# World Bird Families

milestone 05 | Israel 1978 | families 47-61/250

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exploring the desert, the nights, the seas and all around

Project Progress - Bird Families of the world 61/250

There are other birder around! Learning from others experience, especially from the legendary Ehud Dovrat – these bird families have been added: 

47. Family #18: Sandgrouse (Pteroclidae) | Lichtenstein’s Sandgrouse

48. Family #19: Bustards (Otididae) | Macqueens-Bustard

49. Family #21: Cuckoos (Cuculidae) | Great-Spotted Cuckoo

50. Family #23: Nightjars and Allies (Caprimulgidae) | Nubian Nightjar

51. Family #67: Boobies and Gannets (Sulidae) | Northern Gannet (photographed in Ireland)

52. Family #79: Barn-Owls (Tytonidae) | Barn Owl

53. Family #80: Owls (Strigidae) | Long-eared Owl

54. Family #149: Old World Orioles (Oriolidae) | Eurasian Golden Oriole

55. Family #179: Penduline-Tits (Remizidae) | Eurasian Penduline Tit

56. Family #204: Nuthatches (Sittidae) | Western Rock Nuthatch

57. Family #194: Bush Warblers and Allies (Scotocercidae) | Streaked Scrub-Warbler

58. Family #185: Reed Warblers and Allies (Acrocephalidae) | Eurasian Reed Warbler

59. Family #201: Laughingthrushes and Allies (Leiothrichidae) | Arabian Babbler

60. Family #231: Accentors (Prunellidae) | Alpine Accentor (photographed in Switzerland)

61. Family #237: Old World Buntings (Emberizidae) | Striolated Bunting

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# World Bird Families

milestone 04 | Egypt, Sinai 1977 | families 44-46/250

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first bird migration survey

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Autumn 1977, Migration survey at Zaranik, North Sinai. Mediterranean shore contributed 3 new bird families: 

44. Family #14: Flamingos (Phoenicopteridae) | Greater Flamingo

45. Family #53: Skuas and Jaegers (Stercorariidae) | Parasitic Skua

46. Family #64: Shearwaters and Petrels (Procellariidae) | Sooty Shearwater

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# World Bird Families

milestone 03 | Israel, 1976-1977 | families 33-43/250

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there are birds all over…

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Visiting wet sites, especially fish ponds, opened my mind to 11 new common bird families. During years Ma’agan Michael ponds provide some “firsts for Israel” and other rarities.

33. Family #8: Ducks, Geese, and Waterfowl (Anatidae) | Eurasian Teal

34. Family #15: Grebes (Podicipedidae) | Little Grebe

35. Family #32: Rails, Gallinules, and Coots (Rallidae) | Eurasian Coot

36. Family #36: Cranes (Gruidae) | Common Crane

37. Family #69: Cormorants and Shags (Phalacrocoracidae) | Great Cormorant

38. Family #70: Pelicans (Pelecanidae) | Great White Pelican

39. Family #77: Osprey (Pandionidae) | Western Osprey

40. Family #41: Stilts and Avocets (Recurvirostridae) | Pied Avocet

41. Family #49: Sandpipers and Allies (Scolopacidae) | Curlew Sandpiper

42. Family #43: Oystercatchers (Haematopodidae) | Eurasian Oystercatcher (photographed in Denmark)

43. Family #92: Rollers (Coraciidae) | Eurasian Roller

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# World Bird Families

milestone 02 | Israel, hometown fields birds 1976 | families 19-32/250

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out and about – exploring field birds nearby

Project Progress - Bird Families of the world 32/250

Wandering around home, I discovered my next new 14 bird families: 

19. Family #13: Pheasants, Grouse, and Allies (Phasianidae) | Chukar

20. Family #27: Swifts (Apodidae) | Common Swift

21. Family #39: Thick-knees (Burhinidae| Eurasian Thick-knee

22. Family #44: Plovers and Lapwings (Charadriidae| Northern Lapwing

23. Family #65: Storks (Ciconiidae) | White Stork

24. Family #73: Herons, Egrets, and Bitterns (Ardeidae) | Cattle Egret

25. Family #74: Ibises and Spoonbills (Threskiornithidae) | Glossy Ibis

26. Family #78: Hawks, Eagles, and Kites (Accipitridae) | Common Buzzard

27. Family #91: Bee-eaters (Meropidae)  | European Bee-eater

28. Family #55: Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers (Laridae) | Black-headed Gull

29. Family #104: Falcons and Caracaras (Falconidae) | Eurasian Kestrel

30. Family #180: Larks (Alaudidae) | Crested Lark

31. Family #211: Starlings (Sturnidae) | European Starling

32. Family #196: Sylviid Warblers, Parrotbills, and Allies (Sylviidae) | Lesser Whitethroat

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# World Bird Families

milestone 01 | Israel, home backyard birds 1976 | families 1-18/250

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Discovery on our backyard – first birds

Project Progress - Bird Families of the world 18/250

Like many other kids, who saved their pennies in children saving program, I received an encouraging gift from the bank: Our County’s Birds Guide, with the beautiful paintings of Walter Ferguson, describing the 100 commonest birds of Israel, and this White-breasted Kingfisher on the cover:

Like many other Kids’ book shelves, this booklet was laying there useless. But one day, as I wondered around my parents’ garden, I noticed a colorful bird. I urged into the house, picked the booklet, and probably identified my first Great Tit, without understanding that this moment will change my life forever.

At that times of course, I had no idea what is a species, genus or a family, but actually, all these early birds, were the foundations of my life project – Bird Families of the World. 

These are my first 18 families:

1. Family #16: Pigeons and Doves (Columbidae) | Laughing Dove

2. Family #84: Hoopoes (Upupidae) | Eurasian Hoopoe

3. Family #90: Kingfishers (Alcedinidae) | White-throated Kingfisher

4. Family #102: Woodpeckers (Picidae) | Syrian Woodpecker

5. Family #107: Old World Parrots (Psittaculidae)   | Rose-ringed Parakeet (introduced)

6. Family #166: Shrikes (Laniidae) | Masked Shrike

7. Family #167: Crows, Jays, and Magpies (Corvidae) | Eurasian Jay

8. Family #190: Swallows (Hirundinidae) | Barn Swallow

9. Family #191: Bulbuls (Pycnonotidae) | White-spectacled Bulbul

10. Family #192: Leaf Warblers (Phylloscopidae) | Common Chiffchaff

11. Family #214: Old World Flycatchers (Muscicapidae) | European Stonechat

12. Family #213: Thrushes and Allies (Turdidae) | Common Blackbird

13. Family #223: Sunbirds and Spiderhunters (Nectariniidae) | Palestine Sunbird

14. Family #233: Wagtails and Pipits (Motacillidae) | White Wagtail

15. Family #234: Finches, Euphonias, and Allies (Fringillidae) | European Goldfinch

16. Family #232: Old World Sparrows (Passeridae) | House Sparrow

17. Family #178: Tits, Chickadees, and Titmice (Paridae) | Great Tit

18. Family #184: Cisticolas and Allies (Cisticolidae) | Graceful Prinia

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