Big Zigzag bird families count: 86 (+1 this week: Albatrosses)
Big Zigzag Lifers: 94 (+0 this week)
Campsite Lifers 23 (+0 this week)
Big Zigzag New for Australia list: 136 (+0 this week)
eBird days of checklist streak: 194
Week’s special milestones: none
Bird(s) of the Week
White-capped Albatross – 2 were seen during Bass Strait crossing
Short-tailed Shearwater – hundreds were seen from 2 point on the easter end of Great Ocean Road and during the Bass Strait crossing
Short-tailed Shearwater
Hooded Plover. Disturbed by dogs, protected by volunteers who kindly explain the dog walkers about the vulnerability of this species and why they should walk their dogs on a leash on this beach.
Bell Miner (Manorina melanophrys) at Melbourne Royal Botanical Gardens
Non-bird image(s)
Crossing the Bass Strait
Hooded Plover. Disturbed by dogs, protected by volunteers who kindly explain the dog walkers about the vulnerability of this species and why they should walk their dogs on a leash on this beach.