Bird Families Accounts 177 – 203 | Previous Accounts Page | Next Accounts Page | Search Bird Family | Search Bird Species
Order: Passeriformes (part 5)
143 families, 6704 species (53 extinct)
Passeriformes Family Groups on this page:
- Sylvioid Oscines, 27 families, 1380 species (7 extinct)
Family #177
Hyliotas (Hyliotidae)
- Species: 4
- Distribution: Afrotropical endemic
- IOC family #213, HBW family #173, H&M family #197
- Passeriformes Family Group: Sylvioid Oscines
- wf253 status: 50% members ticked
- OH: 2 seen, 1 photographed, first seen in Uganda, 2015
Yellow-bellied Hyliota | Hyliota flavigaster | .. |
Southern Hyliota | Hyliota australis | |
Usambara Hyliota | Hyliota usambara | . |
Violet-backed Hyliota | Hyliota violacea |

Yellow-bellied Hyliota, Uganda 2015
Family #178
Fairy Flycatchers (Stenostiridae)
- Species: 9
- Distribution: Afrotropic, Indomalaya
- IOC family #180, HBW family #174 (Fairy Flycatcher and allies), H&M family #198 (Crested-flycatchers and allies)
- Passeriformes Family Group: Sylvioid Oscines
- wf253 status: 70% members ticked
- OH: 6 seen and photographed, first seen in Thailand, 2012
Fairy Flycatcher | Stenostira scita | |
Yellow-bellied Fairy-Fantail | Chelidorhynx hypoxanthus | .. |
African Blue Flycatcher | Elminia longicauda | .. |
White-tailed Blue Flycatcher | Elminia albicauda | .. |
Dusky Crested Flycatcher | Elminia nigromitrata | |
White-bellied Crested Flycatcher | Elminia albiventris | |
White-tailed Crested Flycatcher | Elminia albonotata | .. |
Gray-headed Canary-Flycatcher | Culicicapa ceylonensis | .. |
Citrine Canary-Flycatcher | Culicicapa helianthea | .. |

1 White-tailed Blue Flycatcher, Uganda; 2 Yellow-bellied Fantail, India; 3 African Blue Flycatcher, Ghana; 4 Gray-headed Canary-Flycatcher, India; 5 White-tailed Crested-Flycatcher,Tanzania
Family #179
Tits, Chickadees, and Titmice (Paridae)
- Species: 62
- Distribution: Afrotropic, Indomalaya, Nearctic, Palearctic
- IOC family #181 (Tits, Chickadees), HBW family #175 (Tits and Chickadees), H&M family #199 (Tits and Chickadees)
- Passeriformes Family Group: Sylvioid Oscines
- wf253 status: 97% members ticked
- OH: 33 seen, 27 photographed, first seen in Israel, 1976
Fire-capped Tit | Cephalopyrus flammiceps | |
Yellow-browed Tit | Sylviparus modestus | .. |
Sultan Tit | Melanochlora sultanea | .. |
Coal Tit | Periparus ater | .. |
Rufous-naped Tit | Periparus rufonuchalis | |
Rufous-vented Tit | Periparus rubidiventris | . |
Yellow-bellied Tit | Periparus venustulus | |
Elegant Tit | Periparus elegans | |
Palawan Tit | Periparus amabilis | |
Crested Tit | Lophophanes cristatus | .. |
Gray-crested Tit | Lophophanes dichrous | .. |
Chestnut-bellied Tit | Sittiparus castaneoventris | |
Iriomote Tit | Sittiparus olivaceus | |
Varied Tit | Sittiparus varius | |
Owston’s Tit | Sittiparus owstoni | |
White-fronted Tit | Sittiparus semilarvatus | |
White-browed Tit | Poecile superciliosus | |
Sombre Tit | Poecile lugubris | .. |
Pere David’s Tit | Poecile davidi | |
Marsh Tit | Poecile palustris | . |
Caspian Tit | Poecile hyrcanus | |
Black-bibbed Tit | Poecile hypermelaenus | |
Willow Tit | Poecile montanus | .. |
Sichuan Tit | Poecile weigoldicus | |
Carolina Chickadee | Poecile carolinensis | . |
Black-capped Chickadee | Poecile atricapillus | .. |
Mountain Chickadee | Poecile gambeli | .. |
Mexican Chickadee | Poecile sclateri | .. |
Chestnut-backed Chickadee | Poecile rufescens | . |
Boreal Chickadee | Poecile hudsonicus | |
Gray-headed Chickadee | Poecile cinctus | .. |
Eurasian Blue Tit | Cyanistes caeruleus | .. |
African Blue Tit | Cyanistes teneriffae | |
Azure Tit | Cyanistes cyanus | |
Bridled Titmouse | Baeolophus wollweberi | .. |
Oak Titmouse | Baeolophus inornatus | . |
Juniper Titmouse | Baeolophus ridgwayi | .. |
Tufted Titmouse | Baeolophus bicolor | .. |
Black-crested Titmouse | Baeolophus atricristatus | .. |
Ground Tit | Pseudopodoces humilis | .. |
Green-backed Tit | Parus monticolus | .. |
Great Tit | Parus major | .. |
Asian Tit | Parus cinereus | .. |
White-naped Tit | Machlolophus nuchalis | |
Taiwan Yellow Tit | Machlolophus holsti | |
Himalayan Black-lored Tit | Machlolophus xanthogenys | |
Indian Yellow Tit | Machlolophus aplonotus | |
Yellow-cheeked Tit | Machlolophus spilonotus | .. |
White-shouldered Black-Tit | Melaniparus guineensis | .. |
White-winged Black-Tit | Melaniparus leucomelas | |
Rufous-bellied Tit | Melaniparus rufiventris | |
White-bellied Tit | Melaniparus albiventris | . |
Southern Black-Tit | Melaniparus niger | .. |
Carp’s Tit | Melaniparus carpi | |
Dusky Tit | Melaniparus funereus | .. |
Miombo Tit | Melaniparus griseiventris | |
Stripe-breasted Tit | Melaniparus fasciiventer | .. |
Somali Tit | Melaniparus thruppi | . |
Red-throated Tit | Melaniparus fringillinus | .. |
White-backed Black-Tit | Melaniparus leuconotus | .. |
Ashy Tit | Melaniparus cinerascens | |
Gray Tit | Melaniparus afer |

Red-throated Tit, Tanzania 2021

1 Sombre Tit, Israel, 2 Willow Tit, Finland; 3 Black-capped Chickadee, USA; 4 Mountain Chickadee, USA; 5 Juniper Titmouse, USA; 6 Mexican Chickadee, Mexico; 7 Gray-headed Chickadee, Finland; 8 Coal Tit, Spain; 9 White-shouldered Black Tit, Ghana; 10 Eurasian Blue Tit, Portugal; 11 Bridled Titmouse, USA; 12 Yellow-cheeked Tit, India; 13 Southern Black Tit, South Africa; 14 Yellow-browed Tit, India; 15 Cinereous Tit, Thailand; 16 Dusky Tit, Uganda; 17 Great Tit, Israel; 18 Black-crested Titmouse, USA; 19 Sultan Tit, Thailand; 20 Stripe-breasted Tit, Uganda; 21 Crested Tit, Latvia; 22 White-backed Black Tit, Ethiopia; 23 Grey Crested Tit, India; 24 Japanese Tit, South Korea; 25 Green-backed Tit, India; 26 Tufted Titmouse, USA
Family #180
Penduline-Tits (Remizidae)
- Species: 11
- Distribution: Afrotropic, Indomalaya, Nearctic, Palearctic
- IOC family #182, HBW family #176, H&M family #200 (Penduline Tits)
- Passeriformes Family Group: Sylvioid Oscines
- wf253 status: 89% members ticked
- OH: 3 seen and photographed, first seen in Israel, 1978
Verdin | Auriparus flaviceps | .. |
Eurasian Penduline-Tit | Remiz pendulinus | .. |
Black-headed Penduline-Tit | Remiz macronyx | |
White-crowned Penduline-Tit | Remiz coronatus | |
Chinese Penduline-Tit | Remiz consobrinus | |
Sennar Penduline-Tit | Anthoscopus punctifrons | |
Mouse-colored Penduline-Tit | Anthoscopus musculus | .. |
Yellow Penduline-Tit | Anthoscopus parvulus | |
Forest Penduline-Tit | Anthoscopus flavifrons | |
African Penduline-Tit | Anthoscopus caroli | |
Southern Penduline-Tit | Anthoscopus minutus |

1 Eurasian Penduline-Tit, Israel; 2 Verdin, USA; 3 Mouse-colored Penduline-Tit, Tanzania
Family #181
Larks (Alaudidae)
- Species: 98
- Distribution: Afrotropic, Australasia, Indomalaya, Nearctic, Palearctic
- IOC family #185, HBW family #177, H&M family #202
- Passeriformes Family Group: Sylvioid Oscines
- wf253 status: 98% members ticked
- OH: 34 seen, 27 photographed, first seen in Israel, 1976
Spike-heeled Lark | Chersomanes albofasciata | .. |
Beesley’s Lark | Chersomanes beesleyi | . |
Greater Hoopoe-Lark | Alaemon alaudipes | .. |
Lesser Hoopoe-Lark | Alaemon hamertoni | |
Gray’s Lark | Ammomanopsis grayi | |
Short-clawed Lark | Certhilauda chuana | |
Karoo Long-billed Lark | Certhilauda subcoronata | |
Eastern Long-billed Lark | Certhilauda semitorquata | |
Cape Long-billed Lark | Certhilauda curvirostris | |
Rufous-rumped Lark | Pinarocorys erythropygia | .. |
Dusky Lark | Pinarocorys nigricans | |
Thick-billed Lark | Ramphocoris clotbey | .. |
Bar-tailed Lark | Ammomanes cinctura | .. |
Rufous-tailed Lark | Ammomanes phoenicura | |
Desert Lark | Ammomanes deserti | .. |
Black-eared Sparrow-Lark | Eremopterix australis | |
Madagascar Lark | Eremopterix hova | .. |
Chestnut-backed Sparrow-Lark | Eremopterix leucotis | . |
Black-crowned Sparrow-Lark | Eremopterix nigriceps | .. |
Ashy-crowned Sparrow-Lark | Eremopterix griseus | |
Chestnut-headed Sparrow-Lark | Eremopterix signatus | . |
Gray-backed Sparrow-Lark | Eremopterix verticalis | .. |
Fischer’s Sparrow-Lark | Eremopterix leucopareia | .. |
Rusty Lark | Calendulauda rufa | |
Sabota Lark | Calendulauda sabota | |
Gillett’s Lark | Calendulauda gilletti | |
Pink-breasted Lark | Calendulauda poecilosterna | .. |
Fawn-colored Lark | Calendulauda africanoides | .. |
Karoo Lark | Calendulauda albescens | |
Red Lark | Calendulauda burra | |
Dune Lark | Calendulauda erythrochlamys | |
Liben Lark | Heteromirafra archeri | |
Rudd’s Lark | Heteromirafra ruddi | |
Burmese Bushlark | Plocealauda microptera | |
Indochinese Bushlark | Plocealauda erythrocephala | |
Jerdon’s Bushlark | Plocealauda affinis | |
Indian Bushlark | Plocealauda erythroptera | |
Bengal Bushlark | Plocealauda assamica | |
Monotonous Lark | Mirafra passerina | |
Kordofan Lark | Mirafra cordofanica | |
Williams’s Lark | Mirafra williamsi | |
Friedmann’s Lark | Mirafra pulpa | |
White-tailed Lark | Mirafra albicauda | |
Melodious Lark | Mirafra cheniana | |
Singing Bushlark | Mirafra javanica | .. |
Collared Lark | Amirafra collaris | |
Flappet Lark | Amirafra rufocinnamomea | . |
Angola Lark | Amirafra angolensis | |
Highland Lark | Corypha kurrae | |
Cape Clapper Lark | Corypha apiata | |
Eastern Clapper Lark | Corypha fasciolata | |
Plains Lark | Corypha kabalii | |
Plateau Lark | Corypha nigrescens | |
Rufous-naped Lark | Corypha africana | .. |
Sentinel Lark | Corypha athi | . |
Somali Lark | Corypha somalica | |
Red-winged Lark | Corypha hypermetra | . |
Russet Lark | Corypha sharpii | |
Kidepo Lark | Corypha kidepoensis | |
Wood Lark | Lullula arborea | .. |
Stark’s Lark | Spizocorys starki | |
Masked Lark | Spizocorys personata | |
Pink-billed Lark | Spizocorys conirostris | |
Botha’s Lark | Spizocorys fringillaris | |
Short-tailed Lark | Spizocorys fremantlii | .. |
Obbia Lark | Spizocorys obbiensis | |
Sclater’s Lark | Spizocorys sclateri | |
White-winged Lark | Alauda leucoptera | |
Raso Skylark | Alauda razae | |
Eurasian Skylark | Alauda arvensis | .. |
Oriental Skylark | Alauda gulgula | . |
Sun Lark | Galerida modesta | .. |
Large-billed Lark | Galerida magnirostris | |
Tawny Lark | Galerida deva | |
Thekla’s Lark | Galerida theklae | .. |
Crested Lark | Galerida cristata | .. |
Malabar Lark | Galerida malabarica | |
Horned Lark | Eremophila alpestris | .. |
Temminck’s Lark | Eremophila bilopha | .. |
Rufous-capped Lark | Calandrella eremica | |
Blanford’s Lark | Calandrella blanfordi | |
Greater Short-toed Lark | Calandrella brachydactyla | .. |
Red-capped Lark | Calandrella cinerea | .. |
Hume’s Lark | Calandrella acutirostris | . |
Mongolian Short-toed Lark | Calandrella dukhunensis | |
Bimaculated Lark | Melanocorypha bimaculata | . |
Tibetan Lark | Melanocorypha maxima | . |
Mongolian Lark | Melanocorypha mongolica | . |
Calandra Lark | Melanocorypha calandra | .. |
Black Lark | Melanocorypha yeltoniensis | |
Dupont’s Lark | Chersophilus duponti | |
Dunn’s Lark | Eremalauda dunni | |
Arabian Lark | Eremalauda eremodites | . |
Somali Short-toed Lark | Alaudala somalica | .. |
Asian Short-toed Lark | Alaudala cheleensis | . |
Mediterranean Short-toed Lark | Alaudala rufescens | .. |
Turkestan Short-toed Lark | Alaudala heinei | |
Sand Lark | Alaudala raytal |

1 Spike-heeled Lark, South Africa; 2 Greater Hoopoe-Lark, Israel; 3 Black-crowned Sparrow-Lark, Israel; 4 Gray-backed Sparrow-Lark, South Africa; 5 Madagascan Lark, Madagascar; 6 Bar-tailed Lark, Israel; 7 Desert Lark, Israel; 8 Thick-billed Lark, Israel; 9 Greater Short-toed Lark, Israel; 10 Calandra Lark, Israel; 11 Dunn’s Lark, Israel; 12 Sun Lark, Ghana; 13 Crested Lark, Israel; 14 Temminck’s Lark, Israel; 15 Thekla Lark, Spain; 16 Sky Lark, Denmark; 17 Wood Lark, Israel; 18 Rufous-rumped Lark, Ghana; 19 Horned Lark, USA; 20 Lesser Short-toed Lark, Israel

21 Foxy Lark, Tanzania; 22 Beesley’s Lark, Tanzania; 23 Somali Short-toed Lark (Athi), Tanzania; 24 Red-capped Lark ,Tanzania; 25 Rufous-naped Lark, Tanzania;26 Short-tailed Lark, Tanzania; 27 Pink-breasted Lark , Tanzania; 28 Fischer’s Sparrow-Lark, Tanzania
Family #182
Bearded Reedling (Panuridae)
- Species: 1
- Distribution: Palearctic endemic
- IOC family #184, HBW family #178, H&M family #203
- Passeriformes Family Group: Sylvioid Oscines
- wf253 status: 65% members ticked
- OH: 1 seen and photographed, first seen in Israel, 1983
Bearded Reedling | Panurus biarmicus | .. |

Bearded Reedling, Spain 2014
Family #183
Nicators (Nicatoridae)
- Species: 3
- Distribution: Afrotropical endemic
- IOC family #183, HBW family #179, H&M family #201
- Passeriformes Family Group: Sylvioid Oscines
- wf253 status: 58% members ticked
- OH: 2 seen, 1 photographed, first seen in Uganda, 2015
Western Nicator | Nicator chloris | . |
Eastern Nicator | Nicator gularis | .. |
Yellow-throated Nicator | Nicator vireo |

Eastern Nicator, South Africa 2014
Family #184
African Warblers (Macrosphenidae)
- Species: 18
- Distribution: Afrotropical endemic
- IOC 2 families: #189 (Crombecs, African Warblers), HBW family #180 (Crombecs and allies), H&M family #204 (Crombecs, Longbills and allies)
- Passeriformes Family Group: Sylvioid Oscines
- wf253 status: 75% members ticked
- OH: 11 seen, 8 photographed, first seen in Kenya, 1983
Green Crombec | Sylvietta virens | .. |
Lemon-bellied Crombec | Sylvietta denti | .. |
White-browed Crombec | Sylvietta leucophrys | .. |
Northern Crombec | Sylvietta brachyura | .. |
Short-billed Crombec | Sylvietta philippae | |
Red-capped Crombec | Sylvietta ruficapilla | |
Red-faced Crombec | Sylvietta whytii | .. |
Somali Crombec | Sylvietta isabellina | . |
Long-billed Crombec | Sylvietta rufescens | .. |
Rockrunner | Achaetops pycnopygius | |
Moustached Grass-Warbler | Melocichla mentalis | .. |
Cape Grassbird | Sphenoeacus afer | .. |
Victorin’s Warbler | Cryptillas victorini | |
Kemp’s Longbill | Macrosphenus kempi | |
Yellow Longbill | Macrosphenus flavicans | |
Gray Longbill | Macrosphenus concolor | . |
Pulitzer’s Longbill | Macrosphenus pulitzeri | |
Kretschmer’s Longbill | Macrosphenus kretschmeri | . |

1 Cape Crombec, South Africa; 2 Moustached Grass-Warbler, Uganda;3 White-browed Crombec, Uganda; 4 Lemon-bellied Crombec, Ghana; 5 Red-faced Crombec, Tanzania; 6 Green Hylia, Ghana; 7 Cape Grassbird , South Africa; 8 Green Crombec, Ghana; 9 Northern Crombec, Tanzania
Family #185
Cisticolas and Allies (Cisticolidae)
- Species: 164
- Distribution: Afrotropic, Australasia, Indomalaya, Palearctic
- IOC family #200, HBW family #181, H&M family #205
- Passeriformes Family Group: Sylvioid Oscines
- wf253 status: 91% members ticked
- OH: 72 seen, 51 photographed, first seen in Israel, 1976
Common Jery | Neomixis tenella | .. |
Green Jery | Neomixis viridis | .. |
Stripe-throated Jery | Neomixis striatigula | .. |
Leyte Plumed-Warbler | Micromacronus leytensis | |
Mindanao Plumed-Warbler | Micromacronus sordidus | |
Yellow-vented Eremomela | Eremomela flavicrissalis | |
Yellow-bellied Eremomela | Eremomela icteropygialis | .. |
Senegal Eremomela | Eremomela pusilla | .. |
Green-backed Eremomela | Eremomela canescens | .. |
Green-capped Eremomela | Eremomela scotops | |
Karoo Eremomela | Eremomela gregalis | |
Rufous-crowned Eremomela | Eremomela badiceps | . |
Turner’s Eremomela | Eremomela turneri | |
Black-necked Eremomela | Eremomela atricollis | |
Burnt-neck Eremomela | Eremomela usticollis | |
Red-winged Gray Warbler | Drymocichla incana | |
Sierra Leone Prinia | Schistolais leontica | |
White-chinned Prinia | Schistolais leucopogon | .. |
Roberts’s Warbler | Oreophilais robertsi | |
Namaqua Warbler | Phragmacia substriata | |
Green Longtail | Urolais epichlorus | |
Black-collared Apalis | Oreolais pulcher | |
Rwenzori Apalis | Oreolais ruwenzorii | .. |
African Tailorbird | Artisornis metopias | .. |
Long-billed Tailorbird | Artisornis moreaui | .. |
White-tailed Warbler | Poliolais lopezi | |
Miombo Wren-Warbler | Calamonastes undosus | |
Stierling’s Wren-Warbler | Calamonastes stierlingi | |
Gray Wren-Warbler | Calamonastes simplex | .. |
Barred Wren-Warbler | Calamonastes fasciolatus | |
Green-backed Camaroptera | Camaroptera brachyura | . |
Hartert’s Camaroptera | Camaroptera harterti | |
Yellow-browed Camaroptera | Camaroptera superciliaris | .. |
Olive-green Camaroptera | Camaroptera chloronota | .. |
Cricket Longtail | Spiloptila clamans | |
Buff-bellied Warbler | Phyllolais pulchella | .. |
Bar-throated Apalis | Apalis thoracica | .. |
Taita Apalis | Apalis fuscigularis | |
Yellow-throated Apalis | Apalis flavigularis | |
Namuli Apalis | Apalis lynesi | |
Black-capped Apalis | Apalis nigriceps | |
Black-throated Apalis | Apalis jacksoni | |
White-winged Apalis | Apalis chariessa | |
Masked Apalis | Apalis binotata | .. |
Black-faced Apalis | Apalis personata | |
Yellow-breasted Apalis | Apalis flavida | .. |
Rudd’s Apalis | Apalis ruddi | |
Sharpe’s Apalis | Apalis sharpii | . |
Buff-throated Apalis | Apalis rufogularis | |
Kungwe Apalis | Apalis argentea | |
Bamenda Apalis | Apalis bamendae | |
Gosling’s Apalis | Apalis goslingi | |
Kabobo Apalis | Apalis kaboboensis | |
Chestnut-throated Apalis | Apalis porphyrolaema | .. |
Chapin’s Apalis | Apalis chapini | |
Black-headed Apalis | Apalis melanocephala | .. |
Chirinda Apalis | Apalis chirindensis | |
Gray Apalis | Apalis cinerea | . |
Brown-headed Apalis | Apalis alticola | |
Karamoja Apalis | Apalis karamojae | |
Maasai Apalis | Apalis stronachi | |
Common Tailorbird | Orthotomus sutorius | .. |
Rufous-fronted Tailorbird | Orthotomus frontalis | |
Dark-necked Tailorbird | Orthotomus atrogularis | .. |
Cambodian Tailorbird | Orthotomus chaktomuk | |
Ashy Tailorbird | Orthotomus ruficeps | .. |
Olive-backed Tailorbird | Orthotomus sepium | |
Rufous-tailed Tailorbird | Orthotomus sericeus | . |
Visayan Tailorbird | Orthotomus castaneiceps | |
Gray-backed Tailorbird | Orthotomus derbianus | |
Green-backed Tailorbird | Orthotomus chloronotus | |
Yellow-breasted Tailorbird | Orthotomus samarensis | |
White-browed Tailorbird | Orthotomus nigriceps | |
White-eared Tailorbird | Orthotomus cinereiceps | |
Himalayan Prinia | Prinia crinigera | |
Striped Prinia | Prinia striata | |
Burmese Prinia | Prinia cooki | |
Annam Prinia | Prinia rocki | |
Brown Prinia | Prinia polychroa | |
Black-throated Prinia | Prinia atrogularis | |
Rufous-crowned Prinia | Prinia khasiana | |
Hill Prinia | Prinia superciliaris | . |
Gray-crowned Prinia | Prinia cinereocapilla | |
Rufous-fronted Prinia | Prinia buchanani | |
Rufescent Prinia | Prinia rufescens | .. |
Gray-breasted Prinia | Prinia hodgsonii | .. |
Bar-winged Prinia | Prinia familiaris | |
Graceful Prinia | Prinia gracilis | .. |
Delicate Prinia | Prinia lepida | |
Jungle Prinia | Prinia sylvatica | |
Yellow-bellied Prinia | Prinia flaviventris | .. |
Ashy Prinia | Prinia socialis | . |
Tawny-flanked Prinia | Prinia subflava | .. |
Plain Prinia | Prinia inornata | .. |
Pale Prinia | Prinia somalica | |
River Prinia | Prinia fluviatilis | |
Black-chested Prinia | Prinia flavicans | . |
Karoo Prinia | Prinia maculosa | .. |
Drakensberg Prinia | Prinia hypoxantha | |
Sao Tome Prinia | Prinia molleri | |
Banded Prinia | Prinia bairdii | . |
Red-winged Prinia | Prinia erythroptera | . |
Red-fronted Prinia | Prinia rufifrons | .. |
Cinnamon-breasted Warbler | Euryptila subcinnamomea | .. |
Mrs. Moreau’s Warbler | Scepomycter winifredae | |
Socotra Warbler | Incana incana | |
Rufous-eared Warbler | Malcorus pectoralis | |
Black-capped Rufous-Warbler | Bathmocercus cerviniventris | |
Black-faced Rufous-Warbler | Bathmocercus rufus | .. |
Oriole Warbler | Hypergerus atriceps | .. |
Gray-capped Warbler | Eminia lepida | .. |
Red-faced Cisticola | Cisticola erythrops | .. |
Singing Cisticola | Cisticola cantans | .. |
Whistling Cisticola | Cisticola lateralis | .. |
Chattering Cisticola | Cisticola anonymus | |
Trilling Cisticola | Cisticola woosnami | . |
Bubbling Cisticola | Cisticola bulliens | |
Chubb’s Cisticola | Cisticola chubbi | .. |
Hunter’s Cisticola | Cisticola hunteri | . |
Black-lored Cisticola | Cisticola nigriloris | |
Kilombero Cisticola | Cisticola bakerorum | |
Rock-loving Cisticola | Cisticola aberrans | |
Huambo Cisticola | Cisticola bailunduensis | |
Boran Cisticola | Cisticola bodessa | |
Rattling Cisticola | Cisticola chiniana | .. |
Ashy Cisticola | Cisticola cinereolus | .. |
Red-pate Cisticola | Cisticola ruficeps | |
Dorst’s Cisticola | Cisticola guinea | |
Tinkling Cisticola | Cisticola rufilatus | . |
Gray-backed Cisticola | Cisticola subruficapilla | .. |
Lynes’s Cisticola | Cisticola distinctus | .. |
Wailing Cisticola | Cisticola lais | |
Tana River Cisticola | Cisticola restrictus | |
Churring Cisticola | Cisticola njombe | |
Coastal Cisticola | Cisticola haematocephalus | . |
White-tailed Cisticola | Cisticola anderseni | |
Luapula Cisticola | Cisticola luapula | |
Chirping Cisticola | Cisticola pipiens | |
Ethiopian Cisticola | Cisticola lugubris | . |
Winding Cisticola | Cisticola marginatus | .. |
Rufous-winged Cisticola | Cisticola galactotes | |
Carruthers’s Cisticola | Cisticola carruthersi | .. |
Levaillant’s Cisticola | Cisticola tinniens | |
Stout Cisticola | Cisticola robustus | . |
Croaking Cisticola | Cisticola natalensis | . |
Piping Cisticola | Cisticola fulvicapilla | .. |
Aberdare Cisticola | Cisticola aberdare | |
Tabora Cisticola | Cisticola angusticauda | . |
Slender-tailed Cisticola | Cisticola melanurus | |
Siffling Cisticola | Cisticola brachypterus | .. |
Rufous Cisticola | Cisticola rufus | |
Foxy Cisticola | Cisticola troglodytes | |
Tiny Cisticola | Cisticola nana | . |
Zitting Cisticola | Cisticola juncidis | .. |
Socotra Cisticola | Cisticola haesitatus | |
Madagascar Cisticola | Cisticola cherina | .. |
Desert Cisticola | Cisticola aridulus | .. |
Cloud Cisticola | Cisticola textrix | |
Black-backed Cisticola | Cisticola eximius | |
Dambo Cisticola | Cisticola dambo | |
Pectoral-patch Cisticola | Cisticola brunnescens | . |
Pale-crowned Cisticola | Cisticola cinnamomeus | |
Wing-snapping Cisticola | Cisticola ayresii | |
Golden-headed Cisticola | Cisticola exilis | .. |

Zitting Cisticola, Israel 2014

1 Bar-throated Apalis, South Africa; 2 Dark-necked Tailorbird, Thailand; 3 Common Jery, Madagascar; 4 Yellow-bellied Prinia, India; 5 Stripe-throated Jery, Madagascar; 6 Plain Prinia, Thailand; 7 Karoo Prinia, South Africa; 8 Senegal Eremomela, Ghana; 9 Rufescent Prinia, Thailand; 10 Red-faced Cisticola, South Africa; 11 Ethiopian Cisticola, Ethiopia; 12 Green Jery, Madagascar; 13 Common Tailorbird, India; 14 Gray-breasted Prinia, India; 15 Madagascar Cisticola, Madagascar; 16 Graceful Prinia, Israel; 17 Piping Cisticola, South Africa; 18 Cinnamon-breasted Warbler, South Africa; 19 Levaillant’s Cisticola, South Africa; 20 Zitting Cisticola, Israel; 21 Red-headed Cisticola, South Africa; 22 Mountain Masked Apalis, Uganda; 23 Tawny-Flanked Prinia, South Africa; 24 Singing Cisticola, Uganda; 25 Rattling Cisticola, South Africa; 26 Ruwenzori Apalis, Uganda; 27 Whistling Cisticola, Uganda; 28 Grey-capped Warbler, Uganda; 29 Oriole Warbler, Ghana; 30 Siffling Cisticola, Ghana; 31 Olive-green Camaroptera, Uganda; 32 Yellow-browed Camaroptera, Ghana; 33 Chubb’s Cisticola, Uganda; 34 Green-backed Eremomela, Uganda; 35 Black-faced Rufous-warbler, Uganda; 36 Carruthers’s Cisticola, Uganda; 37 Buff-bellied Warbler, Uganda; 38 Chestnut-throated Apalis, Uganda; 39 Yellow-breasted Apalis, Ghana; 40 White-chinned Prinia, Uganda

41 African Tailorbird, Tanzania; 42 Black-headed Apalis, Tanzania; 43 Red-fronted Prinia, Tanzania ;44 Gray Wren-Warbler, Tanzania ;45 Long-billed Tailorbird, Tanzania; 46 Ashy Cisticola, Tanzania; 47 Wailing Cisticola; (Lyne’s). Tanzania; 48 Winding Cisticola, Tanzania; 49 Desert Cisticola, Tanzania
Family #186
Reed Warblers and Allies (Acrocephalidae)
- Species: 60 (4 extinct)
- Distribution: Afrotropic, Australasia, Indomalaya, Palearctic
- IOC family #196, HBW family #182 (Reed-warblers), H&M family #209
- Passeriformes Family Group: Sylvioid Oscines
- wf253 status: 92% members ticked
- OH: 26 seen, 19 photographed, first seen in Israel, 1978
Grauer’s Warbler | Graueria vittata | |
Aldabra Brush-Warbler | Nesillas aldabrana | |
Malagasy Brush-Warbler | Nesillas typica | .. |
Subdesert Brush-Warbler | Nesillas lantzii | .. |
Grande Comore Brush-Warbler | Nesillas brevicaudata | |
Moheli Brush-Warbler | Nesillas mariae | |
Papyrus Yellow-Warbler | Calamonastides gracilirostris | |
Thick-billed Warbler | Arundinax aedon | . |
Booted Warbler | Iduna caligata | . |
Sykes’s Warbler | Iduna rama | |
Eastern Olivaceous Warbler | Iduna pallida | .. |
Western Olivaceous Warbler | Iduna opaca | . |
African Yellow-Warbler | Iduna natalensis | .. |
Mountain Yellow-Warbler | Iduna similis | .. |
Upcher’s Warbler | Hippolais languida | . |
Olive-tree Warbler | Hippolais olivetorum | .. |
Melodious Warbler | Hippolais polyglotta | .. |
Icterine Warbler | Hippolais icterina | .. |
Aquatic Warbler | Acrocephalus paludicola | .. |
Black-browed Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus bistrigiceps | . |
Streaked Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus sorghophilus | |
Moustached Warbler | Acrocephalus melanopogon | .. |
Sedge Warbler | Acrocephalus schoenobaenus | .. |
Paddyfield Warbler | Acrocephalus agricola | .. |
Blunt-winged Warbler | Acrocephalus concinens | |
Manchurian Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus tangorum | |
Blyth’s Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus dumetorum | |
Large-billed Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus orinus | |
Marsh Warbler | Acrocephalus palustris | .. |
Common Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | .. |
Basra Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus griseldis | . |
Lesser Swamp Warbler | Acrocephalus gracilirostris | .. |
Greater Swamp Warbler | Acrocephalus rufescens | |
Cape Verde Swamp Warbler | Acrocephalus brevipennis | |
Madagascar Swamp Warbler | Acrocephalus newtoni | .. |
Rodrigues Warbler | Acrocephalus rodericanus | |
Seychelles Warbler | Acrocephalus sechellensis | |
Great Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus arundinaceus | . |
Oriental Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus orientalis | .. |
Clamorous Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus stentoreus | .. |
Nightingale Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus luscinius | exinct |
Saipan Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus hiwae | |
Australian Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus australis | .. |
Caroline Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus syrinx | |
Aguiguan Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus nijoi | exinct |
Kiritimati Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus aequinoctialis | |
Southern Marquesan Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus mendanae | |
Pagan Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus yamashinae | exinct |
Nauru Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus rehsei | |
Millerbird | Acrocephalus familiaris | |
Pitcairn Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus vaughani | |
Henderson Island Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus taiti | |
Cook Islands Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus kerearako | |
Rimatara Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus rimitarae | |
Society Islands Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus musae | |
Tahiti Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus caffer | |
Moorea Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus longirostris | |
Northern Marquesan Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus percernis | |
Tuamotu Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus atyphus | |
Mangareva Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus astrolabii | exinct |

1 Olive-tree Warbler, Israel; 2 Melodious Warbler, Spain; 3 Icterine Warbler, Israel; 4 Aquatic Warbler, Poland; 5 Mountain Yellow Warbler, Uganda; 6 Moustached Warbler, Israel; 7 Sedge Warbler, Israel; 8 Paddyfield Warbler, Israel; 9 Marsh Warbler, Israel; 10 Eurasian Reed-Warbler, Israel; 11 Lesser Swamp Warbler, Uganda; 12 Malagasy Brush Warbler, Madagascar; 13 African Reed-Warbler, South Africa; 14 Oriental Reed-Warbler, Thailand; 15 Subdesert Brush Warbler, Madagascar; 16 Madagascan Swamp Warbler, Madagascar; 17 Clamorous Reed-Warbler, Israel; 18 Australian Reed-Warbler, Australia; 19 Eastern Olivaceous Warbler, Israel

African Yellow-Warbler, Tanzania 2021
Family #187
Grassbirds and Allies (Locustellidae)
- Species: 67 (1 extinct)
- Distribution: Afrotropic, Australasia, Indomalaya, Palearctic
- IOC family #197, HBW family #184 (Grasshopper-warblers and Grassbirds), H&M family #206 (Locustella warblers and allies)
- Passeriformes Family Group: Sylvioid Oscines
- wf253 status: 86% members ticked
- OH: 16 seen, 9 photographed, first seen in Israel, 1979
Cordillera Ground-Warbler | Robsonius rabori | |
Sierra Madre Ground-Warbler | Robsonius thompsoni | |
Bicol Ground-Warbler | Robsonius sorsogonensis | |
Gray’s Grasshopper Warbler | Helopsaltes fasciolatus | |
Sakhalin Grasshopper Warbler | Helopsaltes amnicola | |
Marsh Grassbird | Helopsaltes pryeri | |
Pallas’s Grasshopper Warbler | Helopsaltes certhiola | . |
Middendorff’s Grasshopper Warbler | Helopsaltes ochotensis | |
Pleske’s Grasshopper Warbler | Helopsaltes pleskei | |
Lanceolated Warbler | Locustella lanceolata | |
Bamboo Warbler | Locustella alfredi | |
River Warbler | Locustella fluviatilis | .. |
Savi’s Warbler | Locustella luscinioides | .. |
Brown Bush Warbler | Locustella luteoventris | |
Common Grasshopper Warbler | Locustella naevia | . |
Long-billed Bush Warbler | Locustella major | |
Chinese Bush Warbler | Locustella tacsanowskia | |
Friendly Bush Warbler | Locustella accentor | |
Long-tailed Bush Warbler | Locustella caudata | |
Sulawesi Bush Warbler | Locustella castanea | |
Seram Bush Warbler | Locustella musculus | |
Taliabu Bush Warbler | Locustella portenta | |
Buru Bush Warbler | Locustella disturbans | |
Baikal Bush Warbler | Locustella davidi | |
West Himalayan Bush Warbler | Locustella kashmirensis | |
Spotted Bush Warbler | Locustella thoracica | |
Taiwan Bush Warbler | Locustella alishanensis | |
Russet Bush Warbler | Locustella mandelli | . |
Dalat Bush Warbler | Locustella idonea | |
Sichuan Bush Warbler | Locustella chengi | |
Javan Bush Warbler | Locustella montis | |
Benguet Bush Warbler | Locustella seebohmi | |
Fly River Grassbird | Poodytes albolimbatus | |
Spinifexbird | Poodytes carteri | |
Little Grassbird | Poodytes gramineus | . |
New Zealand Fernbird | Poodytes punctatus | .. |
Chatham Islands Fernbird | Poodytes rufescens | (extinct) |
Malia | Malia grata | .. |
Brown Songlark | Cincloramphus cruralis | .. |
Bismarck Thicketbird | Cincloramphus grosvenori | |
Rusty Thicketbird | Cincloramphus rubiginosus | |
Buff-banded Bushbird | Cincloramphus bivittatus | |
Rufous Songlark | Cincloramphus mathewsi | .. |
Tawny Grassbird | Cincloramphus timoriensis | . |
Papuan Grassbird | Cincloramphus macrurus | .. |
Santo Thicketbird | Cincloramphus whitneyi | |
Guadalcanal Thicketbird | Cincloramphus turipavae | |
New Caledonian Grassbird | Cincloramphus mariae | .. |
Long-legged Thicketbird | Cincloramphus rufus | |
Bougainville Thicketbird | Cincloramphus llaneae | |
Sri Lanka Bush Warbler | Elaphrornis palliseri | |
Broad-tailed Grassbird | Schoenicola platyurus | |
Bristled Grassbird | Schoenicola striatus | |
Fan-tailed Grassbird | Catriscus brevirostris | |
Striated Grassbird | Megalurus palustris | .. |
Knysna Warbler | Bradypterus sylvaticus | |
Bangwa Warbler | Bradypterus bangwaensis | |
Barratt’s Warbler | Bradypterus barratti | |
Evergreen-forest Warbler | Bradypterus lopezi | . |
Cinnamon Bracken-Warbler | Bradypterus cinnamomeus | . |
Gray Emutail | Bradypterus seebohmi | |
Brown Emutail | Bradypterus brunneus | |
Dja River Swamp Warbler | Bradypterus grandis | |
Little Rush Warbler | Bradypterus baboecala | |
White-winged Swamp Warbler | Bradypterus carpalis | |
Grauer’s Swamp Warbler | Bradypterus graueri | |
Highland Rush Warbler | Bradypterus centralis |

1 New Caledonian Thicketbird, New Caledonia; 2 Striated Grassbird, India; 3 Savi’s Warbler, Israel; 4 Brown Songlark, Australia; 5 Fernbird, New Zealand

6 Papuan Grassbird, Papua New Guinea; 7 River Warbler, Israel; 8 Rufous Songlark, Australia
Family #188
Donacobius (Donacobiidae)
- Species: 1
- Distribution: Neotropical endemic
- IOC family #198 (Black-capped Donacobius), HBW family #185, H&M family #207
- Passeriformes Family Group: Sylvioid Oscines
- wf253 status: 68% members ticked
- OH: 1 seen and photographed, first seen in Brazil, 2011
Black-capped Donacobius | Donacobius atricapilla | .. |

Black-capped Donacobius, Ecuador 2019
Family #189
Malagasy Warblers (Bernieridae)
- Species: 11
- Distribution: Afrotropical endemic (Madagascar)
- IOC family #199 (Tetrakas & Allies), HBW family #186 (Tetrakas), H&M family #208 (Jerys, Tetrakas and allies)
- Passeriformes Family Group: Sylvioid Oscines
- wf253 status: 38% members ticked
- OH: 8 seen, 6 photographed, first seen in Madagascar, 2016
- Finding Hints
White-throated Oxylabes | Oxylabes madagascariensis | . |
Long-billed Bernieria | Bernieria madagascariensis | .. |
Cryptic Warbler | Cryptosylvicola randrianasoloi | |
Wedge-tailed Jery | Hartertula flavoviridis | . |
Thamnornis | Thamnornis chloropetoides | .. |
Madagascar Yellowbrow | Crossleyia xanthophrys | |
Dusky Tetraka | Crossleyia tenebrosa | |
Spectacled Tetraka | Xanthomixis zosterops | .. |
Appert’s Tetraka | Xanthomixis apperti | .. |
Gray-crowned Tetraka | Xanthomixis cinereiceps | .. |
Rand’s Warbler | Randia pseudozosterops | .. |

1 Long-billed Bernieria, Madagascar; 2 Thamnornis, Madagascar; 3 Rand’s Warbler, Madagascar; 4 Appert’s Tetraka, Madagascar; 5 Spectacled Tetraka, Madagascar; 6 Grey-crowned Tetraka, Madagascar
Family #190
Cupwings (Pnoepygidae)
- Species: 4
- Distribution: Indomalayan endemic
- IOC family #188, HBW family #183, H&M family #210 (Wren Babblers)
- Passeriformes Family Group: Sylvioid Oscines
- wf253 status: 54% members ticked
- OH: 2 seen, 1 photographed, first seen in Thailand, 2012
Scaly-breasted Cupwing | Pnoepyga albiventer | . |
Taiwan Cupwing | Pnoepyga formosana | |
Immaculate Cupwing | Pnoepyga immaculata | |
Pygmy Cupwing | Pnoepyga pusilla | .. |

Pygmy Cupwing, India 2018
Family #191
Swallows (Hirundinidae)
- Species: 96
- Distribution: Global
- IOC family #187 (Swallows, Martins), HBW family #187 (Swallows and Martins), H&M family #211
- Passeriformes Family Group: Sylvioid Oscines
- wf253 status: 100% members ticked
- OH: 49 seen, 36 photographed, first seen in Israel, 1976
Scaly-breasted Cupwing | Pnoepyga albiventer | . |
Taiwan Cupwing | Pnoepyga formosana | |
Immaculate Cupwing | Pnoepyga immaculata | |
Pygmy Cupwing | Pnoepyga pusilla | .. |
African River Martin | Pseudochelidon eurystomina | |
White-eyed River Martin | Pseudochelidon sirintarae | |
Square-tailed Sawwing | Psalidoprocne nitens | . |
Mountain Sawwing | Psalidoprocne fuliginosa | |
White-headed Sawwing | Psalidoprocne albiceps | |
Black Sawwing | Psalidoprocne pristoptera | .. |
Fanti Sawwing | Psalidoprocne obscura | . |
Gray-rumped Swallow | Pseudhirundo griseopyga | |
White-backed Swallow | Cheramoeca leucosterna | .. |
Mascarene Martin | Phedina borbonica | .. |
Banded Martin | Neophedina cincta | . |
Brazza’s Martin | Phedinopsis brazzae | |
Plain Martin | Riparia paludicola | .. |
Madagascar Martin | Riparia cowani | . |
Gray-throated Martin | Riparia chinensis | . |
Congo Martin | Riparia congica | |
Bank Swallow | Riparia riparia | .. |
Pale Martin | Riparia diluta | .. |
Tree Swallow | Tachycineta bicolor | .. |
Tumbes Swallow | Tachycineta stolzmanni | . |
White-winged Swallow | Tachycineta albiventer | .. |
White-rumped Swallow | Tachycineta leucorrhoa | . |
Chilean Swallow | Tachycineta leucopyga | . |
Mangrove Swallow | Tachycineta albilinea | .. |
Golden Swallow | Tachycineta euchrysea | .. |
Violet-green Swallow | Tachycineta thalassina | .. |
Bahama Swallow | Tachycineta cyaneoviridis | |
Purple Martin | Progne subis | .. |
Cuban Martin | Progne cryptoleuca | |
Caribbean Martin | Progne dominicensis | .. |
Sinaloa Martin | Progne sinaloae | |
Gray-breasted Martin | Progne chalybea | .. |
Southern Martin | Progne elegans | .. |
Peruvian Martin | Progne murphyi | |
Galapagos Martin | Progne modesta | |
Brown-chested Martin | Progne tapera | .. |
Northern Rough-winged Swallow | Stelgidopteryx serripennis | .. |
Southern Rough-winged Swallow | Stelgidopteryx ruficollis | .. |
Black-capped Swallow | Atticora pileata | |
White-thighed Swallow | Atticora tibialis | |
White-banded Swallow | Atticora fasciata | .. |
Blue-and-white Swallow | Pygochelidon cyanoleuca | .. |
Black-collared Swallow | Pygochelidon melanoleuca | |
Tawny-headed Swallow | Alopochelidon fucata | |
Pale-footed Swallow | Orochelidon flavipes | |
Brown-bellied Swallow | Orochelidon murina | |
Andean Swallow | Orochelidon andecola | |
Eurasian Crag-Martin | Ptyonoprogne rupestris | .. |
Pale Crag-Martin | Ptyonoprogne obsoleta | .. |
Red-throated Crag-Martin | Ptyonoprogne rufigula | . |
Southern Crag-Martin | Ptyonoprogne fuligula | . |
Dusky Crag-Martin | Ptyonoprogne concolor | |
Montane Blue Swallow | Hirundo atrocaerulea | |
Black-and-rufous Swallow | Hirundo nigrorufa | |
Pearl-breasted Swallow | Hirundo dimidiata | . |
Hill Swallow | Hirundo domicola | |
Pacific Swallow | Hirundo javanica | .. |
Tahiti Swallow | Hirundo tahitica | |
Pied-winged Swallow | Hirundo leucosoma | |
White-tailed Swallow | Hirundo megaensis | |
Welcome Swallow | Hirundo neoxena | .. |
Barn Swallow | Hirundo rustica | .. |
Red-chested Swallow | Hirundo lucida | |
Ethiopian Swallow | Hirundo aethiopica | .. |
Angola Swallow | Hirundo angolensis | .. |
White-throated Blue Swallow | Hirundo nigrita | .. |
White-throated Swallow | Hirundo albigularis | .. |
Wire-tailed Swallow | Hirundo smithii | .. |
Forest Swallow | Atronanus fuliginosus | |
Western House-Martin | Delichon urbicum | .. |
Siberian House-Martin | Delichon lagopodum | |
Asian House-Martin | Delichon dasypus | .. |
Nepal House-Martin | Delichon nipalense | . |
Greater Striped Swallow | Cecropis cucullata | . |
European Red-rumped Swallow | Cecropis rufula | .. |
African Red-rumped Swallow | Cecropis melanocrissus | |
Eastern Red-rumped Swallow | Cecropis daurica | . |
Sri Lanka Swallow | Cecropis hyperythra | |
Rufous-bellied Swallow | Cecropis badia | |
Lesser Striped Swallow | Cecropis abyssinica | .. |
Rufous-chested Swallow | Cecropis semirufa | |
Mosque Swallow | Cecropis senegalensis | .. |
Red-throated Swallow | Petrochelidon rufigula | |
Preuss’s Swallow | Petrochelidon preussi | .. |
Red Sea Swallow | Petrochelidon perdita | |
South African Swallow | Petrochelidon spilodera | |
Streak-throated Swallow | Petrochelidon fluvicola | |
Fairy Martin | Petrochelidon ariel | . |
Tree Martin | Petrochelidon nigricans | .. |
Cliff Swallow | Petrochelidon pyrrhonota | . |
Cave Swallow | Petrochelidon fulva | . |
Chestnut-collared Swallow | Petrochelidon rufocollaris |

1 Northern Rough-winged Swallow, Mexico; 2 Lesser Striped-swallow, Uganda; 3 Gray-breasted Martin, Brazil; 4 Black Saw-Wing, Uganda; 5 Golden Swallow, Dominican Republic; 6 Caribbean Martin, Dominican Republic; 7 Mascarene Martin, Madagascar; 8 Ethiopian Swallow, Ghana; 9 Rock Martin, Uganda; 10 Violet-green Swallow, USA; 11 Bank Swallow, Poland; 12 Barn Swallow, Israel; 13 Eurasian Crag-Martin, Israel; 14 Wire-tailed Swallow, South Africa; 15 Red-rumped Swallow, Spain; 16 White-throated Swallow, South Africa; 17 Tree Martin, Australia; 18 White-throated Blue Swallow, Ghana; 19 White-banded Swallow, Ecuador; 20 Brown-chested Martin, Brazil; 21 Blue-and-white Swallow, Brazil; 22 Asian House-Martin, Israel; 23 Plain Martin, South Africa; 24 Mosque Swallow, South Africa; 25 Tree Swallow, USA; 26 Angola Swallow, Uganda; 27 White-winged Swallow, Ecuador; 28 White-rumped Swallow, Argentina; 29 Preuss’s Cliff Swallow, Ghana; 30 Common House-Martin, Portugal; 31 Purple Martin, USA; 32 Welcome Swallow, Australia; 33 Southern Martin, Argentina; 34 White-backed Swallow, Australia; 35 Southern Rough-winged Swallow, Panama; 36 Mangrove Swallow, Panama

Pacific Swallow, Borneo 2023
Family #192
Bulbuls (Pycnonotidae)
- Species: 161
- Distribution: Afrotropic, Indomalaya, Palearctic
- IOC family #186, HBW family #188, H&M family #212
- Passeriformes Family Group: Sylvioid Oscines
- wf253 status: 95% members ticked
- OH: 71 seen, 41 photographed, first seen in Israel, 1976
Sombre Greenbul | Andropadus importunus | .. |
Slender-billed Greenbul | Stelgidillas gracilirostris | .. |
Golden Greenbul | Calyptocichla serinus | .. |
Black-collared Bulbul | Neolestes torquatus | |
Red-tailed Bristlebill | Bleda syndactylus | . |
Green-tailed Bristlebill | Bleda eximius | |
Yellow-lored Bristlebill | Bleda notatus | |
Yellow-eyed Bristlebill | Bleda ugandae | |
Gray-headed Bristlebill | Bleda canicapillus | . |
Yellow-gorgeted Greenbul | Atimastillas flavicollis | .. |
Pale-throated Greenbul | Atimastillas flavigula | . |
Spotted Greenbul | Ixonotus guttatus | |
Swamp Greenbul | Thescelocichla leucopleura | .. |
Joyful Greenbul | Chlorocichla laetissima | |
Prigogine’s Greenbul | Chlorocichla prigoginei | |
Yellow-necked Greenbul | Chlorocichla falkensteini | |
Yellow-bellied Greenbul | Chlorocichla flaviventris | .. |
Simple Greenbul | Chlorocichla simplex | . |
Honeyguide Greenbul | Baeopogon indicator | . |
Sjöstedt’s Greenbul | Baeopogon clamans | |
Cameroon Mountain Greenbul | Arizelocichla montana | |
Shelley’s Greenbul | Arizelocichla masukuensis | . |
Western Mountain Greenbul | Arizelocichla tephrolaema | |
Kikuyu Mountain Greenbul | Arizelocichla kikuyuensis | .. |
Black-headed Mountain Greenbul | Arizelocichla nigriceps | . |
Uluguru Mountain Greenbul | Arizelocichla neumanni | |
Black-browed Mountain Greenbul | Arizelocichla fusciceps | |
Olive-headed Greenbul | Arizelocichla striifacies | |
Stripe-cheeked Greenbul | Arizelocichla milanjensis | |
Yellow-throated Mountain Greenbul | Arizelocichla chlorigula | |
Western Bearded-Greenbul | Criniger barbatus | .. |
Eastern Bearded-Greenbul | Criniger chloronotus | |
Red-tailed Greenbul | Criniger calurus | .. |
White-bearded Greenbul | Criniger ndussumensis | |
Yellow-bearded Greenbul | Criniger olivaceus | |
Little Greenbul | Eurillas virens | . |
Yellow-whiskered Greenbul | Eurillas latirostris | . |
Plain Greenbul | Eurillas curvirostris | . |
Gray Greenbul | Eurillas gracilis | . |
Ansorge’s Greenbul | Eurillas ansorgei | |
Tiny Greenbul | Phyllastrephus debilis | . |
Usambara Greenbul | Phyllastrephus albigula | |
White-throated Greenbul | Phyllastrephus albigularis | .. |
Angola Greenbul | Phyllastrephus viridiceps | |
Yellow-streaked Greenbul | Phyllastrephus flavostriatus | . |
Xavier’s Greenbul | Phyllastrephus xavieri | . |
Icterine Greenbul | Phyllastrephus icterinus | . |
Terrestrial Brownbul | Phyllastrephus terrestris | .. |
Cameroon Olive-Greenbul | Phyllastrephus poensis | |
Northern Brownbul | Phyllastrephus strepitans | .. |
Gray-olive Greenbul | Phyllastrephus cerviniventris | |
Fischer’s Greenbul | Phyllastrephus fischeri | . |
Cabanis’s Greenbul | Phyllastrephus cabanisi | |
Leaf-love | Phyllastrephus scandens | . |
Sassi’s Greenbul | Phyllastrephus lorenzi | |
Gray-headed Greenbul | Phyllastrephus poliocephalus | |
Toro Olive-Greenbul | Phyllastrephus hypochloris | .. |
Baumann’s Greenbul | Phyllastrephus baumanni | |
Pale-olive Greenbul | Phyllastrephus fulviventris | |
Hairy-backed Bulbul | Tricholestes criniger | .. |
Hook-billed Bulbul | Setornis criniger | . |
Yellow-bellied Bulbul | Alophoixus phaeocephalus | . |
Gray-throated Bulbul | Alophoixus frater | |
Gray-cheeked Bulbul | Alophoixus tephrogenys | .. |
Penan Bulbul | Alophoixus ruficrissus | . |
Brown-cheeked Bulbul | Alophoixus bres | |
White-throated Bulbul | Alophoixus flaveolus | |
Ochraceous Bulbul | Alophoixus ochraceus | |
Puff-throated Bulbul | Alophoixus pallidus | .. |
Striated Bulbul | Alcurus striatus | .. |
Finsch’s Bulbul | Iole finschii | |
Sulphur-bellied Bulbul | Iole palawanensis | |
Olive Bulbul | Iole viridescens | |
Buff-vented Bulbul | Iole crypta | |
Charlotte’s Bulbul | Iole charlottae | .. |
Cachar Bulbul | Iole cacharensis | |
Gray-eyed Bulbul | Iole propinqua | . |
Ashy Bulbul | Hemixos flavala | .. |
Cinereous Bulbul | Hemixos cinereus | .. |
Chestnut Bulbul | Hemixos castanonotus | |
Yellow-browed Bulbul | Acritillas indica | |
Cream-striped Bulbul | Ixos leucogrammicus | |
Sumatran Bulbul | Ixos sumatranus | |
Javan Bulbul | Ixos virescens | |
Streaked Bulbul | Ixos malaccensis | .. |
Mountain Bulbul | Ixos mcclellandii | .. |
Nicobar Bulbul | Hypsipetes nicobariensis | |
Philippine Bulbul | Hypsipetes philippinus | |
Mindoro Bulbul | Hypsipetes mindorensis | |
Streak-breasted Bulbul | Hypsipetes siquijorensis | |
Seram Golden-Bulbul | Hypsipetes affinis | |
Sangihe Golden-Bulbul | Hypsipetes platenae | |
Togian Golden-Bulbul | Hypsipetes aureus | |
Banggai Golden-Bulbul | Hypsipetes harterti | |
Sula Golden-Bulbul | Hypsipetes longirostris | |
Halmahera Golden-Bulbul | Hypsipetes chloris | |
Obi Golden-Bulbul | Hypsipetes lucasi | |
Buru Golden-Bulbul | Hypsipetes mysticalis | |
Visayan Bulbul | Hypsipetes guimarasensis | |
Yellowish Bulbul | Hypsipetes everetti | |
Camiguin Bulbul | Hypsipetes catarmanensis | |
Zamboanga Bulbul | Hypsipetes rufigularis | |
Brown-eared Bulbul | Hypsipetes amaurotis | .. |
Reunion Bulbul | Hypsipetes borbonicus | |
Malagasy Bulbul | Hypsipetes madagascariensis | .. |
Mauritius Bulbul | Hypsipetes olivaceus | |
White-headed Bulbul | Hypsipetes thompsoni | .. |
Black Bulbul | Hypsipetes leucocephalus | .. |
Square-tailed Bulbul | Hypsipetes ganeesa | |
Grande Comore Bulbul | Hypsipetes parvirostris | |
Moheli Bulbul | Hypsipetes moheliensis | |
Seychelles Bulbul | Hypsipetes crassirostris | |
Puff-backed Bulbul | Microtarsus eutilotus | . |
Black-and-white Bulbul | Microtarsus melanoleucos | |
Yellow-wattled Bulbul | Microtarsus urostictus | |
Gray-headed Bulbul | Microtarsus priocephalus | |
Black-headed Bulbul | Microtarsus melanocephalos | . |
Andaman Bulbul | Microtarsus fuscoflavescens | |
Blue-wattled Bulbul | Microtarsus nieuwenhuisii | |
Spectacled Bulbul | Rubigula erythropthalmos | . |
Gray-bellied Bulbul | Rubigula cyaniventris | . |
Scaly-breasted Bulbul | Rubigula squamata | .. |
Black-crested Bulbul | Rubigula flaviventris | .. |
Flame-throated Bulbul | Rubigula gularis | |
Black-capped Bulbul | Rubigula melanictera | |
Ruby-throated Bulbul | Rubigula dispar | |
Bornean Bulbul | Rubigula montis | .. |
Bare-faced Bulbul | Nok hualon | |
Crested Finchbill | Spizixos canifrons | . |
Collared Finchbill | Spizixos semitorques | |
Spot-necked Bulbul | Pycnonotus tympanistrigus | |
Cream-vented Bulbul | Pycnonotus simplex | . |
Olive-winged Bulbul | Pycnonotus plumosus | . |
Red-eyed Bulbul | Pycnonotus brunneus | .. |
Straw-headed Bulbul | Pycnonotus zeylanicus | |
Cream-eyed Bulbul | Pycnonotus pseudosimplex | . |
Ashy-fronted Bulbul | Pycnonotus cinereifrons | |
White-browed Bulbul | Pycnonotus luteolus | |
Ayeyarwady Bulbul | Pycnonotus blanfordi | |
Streak-eared Bulbul | Pycnonotus conradi | .. |
Pale-eyed Bulbul | Pycnonotus davisoni | |
Stripe-throated Bulbul | Pycnonotus finlaysoni | .. |
Flavescent Bulbul | Pycnonotus flavescens | .. |
Aceh Bulbul | Pycnonotus snouckaerti | |
Orange-spotted Bulbul | Pycnonotus bimaculatus | |
Pale-faced Bulbul | Pycnonotus leucops | . |
Yellow-throated Bulbul | Pycnonotus xantholaemus | |
Yellow-eared Bulbul | Pycnonotus penicillatus | |
Brown-breasted Bulbul | Pycnonotus xanthorrhous | .. |
Light-vented Bulbul | Pycnonotus sinensis | .. |
Styan’s Bulbul | Pycnonotus taivanus | |
Common Bulbul | Pycnonotus barbatus | .. |
Red-whiskered Bulbul | Pycnonotus jocosus | .. |
Yellow-vented Bulbul | Pycnonotus goiavier | . |
Red-vented Bulbul | Pycnonotus cafer | .. |
Sooty-headed Bulbul | Pycnonotus aurigaster | .. |
White-eared Bulbul | Pycnonotus leucotis | |
Himalayan Bulbul | Pycnonotus leucogenys | .. |
White-spectacled Bulbul | Pycnonotus xanthopygos | .. |
Black-fronted Bulbul | Pycnonotus nigricans | |
Cape Bulbul | Pycnonotus capensis | .. |

1 Black-crested Bulbul, Thailand; 2 Cape Bulbul, South Africa; 3 Puff-throated Bulbul, Thailand; 4 Sooty-headed Bulbul, Thailand; 5 Red-whiskered Bulbul, Thailand; 6 White-spectacled Bulbul, Israel; 7 Yellow-throated Greenbul, Uganda; 8 Swamp Greenbul, Ghana; 9 Black-crested Bulbul, Thailand; 10 Stripe-throated Bulbul, Thailand; 11 Sombre Greenbul, South Africa; 12 Brown-eared Bulbul, South Korea; 13 Olive-breasted Mountain Greenbul, Uganda; 14 Terrestrial Brownbul, South Africa; 15 Slender-billed Greenbul, Uganda; 16 Dark-capped Bulbul, South Africa (ssp); 17 Golden Greenbul, Ghana; 18 Black Bulbul, India; 19 Red-tailed Greenbul, Uganda; 20 Yellow-bellied Greenbul, South Africa; 21 Common Bulbul, Ghana; 22 Western Bearded Greenbul, Ghana; 23 Malagasy Bulbul, Madagascar; 24 Mountain Bulbul, India; 25 White-headed Bulbul, Thailand; 26 Striated Bulbul, Thailand; 27 Flavescent Bulbul, Thailand; 28 Toro Olive Greenbul, Uganda; 29 Ashy Bulbul, India; 30 Streak-eared Bulbul, Thailand; 31 Brown-breasted Bulbul, Thailand; 32 Red-vented Bulbul, India; 33 Himalayan Bulbul, India
Family #193
Leaf Warblers (Phylloscopidae)
- Species: 80
- Distribution: Afrotropic, Indomalaya, Nearctic, Palearctic
- IOC family #195, HBW family #189, H&M family #213 (Old World Leaf Warblers)
- Passeriformes Family Group: Sylvioid Oscines
- wf253 status: 91% members ticked
- OH: 31 seen, 21 photographed, first seen in Israel, 1976
Wood Warbler | Phylloscopus sibilatrix | .. |
Western Bonelli’s Warbler | Phylloscopus bonelli | .. |
Eastern Bonelli’s Warbler | Phylloscopus orientalis | .. |
Ashy-throated Warbler | Phylloscopus maculipennis | .. |
Buff-barred Warbler | Phylloscopus pulcher | . |
Yellow-browed Warbler | Phylloscopus inornatus | .. |
Hume’s Warbler | Phylloscopus humei | .. |
Brooks’s Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus subviridis | |
Chinese Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus yunnanensis | |
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus proregulus | .. |
Gansu Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus kansuensis | |
Lemon-rumped Warbler | Phylloscopus chloronotus | . |
Sichuan Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus forresti | |
Tytler’s Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus tytleri | |
Radde’s Warbler | Phylloscopus schwarzi | . |
Yellow-streaked Warbler | Phylloscopus armandii | |
Sulphur-bellied Warbler | Phylloscopus griseolus | .. |
Tickell’s Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus affinis | |
Dusky Warbler | Phylloscopus fuscatus | .. |
Smoky Warbler | Phylloscopus fuligiventer | |
Plain Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus neglectus | |
Buff-throated Warbler | Phylloscopus subaffinis | |
Willow Warbler | Phylloscopus trochilus | .. |
Mountain Chiffchaff | Phylloscopus sindianus | |
Canary Islands Chiffchaff | Phylloscopus canariensis | |
Common Chiffchaff | Phylloscopus collybita | .. |
Iberian Chiffchaff | Phylloscopus ibericus | . |
Lemon-throated Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus cebuensis | |
Philippine Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus olivaceus | |
Eastern Crowned Warbler | Phylloscopus coronatus | |
Ijima’s Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus ijimae | |
Brown Woodland-Warbler | Phylloscopus umbrovirens | |
Yellow-throated Woodland-Warbler | Phylloscopus ruficapilla | .. |
Red-faced Woodland-Warbler | Phylloscopus laetus | .. |
Laura’s Woodland-Warbler | Phylloscopus laurae | |
Black-capped Woodland-Warbler | Phylloscopus herberti | |
Uganda Woodland-Warbler | Phylloscopus budongoensis | |
White-spectacled Warbler | Phylloscopus intermedius | . |
Gray-cheeked Warbler | Phylloscopus poliogenys | .. |
Green-crowned Warbler | Phylloscopus burkii | .. |
Gray-crowned Warbler | Phylloscopus tephrocephalus | . |
Whistler’s Warbler | Phylloscopus whistleri | . |
Bianchi’s Warbler | Phylloscopus valentini | |
Martens’s Warbler | Phylloscopus omeiensis | |
Alström’s Warbler | Phylloscopus soror | |
Green Warbler | Phylloscopus nitidus | .. |
Greenish Warbler | Phylloscopus trochiloides | .. |
Two-barred Warbler | Phylloscopus plumbeitarsus | . |
Emei Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus emeiensis | |
Large-billed Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus magnirostris | |
Pale-legged Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus tenellipes | |
Sakhalin Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus borealoides | |
Japanese Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus xanthodryas | |
Arctic Warbler | Phylloscopus borealis | |
Kamchatka Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus examinandus | |
Chestnut-crowned Warbler | Phylloscopus castaniceps | .. |
Yellow-breasted Warbler | Phylloscopus montis | |
Sunda Warbler | Phylloscopus grammiceps | |
Limestone Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus calciatilis | |
Yellow-vented Warbler | Phylloscopus cantator | |
Sulphur-breasted Warbler | Phylloscopus ricketti | |
Western Crowned Warbler | Phylloscopus occipitalis | |
Blyth’s Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus reguloides | .. |
Claudia’s Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus claudiae | |
Hartert’s Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus goodsoni | |
Gray-hooded Warbler | Phylloscopus xanthoschistos | .. |
Davison’s Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus intensior | |
Hainan Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus hainanus | |
Kloss’s Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus ogilviegranti | |
Mountain Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus trivirgatus | .. |
Negros Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus nigrorum | |
Timor Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus presbytes | |
Rote Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus rotiensis | |
Makira Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus makirensis | |
Sulawesi Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus nesophilus | . |
Lompobattang Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus sarasinorum | . |
Island Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus poliocephalus | |
Numfor Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus maforensis | |
Biak Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus misoriensis | |
Kolombangara Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus amoenus |

1 Hume’s Warbler, Israel; 2 Western Bonelli’s Warbler, Spain; 3 Willow Warbler, Israel; 4 Wood Warbler, Israel; 5 Ashy-throated Warbler, India; 6 Blyth’s Leaf Warbler, India; 7 Green-crowned Warbler, India; 8 Yellow-throated Wood-Warbler, South Africa; 9 Red-faced Woodland Warbler, Uganda; 10 Pallas’s Leaf Warbler, Israel; 11 Eastern Bonelli’s Warbler, Israel; 12 Grey-cheeked Warbler, India; 13 Greenish Warbler, India; 14 Gray-hooded Warbler, India; 15 Sulphur-breasted Warbler, India; 16 Yellow-browed Warbler, Israel; 17 Green Warbler, Israel; 18 Common Chiffchaff, Israel; 19 Dusky Warbler, Israel; 20 Chestnut-crowned Warbler, India
Family #194
Hylias (Hyliidae)
- Species: 2
- Distribution: Afrotropic
- IOC family #193, HBW family #180 (Crombecs and allies), H&M family #214 (Scrub Warblers and allies)
- Passeriformes Family Group: Sylvioid Oscines
- wf253 status: 50% members ticked
- OH: 2 seen, 1 photographed, first seen in Ghana, 2016
Green Hylia | Hylia prasina | .. |
Tit-hylia | Pholidornis rushiae | . |

Green Hylia, Ghana 2016
Family #195
Yellow Flycatchers (Erythrocercidae)
- Species: 3
- Distribution: Afrotropic
- IOC tba
- Passeriformes Family Group: Sylvioid Oscines
- wf253 status: tba
- OH: 2 seen not photographed yet, first seen in Uganda, 2015
Chestnut-capped Flycatcher | Erythrocercus mccallii | . |
Yellow Flycatcher | Erythrocercus holochlorus | . |
Livingstone’s Flycatcher | Erythrocercus livingstonei |
Family #196
Bush Warblers and Allies (Scotocercidae)
- Species: 32
- Distribution: Afrotropic, Indomalaya, Palearctic
- IOC 3 families: #190 (Cettia Bush Warblers & Allies), 191 (Streaked Scrub Warbler) & 192 (Yellow Flycatchers), HBW family #190, H&M family #214 (Scrub Warblers and allies)
- Passeriformes Family Group: Sylvioid Oscines
- wf253 status: 87% members ticked
- OH: 15 seen, 7 photographed, first seen in Israel, 1978
Scrub Warbler | Scotocerca inquieta | .. |
Neumann’s Warbler | Hemitesia neumanni | . |
Pale-footed Bush Warbler | Hemitesia pallidipes | |
Timor Stubtail | Urosphena subulata | |
Bornean Stubtail | Urosphena whiteheadi | .. |
Asian Stubtail | Urosphena squameiceps | .. |
Gray-bellied Tesia | Tesia cyaniventer | . |
Slaty-bellied Tesia | Tesia olivea | . |
Javan Tesia | Tesia superciliaris | |
Russet-capped Tesia | Tesia everetti | |
Chestnut-crowned Bush Warbler | Cettia major | . |
Gray-sided Bush Warbler | Cettia brunnifrons | . |
Chestnut-headed Tesia | Cettia castaneocoronata | . |
Cetti’s Warbler | Cettia cetti | .. |
Yellow-bellied Warbler | Abroscopus superciliaris | .. |
Rufous-faced Warbler | Abroscopus albogularis | |
Black-faced Warbler | Abroscopus schisticeps | .. |
Mountain Tailorbird | Phyllergates cucullatus | . |
Rufous-headed Tailorbird | Phyllergates heterolaemus | |
Broad-billed Warbler | Tickellia hodgsoni | . |
Philippine Bush Warbler | Horornis seebohmi | |
Japanese Bush Warbler | Horornis diphone | |
Manchurian Bush Warbler | Horornis canturians | |
Palau Bush Warbler | Horornis annae | |
Tanimbar Bush Warbler | Horornis carolinae | |
Shade Warbler | Horornis parens | |
Odedi | Horornis haddeni | |
Fiji Bush Warbler | Horornis ruficapilla | |
Brownish-flanked Bush Warbler | Horornis fortipes | |
Hume’s Bush Warbler | Horornis brunnescens | |
Yellowish-bellied Bush Warbler | Horornis acanthizoides | |
Aberrant Bush Warbler | Horornis flavolivaceus | .. |

1 Black-faced Warbler, India; 2 Asian Stubtail, Thailand; 3 Cetti’s Warbler, Israel; 4 Yellow-bellied Warbler, India

Scrub Warbler, Israel
Family #197
Long-tailed Tits (Aegithalidae)
- Species: 11
- Distribution: Nearctic, Palearctic
- IOC family #194 (Bushtits), HBW family #191, H&M family #215
- Passeriformes Family Group: Sylvioid Oscines
- wf253 status: 89% members ticked
- OH: 4 seen and photographed, first seen in Poland, 2008
White-browed Tit-Warbler | Leptopoecile sophiae | |
Crested Tit-Warbler | Leptopoecile elegans | |
Long-tailed Tit | Aegithalos caudatus | .. |
Silver-throated Tit | Aegithalos glaucogularis | |
White-cheeked Tit | Aegithalos leucogenys | |
Pygmy Tit | Aegithalos exilis | |
Black-throated Tit | Aegithalos concinnus | .. |
White-throated Tit | Aegithalos niveogularis | |
Black-browed Tit | Aegithalos iouschistos | .. |
Sooty Tit | Aegithalos fuliginosus | |
Bushtit | Psaltriparus minimus | .. |

1 Bushtit, Mexico; 2 Long-tailed Tit, Poland; 3 Black-throated Bushtit, India; 4 Rufous-fronted Bushtit, India
Family #198
Sylviid Warblers and Allies (Sylviidae)
- Species: 32
- Distribution: Afrotropic, Indomalaya, Nearctic, Palearctic
- IOC family: #201 (Sylviid Babblers) , HBW family #192 (Old World Warblers and Parrotbills), H&M family #216
- Passeriformes Family Group: Sylvioid Oscines
- wf253 status: 93% members ticked
- OH: 25 seen, 22 photographed, first seen in Israel, 1976
Eurasian Blackcap | Sylvia atricapilla | .. |
Garden Warbler | Sylvia borin | .. |
Dohrn’s Thrush-Babbler | Sylvia dohrni | |
Abyssinian Catbird | Sylvia galinieri | |
Bush Blackcap | Sylvia nigricapillus | |
African Hill Babbler | Sylvia abyssinica | .. |
Rwenzori Hill Babbler | Sylvia atriceps | |
Barred Warbler | Curruca nisoria | .. |
Layard’s Warbler | Curruca layardi | .. |
Banded Parisoma | Curruca boehmi | .. |
Chestnut-vented Warbler | Curruca subcoerulea | . |
Lesser Whitethroat | Curruca curruca | .. |
Brown Parisoma | Curruca lugens | .. |
Yemen Warbler | Curruca buryi | |
Arabian Warbler | Curruca leucomelaena | .. |
Western Orphean Warbler | Curruca hortensis | .. |
Eastern Orphean Warbler | Curruca crassirostris | .. |
African Desert Warbler | Curruca deserti | .. |
Asian Desert Warbler | Curruca nana | .. |
Tristram’s Warbler | Curruca deserticola | |
Menetries’s Warbler | Curruca mystacea | . |
Rüppell’s Warbler | Curruca ruppeli | .. |
Cyprus Warbler | Curruca melanothorax | .. |
Sardinian Warbler | Curruca melanocephala | .. |
Moltoni’s Warbler | Curruca subalpina | |
Western Subalpine Warbler | Curruca iberiae | . |
Eastern Subalpine Warbler | Curruca cantillans | .. |
Greater Whitethroat | Curruca communis | .. |
Spectacled Warbler | Curruca conspicillata | .. |
Marmora’s Warbler | Curruca sarda | .. |
Dartford Warbler | Curruca undata | .. |
Balearic Warbler | Curruca balearica | .. |

1 Eurasian Blackcap, Israel; 2 Garden Warbler, Israel; 3 Asian Desert Warbler, Israel; 4 Barred Warbler, Israel; 5 Layard’s Warbler, South Africa; 6 Lesser Whitethroat, Israel; 7 Arabian Warbler, Israel; 8 Western Orphean Warbler, Spain; 9 Eastern Orphean Warbler, Israel; 10 Marmora’s Warbler, France; 11 Greater Whitethroat, Israel; 12 Spectacled Warbler, Israel; 13 Rueppell’s Warbler, Israel; 14 Balearic Warbler, Spain; 15 Dartford Warbler, France; 16 Cyprus Warbler, Cyprus; 17 Rwenzori Hill Babbler, Uganda; 18 Brown Parisoma, Ethiopia; 19 Subalpine Warbler, Israel; 20 Sardinian Warbler, Israel

Banded Parisoma, Tanzania 2021

African Desert Warbler, Israel 2024
Family #199
Parrotbills (Paradoxornithidae)
- Species: 38
- Distribution: Indomalaya
- IOC #202 (Parrotbills and allies), HBW family #192 (Old World Warblers and Parrotbills), H&M TBD
- Passeriformes Family Group: Sylvioid Oscines
- wf250 status: 64% members ticked members ticked
- OH: 8 seen, 4 photographed, first seen in Thailand, 2011
Fire-tailed Myzornis | Myzornis pyrrhoura | |
Rufous-tailed Babbler | Moupinia poecilotis | |
Golden-breasted Fulvetta | Lioparus chrysotis | . |
Yellow-eyed Babbler | Chrysomma sinense | .. |
Jerdon’s Babbler | Chrysomma altirostre | |
Tarim Babbler | Rhopophilus albosuperciliaris | .. |
Beijing Babbler | Rhopophilus pekinensis | |
Spectacled Fulvetta | Fulvetta ruficapilla | |
Indochinese Fulvetta | Fulvetta danisi | |
Chinese Fulvetta | Fulvetta striaticollis | |
Brown-throated Fulvetta | Fulvetta ludlowi | .. |
White-browed Fulvetta | Fulvetta vinipectus | |
Manipur Fulvetta | Fulvetta manipurensis | |
Gray-hooded Fulvetta | Fulvetta cinereiceps | |
Taiwan Fulvetta | Fulvetta formosana | |
Wrentit | Chamaea fasciata | |
Reed Parrotbill | Paradoxornis heudei | |
Black-breasted Parrotbill | Paradoxornis flavirostris | |
Spot-breasted Parrotbill | Paradoxornis guttaticollis | . |
Great Parrotbill | Paradoxornis aemodius | |
Brown Parrotbill | Paradoxornis unicolor | |
Three-toed Parrotbill | Paradoxornis paradoxus | |
Gray-headed Parrotbill | Paradoxornis gularis | .. |
Black-headed Parrotbill | Paradoxornis margaritae | |
White-breasted Parrotbill | Paradoxornis ruficeps | . |
Rufous-headed Parrotbill | Paradoxornis bakeri | |
Short-tailed Parrotbill | Suthora davidiana | |
Fulvous Parrotbill | Suthora fulvifrons | |
Black-throated Parrotbill | Suthora nipalensis | |
Golden Parrotbill | Suthora verreauxi | |
Pale-billed Parrotbill | Suthora atrosuperciliaris | .. |
Spectacled Parrotbill | Suthora conspicillata | |
Gray-hooded Parrotbill | Suthora zappeyi | |
Eye-ringed Parrotbill | Suthora ricketti | |
Brown-winged Parrotbill | Suthora brunnea | |
Vinous-throated Parrotbill | Suthora webbiana | . |
Ashy-throated Parrotbill | Suthora alphonsiana | |
Rusty-throated Parrotbill | Suthora przewalskii |

1 Pale-billed Parrotbill, India; 2 Brown-throated fulvetta, India; 3 Yellow-eyed Babbler, India; 4 Gray-headed Parrotbill, Thailand.
Family #200
White-eyes, Yuhinas, and Allies (Zosteropidae)
- Species: 150 (2 extinct)
- Distribution: Afrotropic, Australasia, Indomalaya
- IOC family #203 (White-eyes), HBW family #193 (White-eyes and Yuhinas), H&M family #217
- Passeriformes Family Group: Sylvioid Oscines
- wf253 status: 89% members ticked
- OH: 28 seen, 17 photographed, first seen in Kenya, 1983
White-collared Yuhina | Parayuhina diademata | |
Chestnut-crested Yuhina | Staphida everetti | . |
Striated Yuhina | Staphida castaniceps | . |
Indochinese Yuhina | Staphida torqueola | |
Black-chinned Yuhina | Yuhina nigrimenta | |
Taiwan Yuhina | Yuhina brunneiceps | |
Whiskered Yuhina | Yuhina flavicollis | . |
Burmese Yuhina | Yuhina humilis | |
White-naped Yuhina | Yuhina bakeri | . |
Stripe-throated Yuhina | Yuhina gularis | .. |
Rufous-vented Yuhina | Yuhina occipitalis | .. |
Flame-templed Babbler | Dasycrotapha speciosa | |
Visayan Pygmy-Babbler | Dasycrotapha pygmaea | |
Mindanao Pygmy-Babbler | Dasycrotapha plateni | |
Rusty-crowned Babbler | Sterrhoptilus capitalis | |
Golden-crowned Babbler | Sterrhoptilus dennistouni | |
Calabarzon Babbler | Sterrhoptilus affinis | |
Visayan Babbler | Sterrhoptilus nigrocapitatus | |
Palawan Striped-Babbler | Zosterornis hypogrammicus | |
Luzon Striped-Babbler | Zosterornis striatus | |
Chestnut-faced Babbler | Zosterornis whiteheadi | |
Panay Striped-Babbler | Zosterornis latistriatus | |
Negros Striped-Babbler | Zosterornis nigrorum | |
Golden White-eye | Cleptornis marchei | |
Teardrop White-eye | Rukia ruki | |
Long-billed White-eye | Rukia longirostra | |
Giant White-eye | Megazosterops palauensis | |
Javan Heleia | Heleia javanica | |
Gray-hooded Heleia | Heleia pinaiae | |
Pygmy Heleia | Heleia squamifrons | . |
Mindanao Heleia | Heleia goodfellowi | |
Sulawesi Heleia | Heleia squamiceps | . |
Eyebrowed Heleia | Heleia superciliaris | |
Dark-crowned Heleia | Heleia dohertyi | |
Timor Heleia | Heleia muelleri | |
Flores Heleia | Heleia crassirostris | |
Yellow-spectacled Heleia | Heleia wallacei | |
Bonin White-eye | Apalopteron familiare | |
Rufescent White-eye | Tephrozosterops stalkeri | |
Sri Lanka White-eye | Zosterops ceylonensis | |
Yellowish White-eye | Zosterops nigrorum | |
Black-capped White-eye | Zosterops atricapilla | .. |
Pale White-eye | Zosterops flavilateralis | .. |
Mbulu White-eye | Zosterops mbuluensis | |
Chestnut-flanked White-eye | Zosterops erythropleurus | . |
Swinhoe’s White-eye | Zosterops simplex | |
Mountain Black-eye | Zosterops emiliae | .. |
Warbling White-eye | Zosterops japonicus | |
Indian White-eye | Zosterops palpebrosus | .. |
Lowland White-eye | Zosterops meyeni | |
Marianne White-eye | Zosterops semiflavus | exinct |
Comoro White-eye | Zosterops mouroniensis | |
Reunion White-eye | Zosterops olivaceus | |
Mauritius White-eye | Zosterops chloronothos | |
Reunion Gray White-eye | Zosterops borbonicus | |
Mauritius Gray White-eye | Zosterops mauritianus | |
Abyssinian White-eye | Zosterops abyssinicus | .. |
Socotra White-eye | Zosterops socotranus | |
Cameroon Speirops | Zosterops melanocephalus | |
Forest White-eye | Zosterops stenocricotus | |
Green White-eye | Zosterops stuhlmanni | . |
Kilimanjaro White-eye | Zosterops eurycricotus | |
Bioko Speirops | Zosterops brunneus | |
Ethiopian White-eye | Zosterops poliogastrus | |
Kafa White-eye | Zosterops kaffensis | |
Kikuyu White-eye | Zosterops kikuyuensis | |
Principe White-eye | Zosterops ficedulinus | |
Annobon White-eye | Zosterops griseovirescens | |
Sao Tome White-eye | Zosterops feae | |
Black-capped Speirops | Zosterops lugubris | |
Principe Speirops | Zosterops leucophaeus | |
Taita White-eye | Zosterops silvanus | |
Northern Yellow White-eye | Zosterops senegalensis | . |
Angola White-eye | Zosterops kasaicus | |
Orange River White-eye | Zosterops pallidus | |
South Pare White-eye | Zosterops winifredae | .. |
Cape White-eye | Zosterops virens | .. |
Southern Yellow White-eye | Zosterops anderssoni | |
Pemba White-eye | Zosterops vaughani | |
Seychelles White-eye | Zosterops modestus | |
Anjouan White-eye | Zosterops anjuanensis | |
Moheli White-eye | Zosterops comorensis | |
Malagasy White-eye | Zosterops maderaspatanus | .. |
Kirk’s White-eye | Zosterops kirki | |
Mayotte White-eye | Zosterops mayottensis | |
Aldabra White-eye | Zosterops aldabrensis | |
Lemon-bellied White-eye | Zosterops chloris | .. |
Meratus White-eye | Zosterops meratusensis | |
Wakatobi White-eye | Zosterops flavissimus | |
Black-crowned White-eye | Zosterops atrifrons | .. |
Sangihe White-eye | Zosterops nehrkorni | |
Togian White-eye | Zosterops somadikartai | |
Sulawesi White-eye | Zosterops consobrinorum | |
Black-ringed White-eye | Zosterops anomalus | |
Black-fronted White-eye | Zosterops minor | . |
Tagula White-eye | Zosterops meeki | |
Morotai White-eye | Zosterops dehaani | |
Cream-throated White-eye | Zosterops atriceps | |
Buru White-eye | Zosterops buruensis | |
Seram White-eye | Zosterops stalkeri | |
Javan White-eye | Zosterops flavus | |
Ashy-bellied White-eye | Zosterops citrinella | |
Australian Yellow White-eye | Zosterops luteus | .. |
Silvereye | Zosterops lateralis | .. |
Wangi-wangi White-eye | Zosterops paruhbesar | |
Hume’s White-eye | Zosterops auriventer | |
Sangkar White-eye | Zosterops melanurus | |
Everett’s White-eye | Zosterops everetti | |
Banded White-eye | Zosterops vellalavella | |
Santa Cruz White-eye | Zosterops sanctaecrucis | |
Capped White-eye | Zosterops fuscicapilla | |
Yellow-fronted White-eye | Zosterops flavifrons | |
Bare-eyed White-eye | Zosterops superciliosus | |
Sanford’s White-eye | Zosterops lacertosus | |
Vanikoro White-eye | Zosterops gibbsi | |
Fiji White-eye | Zosterops explorator | |
Black-headed White-eye | Zosterops hypoxanthus | |
Biak White-eye | Zosterops mysorensis | |
Bougainville White-eye | Zosterops hamlini | |
Guadalcanal White-eye | Zosterops oblitus | |
Makira White-eye | Zosterops rendovae | |
Yap White-eye | Zosterops oleagineus | |
Dusky White-eye | Zosterops finschii | |
Pohnpei White-eye | Zosterops ponapensis | |
Kosrae White-eye | Zosterops cinereus | |
Rota White-eye | Zosterops rotensis | |
Yellow-throated White-eye | Zosterops metcalfii | |
Malaita White-eye | Zosterops stresemanni | |
New Guinea White-eye | Zosterops novaeguineae | |
Ambon White-eye | Zosterops kuehni | |
Kai Besar White-eye | Zosterops grayi | |
Splendid White-eye | Zosterops luteirostris | |
Kai Kecil White-eye | Zosterops uropygialis | |
Ranongga White-eye | Zosterops splendidus | |
Solomons White-eye | Zosterops kulambangrae | |
Dark-eyed White-eye | Zosterops tetiparius | |
Christmas Island White-eye | Zosterops natalis | |
Bridled White-eye | Zosterops conspicillatus | |
Caroline Islands White-eye | Zosterops semperi | |
Plain White-eye | Zosterops hypolais | |
Louisiade White-eye | Zosterops griseotinctus | |
Kolombangara White-eye | Zosterops murphyi | |
Large Lifou White-eye | Zosterops inornatus | . |
White-chested White-eye | Zosterops albogularis | |
Samoan White-eye | Zosterops samoensis | |
Robust White-eye | Zosterops strenuus | exinct |
Slender-billed White-eye | Zosterops tenuirostris | |
Small Lifou White-eye | Zosterops minutus | .. |
Green-backed White-eye | Zosterops xanthochroa | .. |
Rennell White-eye | Zosterops rennellianus |

1 Cape White-Eye, South Africa; 2 Indian White-eye, India; 3 Green-backed White-eyed, New Caledonia; 4 Small Lifou White-eye, New Caledonia; 5 South Pare White-eye, Tanzania

6 Pale White-eye, Tanzania; 7 Australian Yellow White-eye, Australia; 8 Rufous-vented Yuhina, India; 9 Stripe-throated Yuhina, India; 10 Madagascar White-eye, Madagascar; 11 Abyssinian White-eye, Ethiopia; 12 Silver-eye, Australia
Family #201
Tree-Babblers, Scimitar-Babblers, and Allies (Timaliidae)
- Species: 58
- Distribution: Indomalayan endemic
- IOC family #204 (Babblers, Scimitar Babblers), HBW family #194 (Scimitar-babblers and allies), H&M family #218 (Scimitar-babblers and allies)
- Passeriformes Family Group: Sylvioid Oscines
- wf253 status: 71% members ticked
- OH: 20 seen, 6 photographed, first seen in Thailand, 2012
Chestnut-capped Babbler | Timalia pileata | |
Tawny-bellied Babbler | Dumetia hyperythra | |
Dark-fronted Babbler | Dumetia atriceps | |
Gray-faced Tit-Babbler | Mixornis kelleyi | |
Gray-cheeked Tit-Babbler | Mixornis flavicollis | |
Kangean Tit-Babbler | Mixornis prillwitzi | |
Pin-striped Tit-Babbler | Mixornis gularis | . |
Bold-striped Tit-Babbler | Mixornis bornensis | . |
Fluffy-backed Tit-Babbler | Macronus ptilosus | .. |
Brown Tit-Babbler | Macronus striaticeps | |
Golden Babbler | Cyanoderma chrysaeum | .. |
Chestnut-winged Babbler | Cyanoderma erythropterum | |
Gray-hooded Babbler | Cyanoderma bicolor | . |
Crescent-chested Babbler | Cyanoderma melanothorax | |
Rufous-fronted Babbler | Cyanoderma rufifrons | . |
Black-chinned Babbler | Cyanoderma pyrrhops | .. |
Rufous-capped Babbler | Cyanoderma ruficeps | |
Rufous-throated Wren-Babbler | Spelaeornis caudatus | . |
Mishmi Wren-Babbler | Spelaeornis badeigularis | |
Bar-winged Wren-Babbler | Spelaeornis troglodytoides | |
Pale-throated Wren-Babbler | Spelaeornis kinneari | |
Naga Wren-Babbler | Spelaeornis chocolatinus | |
Chin Hills Wren-Babbler | Spelaeornis oatesi | |
Tawny-breasted Wren-Babbler | Spelaeornis longicaudatus | |
Gray-bellied Wren-Babbler | Spelaeornis reptatus | |
Black Laughingthrush | Melanocichla lugubris | |
Bare-headed Laughingthrush | Melanocichla calva | |
Black-crowned Scimitar-Babbler | Pomatorhinus ferruginosus | |
Brown-crowned Scimitar-Babbler | Pomatorhinus phayrei | |
Red-billed Scimitar-Babbler | Pomatorhinus ochraceiceps | |
Slender-billed Scimitar-Babbler | Pomatorhinus superciliaris | .. |
Streak-breasted Scimitar-Babbler | Pomatorhinus ruficollis | . |
Taiwan Scimitar-Babbler | Pomatorhinus musicus | |
White-browed Scimitar-Babbler | Pomatorhinus schisticeps | . |
Indian Scimitar-Babbler | Pomatorhinus horsfieldii | |
Sri Lanka Scimitar-Babbler | Pomatorhinus melanurus | |
Sunda Scimitar-Babbler | Pomatorhinus bornensis | .. |
Javan Scimitar-Babbler | Pomatorhinus montanus | |
Large Scimitar-Babbler | Erythrogenys hypoleucos | |
Rusty-cheeked Scimitar-Babbler | Erythrogenys erythrogenys | |
Red-eyed Scimitar-Babbler | Erythrogenys imberbis | . |
Spot-breasted Scimitar-Babbler | Erythrogenys mcclellandi | |
Black-streaked Scimitar-Babbler | Erythrogenys gravivox | |
Gray-sided Scimitar-Babbler | Erythrogenys swinhoei | |
Black-necklaced Scimitar-Babbler | Erythrogenys erythrocnemis | |
Black-throated Babbler | Stachyris nigricollis | . |
White-breasted Babbler | Stachyris grammiceps | |
Chestnut-rumped Babbler | Stachyris maculata | |
Gray-throated Babbler | Stachyris nigriceps | . |
Gray-headed Babbler | Stachyris poliocephala | .. |
Nonggang Babbler | Stachyris nonggangensis | |
Sooty Babbler | Stachyris herberti | |
Sikkim Wedge-billed Babbler | Stachyris humei | . |
Cachar Wedge-billed Babbler | Stachyris roberti | |
White-necked Babbler | Stachyris leucotis | . |
White-bibbed Babbler | Stachyris thoracica | |
Snowy-throated Babbler | Stachyris oglei | |
Spot-necked Babbler | Stachyris strialata |

1 Slender-billed Scimitar Babbler, India; 2 Black-chinned Babbler, India; 3 Golden Babbler, Thailand
Family #202
Ground Babblers and Allies (Pellorneidae)
- Species: 65 (1 extinct)
- Distribution: Afrotropic, Indomalaya
- IOC family #205 (Babblers, Scimitar Babblers), HBW family #195 (Scimitar-babblers and allies), H&M family #219 (Fulvettas, Thrush Babblers and allies)
- Passeriformes Family Group: Sylvioid Oscine
- wf253 status: 72% members ticked
- OH: 14 seen, 7 photographed, first seen in Thailand, 2012
Indian Grassbird | Graminicola bengalensis | |
Chinese Grassbird | Graminicola striatus | |
Large Wren-Babbler | Turdinus macrodactylus | |
Marbled Wren-Babbler | Turdinus marmoratus | |
Black-throated Wren-Babbler | Turdinus atrigularis | |
Sooty-capped Babbler | Malacopteron affine | .. |
Gray-breasted Babbler | Malacopteron albogulare | |
Scaly-crowned Babbler | Malacopteron cinereum | |
Rufous-crowned Babbler | Malacopteron magnum | |
Moustached Babbler | Malacopteron magnirostre | |
Palawan Babbler | Malacopteron palawanense | |
White-hooded Babbler | Gampsorhynchus rufulus | |
Collared Babbler | Gampsorhynchus torquatus | |
Yellow-throated Fulvetta | Schoeniparus cinereus | .. |
Rufous-winged Fulvetta | Schoeniparus castaneceps | .. |
Black-crowned Fulvetta | Schoeniparus klossi | |
Gold-fronted Fulvetta | Schoeniparus variegaticeps | |
Rufous-throated Fulvetta | Schoeniparus rufogularis | |
Rusty-capped Fulvetta | Schoeniparus dubius | |
Dusky Fulvetta | Schoeniparus brunneus | |
Puff-throated Babbler | Pellorneum ruficeps | |
Brown-capped Babbler | Pellorneum fuscocapillus | |
Marsh Babbler | Pellorneum palustre | |
Malayan Black-capped Babbler | Pellorneum nigrocapitatum | |
Bornean Black-capped Babbler | Pellorneum capistratoides | .. |
Javan Black-capped Babbler | Pellorneum capistratum | |
Short-tailed Babbler | Pellorneum malaccense | .. |
Ashy-headed Babbler | Pellorneum cinereiceps | |
Spot-throated Babbler | Pellorneum albiventre | |
Buff-breasted Babbler | Pellorneum tickelli | . |
Sumatran Babbler | Pellorneum buettikoferi | |
Temminck’s Babbler | Pellorneum pyrrogenys | . |
White-chested Babbler | Pellorneum rostratum | . |
Ferruginous Babbler | Pellorneum bicolor | |
Sulawesi Babbler | Pellorneum celebense | . |
Rufous-vented Grass Babbler | Laticilla burnesii | |
Swamp Grass Babbler | Laticilla cinerascens | |
Brown Illadopsis | Illadopsis fulvescens | |
Pale-breasted Illadopsis | Illadopsis rufipennis | |
Tanzanian Illadopsis | Illadopsis distans | |
Mountain Illadopsis | Illadopsis pyrrhoptera | . |
Blackcap Illadopsis | Illadopsis cleaveri | |
Scaly-breasted Illadopsis | Illadopsis albipectus | . |
Thrush Babbler | Illadopsis turdina | |
Puvel’s Illadopsis | Illadopsis puveli | |
Rufous-winged Illadopsis | Illadopsis rufescens | |
Striped Wren-Babbler | Kenopia striata | .. |
Abbott’s Babbler | Malacocincla abbotti | . |
Horsfield’s Babbler | Malacocincla sepiaria | |
Black-browed Babbler | Malacocincla perspicillata | |
Mountain Wren-Babbler | Gypsophila crassa | |
Streaked Wren-Babbler | Gypsophila brevicaudata | |
Annam Limestone Babbler | Gypsophila annamensis | |
Rufous Limestone Babbler | Gypsophila calcicola | .. |
Variable Limestone Babbler | Gypsophila crispifrons | |
Rusty-breasted Wren-Babbler | Gypsophila rufipectus | |
Striated Wren-Babbler | Ptilocichla mindanensis | |
Bornean Wren-Babbler | Ptilocichla leucogrammica | |
Falcated Wren-Babbler | Ptilocichla falcata | |
Eyebrowed Wren-Babbler | Napothera epilepidota | |
Long-billed Wren-Babbler | Napothera malacoptila | |
Sumatran Wren-Babbler | Napothera albostriata | |
White-throated Wren-Babbler | Napothera pasquieri | |
Naung Mung Scimitar-Babbler | Napothera naungmungensis | |
Short-tailed Scimitar-Babbler | Napothera danjoui |

1 Limestone Wren-Babbler, Thailand; 2 Yellow-throated Fulvetta, India; 3 Rufous-winged Fulvetta, India

Black-capped Babbler, Borneo 2023
Family #203
Laughingthrushes and Allies (Leiothrichidae)
- Species: 143
- Distribution: Afrotropic, Indomalaya, Palearctic
- IOC family #206 (Alcippe Fulvettas) & #207 (Laughingthrushes & Allies), HBW family #196, H&M family #220 (Laughing-thrushes and other large babblers)
- Passeriformes Family Group: Sylvioid Oscines
- wf253 status: 90% members ticked
- OH: 45 seen, 32 photographed, first seen in Israel, 1978
Brown-cheeked Fulvetta | Alcippe poioicephala | .. |
Black-browed Fulvetta | Alcippe grotei | |
Brown Fulvetta | Alcippe brunneicauda | .. |
Javan Fulvetta | Alcippe pyrrhoptera | |
Nepal Fulvetta | Alcippe nipalensis | . |
David’s Fulvetta | Alcippe davidi | |
Huet’s Fulvetta | Alcippe hueti | |
Morrison’s Fulvetta | Alcippe morrisonia | |
Yunnan Fulvetta | Alcippe fratercula | |
Mountain Fulvetta | Alcippe peracensis | |
Striated Laughingthrush | Grammatoptila striata | .. |
Himalayan Cutia | Cutia nipalensis | .. |
Vietnamese Cutia | Cutia legalleni | |
Gray-crowned Crocias | Laniellus langbianis | |
Spotted Crocias | Laniellus albonotatus | |
Scaly Laughingthrush | Trochalopteron subunicolor | .. |
Brown-capped Laughingthrush | Trochalopteron austeni | |
Blue-winged Laughingthrush | Trochalopteron squamatum | |
Streaked Laughingthrush | Trochalopteron lineatum | . |
Bhutan Laughingthrush | Trochalopteron imbricatum | .. |
Striped Laughingthrush | Trochalopteron virgatum | |
Variegated Laughingthrush | Trochalopteron variegatum | |
Black-faced Laughingthrush | Trochalopteron affine | |
White-whiskered Laughingthrush | Trochalopteron morrisonianum | |
Prince Henry’s Laughingthrush | Trochalopteron henrici | |
Elliot’s Laughingthrush | Trochalopteron elliotii | .. |
Red-tailed Laughingthrush | Trochalopteron milnei | |
Collared Laughingthrush | Trochalopteron yersini | |
Chestnut-crowned Laughingthrush | Trochalopteron erythrocephalum | .. |
Assam Laughingthrush | Trochalopteron chrysopterum | |
Red-winged Laughingthrush | Trochalopteron formosum | |
Silver-eared Laughingthrush | Trochalopteron melanostigma | .. |
Golden-winged Laughingthrush | Trochalopteron ngoclinhense | |
Malayan Laughingthrush | Trochalopteron peninsulae | |
Banasura Laughingthrush | Montecincla jerdoni | |
Nilgiri Laughingthrush | Montecincla cachinnans | |
Palani Laughingthrush | Montecincla fairbanki | |
Ashambu Laughingthrush | Montecincla meridionalis | |
Long-tailed Sibia | Heterophasia picaoides | .. |
White-eared Sibia | Heterophasia auricularis | |
Rufous Sibia | Heterophasia capistrata | |
Beautiful Sibia | Heterophasia pulchella | .. |
Gray Sibia | Heterophasia gracilis | |
Black-backed Sibia | Heterophasia melanoleuca | .. |
Black-headed Sibia | Heterophasia desgodinsi | |
Hoary-throated Barwing | Actinodura nipalensis | |
Taiwan Barwing | Actinodura morrisoniana | |
Streak-throated Barwing | Actinodura waldeni | .. |
Streaked Barwing | Actinodura souliei | |
Blue-winged Minla | Actinodura cyanouroptera | . |
Chestnut-tailed Minla | Actinodura strigula | .. |
Rusty-fronted Barwing | Actinodura egertoni | .. |
Spectacled Barwing | Actinodura ramsayi | . |
Black-crowned Barwing | Actinodura sodangorum | |
Red-billed Leiothrix | Leiothrix lutea | |
Silver-eared Mesia | Leiothrix argentauris | .. |
Red-tailed Minla | Minla ignotincta | .. |
Rufous-backed Sibia | Leioptila annectens | .. |
Bugun Liocichla | Liocichla bugunorum | |
Emei Shan Liocichla | Liocichla omeiensis | |
Taiwan Liocichla | Liocichla steerii | |
Red-faced Liocichla | Liocichla phoenicea | .. |
Scarlet-faced Liocichla | Liocichla ripponi | |
Large Gray Babbler | Argya malcolmi | |
Ashy-headed Laughingthrush | Argya cinereifrons | |
Slender-billed Babbler | Argya longirostris | |
Rufous Babbler | Argya subrufa | |
Orange-billed Babbler | Argya rufescens | |
Jungle Babbler | Argya striata | .. |
Yellow-billed Babbler | Argya affinis | |
Rufous Chatterer | Argya rubiginosa | . |
Scaly Chatterer | Argya aylmeri | |
Iraq Babbler | Argya altirostris | |
Afghan Babbler | Argya huttoni | |
Common Babbler | Argya caudata | .. |
Fulvous Chatterer | Argya fulva | |
Arabian Babbler | Argya squamiceps | .. |
Striated Babbler | Argya earlei | .. |
White-throated Babbler | Argya gularis | |
Spiny Babbler | Turdoides nipalensis | |
Capuchin Babbler | Turdoides atripennis | |
White-throated Mountain-Babbler | Turdoides gilberti | |
Chapin’s Mountain-Babbler | Turdoides chapini | |
Red-collared Mountain-Babbler | Turdoides rufocinctus | |
Brown Babbler | Turdoides plebejus | .. |
White-rumped Babbler | Turdoides leucopygia | |
Hinde’s Pied-Babbler | Turdoides hindei | |
Scaly Babbler | Turdoides squamulata | |
Arrow-marked Babbler | Turdoides jardineii | .. |
Bare-cheeked Babbler | Turdoides gymnogenys | |
Cretzschmar’s Babbler | Turdoides leucocephala | |
Blackcap Babbler | Turdoides reinwardtii | . |
Dusky Babbler | Turdoides tenebrosa | |
Southern Pied-Babbler | Turdoides bicolor | . |
Hartlaub’s Babbler | Turdoides hartlaubii | |
Black-lored Babbler | Turdoides sharpei | .. |
Black-faced Babbler | Turdoides melanops | |
Northern Pied-Babbler | Turdoides hypoleuca | . |
Spot-breasted Laughingthrush | Garrulax merulinus | |
Orange-breasted Laughingthrush | Garrulax annamensis | |
Chinese Hwamei | Garrulax canorus | |
Taiwan Hwamei | Garrulax taewanus | |
Lesser Necklaced Laughingthrush | Garrulax monileger | . |
Rufous-fronted Laughingthrush | Garrulax rufifrons | |
Sunda Laughingthrush | Garrulax palliatus | . |
White-crested Laughingthrush | Garrulax leucolophus | .. |
Sumatran Laughingthrush | Garrulax bicolor | |
Black-hooded Laughingthrush | Garrulax milleti | |
White-necked Laughingthrush | Garrulax strepitans | |
Cambodian Laughingthrush | Garrulax ferrarius | |
Gray Laughingthrush | Garrulax maesi | |
Rufous-cheeked Laughingthrush | Garrulax castanotis | |
Snowy-cheeked Laughingthrush | Ianthocincla sukatschewi | |
Rufous-chinned Laughingthrush | Ianthocincla rufogularis | |
Chestnut-eared Laughingthrush | Ianthocincla konkakinhensis | |
Moustached Laughingthrush | Ianthocincla cineracea | |
Spotted Laughingthrush | Ianthocincla ocellata | . |
Giant Laughingthrush | Ianthocincla maxima | |
Biet’s Laughingthrush | Ianthocincla bieti | |
Barred Laughingthrush | Ianthocincla lunulata | |
Wayanad Laughingthrush | Pterorhinus delesserti | |
Rufous-vented Laughingthrush | Pterorhinus gularis | |
White-cheeked Laughingthrush | Pterorhinus vassali | |
Yellow-throated Laughingthrush | Pterorhinus galbanus | |
Blue-crowned Laughingthrush | Pterorhinus courtoisi | |
Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush | Pterorhinus mitratus | |
Chestnut-hooded Laughingthrush | Pterorhinus treacheri | .. |
Rufous-necked Laughingthrush | Pterorhinus ruficollis | .. |
Chestnut-backed Laughingthrush | Pterorhinus nuchalis | |
Black-throated Laughingthrush | Pterorhinus chinensis | . |
White-browed Laughingthrush | Pterorhinus sannio | . |
Masked Laughingthrush | Pterorhinus perspicillatus | |
Greater Necklaced Laughingthrush | Pterorhinus pectoralis | .. |
Pere David’s Laughingthrush | Pterorhinus davidi | . |
Mount Victoria Babax | Pterorhinus woodi | |
Chinese Babax | Pterorhinus lanceolatus | |
Giant Babax | Pterorhinus waddelli | |
Tibetan Babax | Pterorhinus koslowi | |
White-throated Laughingthrush | Pterorhinus albogularis | |
Rufous-crowned Laughingthrush | Pterorhinus ruficeps | |
Gray-sided Laughingthrush | Pterorhinus caerulatus | .. |
Buffy Laughingthrush | Pterorhinus berthemyi | |
Rusty Laughingthrush | Pterorhinus poecilorhynchus |

1 White-crested Laughingthrush, Thailand; 2 Brown Babbler, Uganda; 3 Greater Necklaced Laughingthrush, Thailand; 4 Streak-throated Barwing , India; 5 Arabian Babbler, Israel; 6 Arrow-marked Babbler, Uganda; 7 Black-lored Babbler, Uganda; 8 Brown-cheeked Fulvetta, Thailand; 9 Striated Laughingthrush, India; 10 Silver-eared Laughingthrush, Thailand; 11 Black-backed Sibia, Thailand; 12 Red-faced Liocichla, Thailand; 13 Bar-throated Minla, India; 14 Scaly Laughingthrush, India; 15 Grey-sided Laughingthrush, India; 16 Rufous-backed Sibia, Thailand; 17 Long-tailed Sibia, India; 18 Beautiful Sibia, India; 19 Rufous-necked Laughingthrush, India; 20 Red-tailed Minla, India; 21 Chestnut-crowned Laughingthrush , India; 22 Bhutan Laughingthrush, India; 23 Striated Babbler, India; 24 Common Babbler, India; 25 Jungle Babbler, India

26 Rusty-fronted Barwing , India; 27 Himalayan Cutia, India; 28 Silver-eared Laughingthrush, Thailand; 29 Yunnan Fulvetta, Thailand; 30 Sunda Laughingthrush, Borneo (MY); 31 Brown Fulvetta, Borneo (MY); 32 Chestnut-hooded Laughingthrush, Borneo (MY)