrrhocoraxHills S of Lejiawan
RookCorvus frugilegusShanqing Alley, Xining CN-Qinghai 37.02197, 101.78757
Large-billed CrowCorvus macrorhynchosDatong, Xining CN-Qinghai (37.0032,101.8365)
Common RavenCorvus coraxDatong, Xining CN-Qinghai (37.0032,101.8365)
Rufous-vented TitPeriparus rubidiventrisDatong, Xining CN-Qinghai (37.0032,101.8365)
Sichuan TitPoecile weigoldicusDatong, Xining CN-Qinghai (37.0032,101.8365)
Ground TitPseudopodoces humilisHaibei, Haibei CN-Qinghai (36.9681,100.5986)
Japanese TitParus minorHills S of Lejiawan
Horned LarkEremophila alpestrisHaibei, Haibei CN-Qinghai (37.6442,101.4302)
Hume’s LarkCalandrella acutirostrisHaibei, Haibei CN-Qinghai (36.9681,100.5986)
Calandra LarkMelanocorypha calandraChaka–Eastern Fields & Poplars
Tibetan LarkMelanocorypha maximaGanzihe Estuary Wetlands
Mongolian LarkMelanocorypha mongolicaGanzihe Estuary Wetlands
Asian Short-toed LarkAlaudala cheleensisHaibei, Haibei CN-Qinghai (36.9681,100.5986)
Eurasian SkylarkAlauda arvensisChaka–Eastern Fields & Poplars
Oriental SkylarkAlauda gulgulaHaibei, Haibei CN-Qinghai (37.6481,101.3130)
Bearded ReedlingPanurus biarmicusLake Xiligou
Spotted Bush WarblerLocustella thoracicaDatong, Xining CN-Qinghai (37.0032,101.8365)
Pale MartinRiparia dilutaHaibei, Haibei CN-Qinghai (36.9681,100.5986)
Eurasian Crag-MartinPtyonoprogne rupestrisBeijing Capital International Airport
Barn SwallowHirundo rusticaBeijing Capital International Airport
Red-rumped SwallowCecropis dauricaBeijing Capital International Airport
Light-vented BulbulPycnonotus sinensisBeijing Capital International Airport
Buff-barred WarblerPhylloscopus pulcherDatong, Xining CN-Qinghai (37.0032,101.8365)
Hume’s WarblerPhylloscopus humeiDatong, Xining CN-Qinghai (37.0032,101.8365)
Gansu Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus kansuensisDatong, Xining CN-Qinghai (37.0032,101.8365)
Yellow-streaked WarblerPhylloscopus armandiiDatong, Xining CN-Qinghai (37.0032,101.8365)
Tickell’s Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus affinisDatong, Xining CN-Qinghai (37.0032,101.8365)
Smoky WarblerPhylloscopus fuligiventerHainan, Hainan CN-Qinghai (36.8025,99.6691)
Crested Tit-WarblerLeptopoecile elegansDatong, Xining CN-Qinghai (37.0032,101.8365)
Silver-throated TitAegithalos glaucogularisHills S of Lejiawan
Lesser WhitethroatCurruca currucaAuto selected 36.88446, 98.51896
Tarim BabblerRhopophilus albosuperciliarisAuto selected 36.88446, 98.51896
Elliot’s LaughingthrushTrochalopteron elliotiiDatong, Xining CN-Qinghai (37.0032,101.8365)
Pere David’s LaughingthrushPterorhinus davidiHills S of Lejiawan
GoldcrestRegulus regulusHalihatu Forest Park
Snowy-browed NuthatchSitta villosaDatong, Xining CN-Qinghai (37.0032,101.8365)
Eurasian WrenTroglodytes troglodytesHalihatu Forest Park
White-throated DipperCinclus cinclusHaibei, Haibei CN-Qinghai (37.6481,101.3130)
White-cheeked StarlingSpodiopsar cineraceusBeijing Capital International Airport
Chinese BlackbirdTurdus mandarinusBeijing Capital International Airport
White-backed ThrushTurdus kessleriDatong, Xining CN-Qinghai (37.0032,101.8365)
Chestnut ThrushTurdus rubrocanusDatong, Xining CN-Qinghai (37.0032,101.8365)
Siberian RubythroatCalliope calliopeDatong, Xining CN-Qinghai (37.0032,101.8365)
Blue-fronted RedstartPhoenicurus frontalisDatong, Xining CN-Qinghai (37.0032,101.8365)
White-throated RedstartPhoenicurus schisticepsDatong, Xining CN-Qinghai (37.0032,101.8365)
Black RedstartPhoenicurus ochrurosHills S of Lejiawan
Daurian RedstartPhoenicurus auroreusHills S of Lejiawan
Rufous-tailed Rock-ThrushMonticola saxatilisLake Xiligou
Siberian StonechatSaxicola maurusHills S of Lejiawan
Isabelline WheatearOenanthe isabellinaHaibei, Haibei CN-Qinghai (36.9681,100.5986)
Desert WheatearOenanthe desertiHaixi, Haixi CN-Qinghai (36.7029,99.2597)
Pied WheatearOenanthe pleschankaHills S of Lejiawan
Przevalski’s PinktailUrocynchramus pylzowiHaibei, Haibei CN-Qinghai (37.6481,101.3130)
Robin AccentorPrunella rubeculoidesHaibei, Haibei CN-Qinghai (37.6481,101.3130)
Rufous-breasted AccentorPrunella strophiataDatong, Xining CN-Qinghai (37.0032,101.8365)
Brown AccentorPrunella fulvescensHainan, Hainan CN-Qinghai (36.8025,99.6691)
Eurasian Tree SparrowPasser montanusBeijing Capital International Airport
Rock SparrowPetronia petronia 
Black-winged SnowfinchMontifringilla adamsi 
White-rumped SnowfinchOnychostruthus taczanowskii 
Rufous-necked SnowfinchPyrgilauda ruficollisHaibei, Haibei CN-Qinghai (37.2023,100.4322)
Blanford’s SnowfinchPyrgilauda blanfordiUnnamed Road, CN (36.778, 99.109)
Citrine WagtailMotacilla citreolaHaibei, Haibei CN-Qinghai (37.6481,101.3130)
White WagtailMotacilla albaHills S of Lejiawan
Rosy PipitAnthus roseatusHaibei, Haibei CN-Qinghai (37.6481,101.3130)
White-winged GrosbeakMycerobas carnipesHalihatu Forest Park
Himalayan Beautiful RosefinchCarpodacus pulcherrimusDatong, Xining CN-Qinghai (37.0032,101.8365)
Streaked RosefinchCarpodacus rubicilloidesHaibei, Haibei CN-Qinghai (37.6442,101.4302)
Chinese White-browed RosefinchCarpodacus dubiusDatong, Xining CN-Qinghai (37.0032,101.8365)
Black-headed Mountain FinchLeucosticte brandtiHaibei, Haibei CN-Qinghai (37.6481,101.3130)
Oriental GreenfinchChloris sinicaBeijing Capital International Airport
TwiteLinaria flavirostrisHaibei, Haibei CN-Qinghai (37.6481,101.3130)
Godlewski’s BuntingEmberiza godlewskiiHills S of Lejiawan
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# World Bird Families

milestone 16 | Israel 2011 | family 134/250

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Project progress - Bird Families of the World 134/250

Although the monotype Hypocolius seen a few times in Israel, it’s rather rare here. As a finding tip, I would recommend on other places: From Persian Gulf eastward to north-west India it should be easier.

  1. Family #219: Hypocolius (Hypocoliidae) | Hypocolius
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# World Bird Families

milestone 12 | Denmark, Poland, Ireland 2008 | families 115-119/250

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Business and family trips to Europe contributed five bird families to my project:

115. Family #235: Longspurs and Snow Buntings (Calcariidae) | Snow-Bunting (ticked in Denmark, photographed in Norway)

The boat from Kilmore Quay takes to Great Saltee Island, where  Alcidae first seen: Atlantic Puffin, Common Murre and Razorbill:

 116. Family #54: Auks, Murres, and Puffins (Alcidae) | Razorbill, Ireland

117. Family #209: Dippers (Cinclidae) | American Dipper (photographed in US, White-throated Dipper ticked in Ireland)

118. Family #195: Long-tailed Tits (Aegithalidae) | Black-throated Bushtit (photographed in India, Long-tailed Tit ticked in Poland)

119. Family #205: Treecreepers (Certhiidae) | Short-toed Treecreeper (photographed in Spain, Eurasian Treecreeper ticked in Poland)

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# World Bird Families

milestone 10 | Israel 2006 | family 110/250

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on shore Red sea pelagic

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Eilat north beach, near the Jordanian border, is the best land hotspot for seabirds in Israel. The Red Sea, as an extension of the Indian Ocean, provides on one hand countless hours of nothingness, and a few moments of glory on the other hand. Moments like these were those with three Red-billed Tropicbirds, on the telescope field, which are very rare here.

109. Family #58: Tropicbirds (Phaethontidae) | Red-tailed Tropicbird (photographed in Madagascar, Red-billed Tropicbird ticked in Israel)

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# World Bird Families

milestone 06 | Israel 1979-1983 | families 62-71/250

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from birdwatcher to birder in ten families

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Twitching was not a common term in the early 80’s, but some surveys like autumn raptors migration in Kafer Kasem fields, or spring migration survey in Eilat (photo above with Hadoram Shirihai & Yaron Baser) along with other trips through out the country, contributed some good bird families to the list.  Bearded Reedling and Wallcreeper are worth mentioned as they are half of the 4 Palearctic endemic (monotype) families

62. Family #47: Painted-Snipes (Rostratulidae) | Greater Painted-Snipe

63. Family #52: Pratincoles and Coursers (Glareolidae) | Collard Pratincole 

64. Family #179: Grassbirds and Allies (Locustellidae) | Savi’s Warbler

65. Family #203: Wallcreeper (Tichodromidae) | Wallcreeper 

66. Family #59: Loons (Gaviidae) | Arctic Loon

67. Family #62: Southern Storm-Petrels (Oceanitidae) | Black-bellied Storm-Petrel (photographed in Australia, Wilson’s Storm-Petrel ticked in Israel)

68. Family #63: Northern Storm-Petrels (Hydrobatidae) | Leachs Storm-Petrel

69. Family #181: Bearded Reedling (Panuridae) | Bearded Reedling (photographed in Spain)

70. Family #207: Wrens (Troglodytidae) | Eurasian Wren (photographed in Spain)

71. Family #202: Kinglets (Regulidae) | Firecrest (photographed in Italy, Goldcrest ticked in Israel)

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# World Bird Families

milestone 05 | Israel 1978 | families 47-61/250

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exploring the desert, the nights, the seas and all around

Project Progress - Bird Families of the world 61/250

There are other birder around! Learning from others experience, especially from the legendary Ehud Dovrat – these bird families have been added: 

47. Family #18: Sandgrouse (Pteroclidae) | Lichtenstein’s Sandgrouse

48. Family #19: Bustards (Otididae) | Macqueens-Bustard

49. Family #21: Cuckoos (Cuculidae) | Great-Spotted Cuckoo

50. Family #23: Nightjars and Allies (Caprimulgidae) | Nubian Nightjar

51. Family #67: Boobies and Gannets (Sulidae) | Northern Gannet (photographed in Ireland)

52. Family #79: Barn-Owls (Tytonidae) | Barn Owl

53. Family #80: Owls (Strigidae) | Long-eared Owl

54. Family #149: Old World Orioles (Oriolidae) | Eurasian Golden Oriole

55. Family #179: Penduline-Tits (Remizidae) | Eurasian Penduline Tit

56. Family #204: Nuthatches (Sittidae) | Western Rock Nuthatch

57. Family #194: Bush Warblers and Allies (Scotocercidae) | Streaked Scrub-Warbler

58. Family #185: Reed Warblers and Allies (Acrocephalidae) | Eurasian Reed Warbler

59. Family #201: Laughingthrushes and Allies (Leiothrichidae) | Arabian Babbler

60. Family #231: Accentors (Prunellidae) | Alpine Accentor (photographed in Switzerland)

61. Family #237: Old World Buntings (Emberizidae) | Striolated Bunting

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# World Bird Families

milestone 04 | Egypt, Sinai 1977 | families 44-46/250

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first bird migration survey

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Autumn 1977, Migration survey at Zaranik, North Sinai. Mediterranean shore contributed 3 new bird families: 

44. Family #14: Flamingos (Phoenicopteridae) | Greater Flamingo

45. Family #53: Skuas and Jaegers (Stercorariidae) | Parasitic Skua

46. Family #64: Shearwaters and Petrels (Procellariidae) | Sooty Shearwater

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# World Bird Families

milestone 03 | Israel, 1976-1977 | families 33-43/250

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there are birds all over…

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Visiting wet sites, especially fish ponds, opened my mind to 11 new common bird families. During years Ma’agan Michael ponds provide some “firsts for Israel” and other rarities.

33. Family #8: Ducks, Geese, and Waterfowl (Anatidae) | Eurasian Teal

34. Family #15: Grebes (Podicipedidae) | Little Grebe

35. Family #32: Rails, Gallinules, and Coots (Rallidae) | Eurasian Coot

36. Family #36: Cranes (Gruidae) | Common Crane

37. Family #69: Cormorants and Shags (Phalacrocoracidae) | Great Cormorant

38. Family #70: Pelicans (Pelecanidae) | Great White Pelican

39. Family #77: Osprey (Pandionidae) | Western Osprey

40. Family #41: Stilts and Avocets (Recurvirostridae) | Pied Avocet

41. Family #49: Sandpipers and Allies (Scolopacidae) | Curlew Sandpiper

42. Family #43: Oystercatchers (Haematopodidae) | Eurasian Oystercatcher (photographed in Denmark)

43. Family #92: Rollers (Coraciidae) | Eurasian Roller

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# World Bird Families

milestone 02 | Israel, hometown fields birds 1976 | families 19-32/250

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out and about – exploring field birds nearby

Project Progress - Bird Families of the world 32/250

Wandering around home, I discovered my next new 14 bird families: 

19. Family #13: Pheasants, Grouse, and Allies (Phasianidae) | Chukar

20. Family #27: Swifts (Apodidae) | Common Swift

21. Family #39: Thick-knees (Burhinidae| Eurasian Thick-knee

22. Family #44: Plovers and Lapwings (Charadriidae| Northern Lapwing

23. Family #65: Storks (Ciconiidae) | White Stork

24. Family #73: Herons, Egrets, and Bitterns (Ardeidae) | Cattle Egret

25. Family #74: Ibises and Spoonbills (Threskiornithidae) | Glossy Ibis

26. Family #78: Hawks, Eagles, and Kites (Accipitridae) | Common Buzzard

27. Family #91: Bee-eaters (Meropidae)  | European Bee-eater

28. Family #55: Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers (Laridae) | Black-headed Gull

29. Family #104: Falcons and Caracaras (Falconidae) | Eurasian Kestrel

30. Family #180: Larks (Alaudidae) | Crested Lark

31. Family #211: Starlings (Sturnidae) | European Starling

32. Family #196: Sylviid Warblers, Parrotbills, and Allies (Sylviidae) | Lesser Whitethroat

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# World Bird Families

milestone 01 | Israel, home backyard birds 1976 | families 1-18/250

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Discovery on our backyard – first birds

Project Progress - Bird Families of the world 18/250

Like many other kids, who saved their pennies in children saving program, I received an encouraging gift from the bank: Our County’s Birds Guide, with the beautiful paintings of Walter Ferguson, describing the 100 commonest birds of Israel, and this White-breasted Kingfisher on the cover:

Like many other Kids’ book shelves, this booklet was laying there useless. But one day, as I wondered around my parents’ garden, I noticed a colorful bird. I urged into the house, picked the booklet, and probably identified my first Great Tit, without understanding that this moment will change my life forever.

At that times of course, I had no idea what is a species, genus or a family, but actually, all these early birds, were the foundations of my life project – Bird Families of the World. 

These are my first 18 families:

1. Family #16: Pigeons and Doves (Columbidae) | Laughing Dove

2. Family #84: Hoopoes (Upupidae) | Eurasian Hoopoe

3. Family #90: Kingfishers (Alcedinidae) | White-throated Kingfisher

4. Family #102: Woodpeckers (Picidae) | Syrian Woodpecker

5. Family #107: Old World Parrots (Psittaculidae)   | Rose-ringed Parakeet (introduced)

6. Family #166: Shrikes (Laniidae) | Masked Shrike

7. Family #167: Crows, Jays, and Magpies (Corvidae) | Eurasian Jay

8. Family #190: Swallows (Hirundinidae) | Barn Swallow

9. Family #191: Bulbuls (Pycnonotidae) | White-spectacled Bulbul

10. Family #192: Leaf Warblers (Phylloscopidae) | Common Chiffchaff

11. Family #214: Old World Flycatchers (Muscicapidae) | European Stonechat

12. Family #213: Thrushes and Allies (Turdidae) | Common Blackbird

13. Family #223: Sunbirds and Spiderhunters (Nectariniidae) | Palestine Sunbird

14. Family #233: Wagtails and Pipits (Motacillidae) | White Wagtail

15. Family #234: Finches, Euphonias, and Allies (Fringillidae) | European Goldfinch

16. Family #232: Old World Sparrows (Passeridae) | House Sparrow

17. Family #178: Tits, Chickadees, and Titmice (Paridae) | Great Tit

18. Family #184: Cisticolas and Allies (Cisticolidae) | Graceful Prinia

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