Big Zigzag bird species count: 423 (+17 this week)
Big Zigzag bird families count: 81 (+0 this week: )
Big Zigzag Lifers: 84 (+2 this week: Long-billed Corella, Olive Whistler)
Campsite Lifers 19 (+0 this week)
Big Zigzag New for Australia list: 118 (+9 this week)
eBird days of checklist streak: 152
Week’s special milestones: none
Bird(s) of the Week
Hooded Plover (Thinornis cucullatus), VU Vulnerable. Endemic to southern Australia sandy ocean beaches. Not a lifer, but much better distance comparing to the one seen in 2018.
Olive Whistler, Enchanted Forest, Glenelg. Back in Victoria lifer.
Surprise lifer! Long-billed Corella (Cacatua tenuirostris) was not on my target list as I have seen it in New South Wales in 2013 & 2018. But after posting today’s checklist on eBird of a random drive stop at Tantanoola, I found that the old reports considered as non-countable exotic species, and today’s birds from South Australia are mentioned on eBird as a lifer!
Having the biggest beak of all birds can be an advantage, although sometimes cause a headache.. Australian Pelican (Pelecanus conspicillatus).
Australasian Gannet colony at Point Danger, near Portland, VIC.
Purple-crowned Lorikeet. Happy with the photo (not with the cable 😜)
Non-bird image(s)
I was trying to photograph the only inland lighthouse in Australia, at Point Malcolm (narrow passage between Lake Albert and Lake Alexandrina), but unfortunately the building is not on focus 😜
Echidna. Defiantly not a bird.
Crumpets Beach, VIC.
Week's Key location(s)
Tantanoola is a surprising key location (see Long-billed Corella above)
Enchanted Forest, Olive Whistler site.
Big Zigzag Travelled so far: 18490 km (1050 km this week)