Bird Families Accounts 239 – 253 | Previous Accounts Page | Search Bird Family | Search Bird Species
Order: Passeriformes (part 8 and last)
145 families, 6704 species (53 extinct)
Passeriformes Family Groups on this page:
- Passeroid Oscines (part 2), 15 families (of 31) 855 species (2 extinct)
Family #239
Thrush-Tanager (Rhodinocichlidae)
- Species: 1
- Distribution: Nearctic, Neotropic
- IOC family #238, HBW family #230, H&M family #186 (Thrush Tanager)
- Passeriformes Family Group: Passeroid Oscines
- wf253 status: 50% members ticked
- OH: 1 seen and photographed, first seen in Panama 2019
- Finding hints
Rosy Thrush-Tanager | Rhodinocichla rosea | .. |

Rosy Thrush-Tanager, Panama 2019
Family #240
Old World Buntings (Emberizidae)
- Species: 44
- Distribution: Afrotropic, Indomalaya, Palearctic
- IOC family #239 (Buntings), HBW family #231 (Old World Buntings), H&M family #187
- Passeriformes Family Group: Passeroid Oscines
- wf253 status: 95% members ticked
- OH: 20 seen, 17 photographed, first seen in Israel 1978
Brown-rumped Bunting | Emberiza affinis | |
Crested Bunting | Emberiza lathami | |
Black-headed Bunting | Emberiza melanocephala | .. |
Red-headed Bunting | Emberiza bruniceps | |
Corn Bunting | Emberiza calandra | .. |
Chestnut-eared Bunting | Emberiza fucata | . |
Tibetan Bunting | Emberiza koslowi | |
Rufous-backed Bunting | Emberiza jankowskii | |
Rock Bunting | Emberiza cia | .. |
Godlewski’s Bunting | Emberiza godlewskii | |
Meadow Bunting | Emberiza cioides | |
Cirl Bunting | Emberiza cirlus | .. |
White-capped Bunting | Emberiza stewarti | |
Yellowhammer | Emberiza citrinella | .. |
Pine Bunting | Emberiza leucocephalos | .. |
Gray-necked Bunting | Emberiza buchanani | |
Cinereous Bunting | Emberiza cineracea | .. |
Ortolan Bunting | Emberiza hortulana | .. |
Cretzschmar’s Bunting | Emberiza caesia | .. |
Cabanis’s Bunting | Emberiza cabanisi | .. |
Golden-breasted Bunting | Emberiza flaviventris | .. |
Somali Bunting | Emberiza poliopleura | . |
Cape Bunting | Emberiza capensis | .. |
Lark-like Bunting | Emberiza impetuani | |
Socotra Bunting | Emberiza socotrana | |
Cinnamon-breasted Bunting | Emberiza tahapisi | .. |
Gosling’s Bunting | Emberiza goslingi | |
House Bunting | Emberiza sahari | |
Striolated Bunting | Emberiza striolata | .. |
Slaty Bunting | Emberiza siemsseni | |
Yellow-throated Bunting | Emberiza elegans | |
Ochre-rumped Bunting | Emberiza yessoensis | |
Pallas’s Bunting | Emberiza pallasi | |
Reed Bunting | Emberiza schoeniclus | .. |
Yellow-breasted Bunting | Emberiza aureola | |
Little Bunting | Emberiza pusilla | .. |
Rustic Bunting | Emberiza rustica | .. |
Yellow Bunting | Emberiza sulphurata | |
Black-faced Bunting | Emberiza spodocephala | . |
Masked Bunting | Emberiza personata | |
Chestnut Bunting | Emberiza rutila | |
Yellow-browed Bunting | Emberiza chrysophrys | |
Tristram’s Bunting | Emberiza tristrami | |
Gray Bunting | Emberiza variabilis |

Rustic Bunting, Israel 2022

1 Rock Bunting, Spain; 2 Yellowhammer, England; 3 Cirl Bunting, Spain; 4 Pine Bunting, Israel; 5 Cape Bunting, South Africa; 6 Striolated Bunting, Israel; 7 Cretzschmar’s Bunting, Israel; 8 Corn Bunting, Israel; 9 Black-headed Bunting, Israel; 10 Little Bunting, Israel; 11 Golden-breasted Bunting, South Africa; 12 Ortolan Bunting, Israel; 13 Cinereous Bunting, Israel; 14 Reed Bunting, Denmark

15 Cabanis’s Bunting, Tanzania; 16 Cinnamon-breasted Bunting, Tanzania
Family #241
New World Sparrows (Passerellidae)
- Species: 135 (1 extinct)
- Distribution: Nearctic, Neotropic
- IOC family #240, HBW family #232, H&M family #188 (New World Sparrows and allies)
- Passeriformes Family Group: Passeroid Oscines
- wf253 status: 92% members ticked
- OH: 49 seen, 40 photographed, first seen in USA 2002
Tanager Finch | Oreothraupis arremonops | |
Yellow-throated Chlorospingus | Chlorospingus flavigularis | .. |
Short-billed Chlorospingus | Chlorospingus parvirostris | |
Ashy-throated Chlorospingus | Chlorospingus canigularis | |
Sooty-capped Chlorospingus | Chlorospingus pileatus | .. |
Common Chlorospingus | Chlorospingus flavopectus | .. |
Tacarcuna Chlorospingus | Chlorospingus tacarcunae | |
Pirre Chlorospingus | Chlorospingus inornatus | |
Dusky Chlorospingus | Chlorospingus semifuscus | . |
Tumbes Sparrow | Rhynchospiza stolzmanni | |
Yungas Sparrow | Rhynchospiza dabbenei | |
Chaco Sparrow | Rhynchospiza strigiceps | |
Rufous-winged Sparrow | Peucaea carpalis | .. |
Cinnamon-tailed Sparrow | Peucaea sumichrasti | |
Stripe-headed Sparrow | Peucaea ruficauda | |
Black-chested Sparrow | Peucaea humeralis | .. |
Bridled Sparrow | Peucaea mystacalis | |
Botteri’s Sparrow | Peucaea botterii | |
Cassin’s Sparrow | Peucaea cassinii | |
Bachman’s Sparrow | Peucaea aestivalis | |
Grasshopper Sparrow | Ammodramus savannarum | . |
Grassland Sparrow | Ammodramus humeralis | .. |
Yellow-browed Sparrow | Ammodramus aurifrons | . |
Olive Sparrow | Arremonops rufivirgatus | .. |
Green-backed Sparrow | Arremonops chloronotus | |
Black-striped Sparrow | Arremonops conirostris | .. |
Tocuyo Sparrow | Arremonops tocuyensis | |
Chipping Sparrow | Spizella passerina | .. |
Clay-colored Sparrow | Spizella pallida | |
Black-chinned Sparrow | Spizella atrogularis | |
Field Sparrow | Spizella pusilla | . |
Brewer’s Sparrow | Spizella breweri | .. |
Worthen’s Sparrow | Spizella wortheni | |
Five-striped Sparrow | Amphispizopsis quinquestriata | |
Black-throated Sparrow | Amphispiza bilineata | .. |
Lark Sparrow | Chondestes grammacus | .. |
Lark Bunting | Calamospiza melanocorys | |
Costa Rican Brushfinch | Arremon costaricensis | |
Sierra Nevada Brushfinch | Arremon basilicus | |
Perija Brushfinch | Arremon perijanus | |
Black-headed Brushfinch | Arremon atricapillus | |
Caracas Brushfinch | Arremon phaeopleurus | |
Paria Brushfinch | Arremon phygas | |
Gray-browed Brushfinch | Arremon assimilis | |
White-browed Brushfinch | Arremon torquatus | |
Orange-billed Sparrow | Arremon aurantiirostris | .. |
Black-capped Sparrow | Arremon abeillei | |
Marañon Sparrow | Arremon nigriceps | |
Golden-winged Sparrow | Arremon schlegeli | |
Pectoral Sparrow | Arremon taciturnus | |
Sao Francisco Sparrow | Arremon franciscanus | |
Half-collared Sparrow | Arremon semitorquatus | |
Moss-backed Sparrow | Arremon dorbignii | |
Saffron-billed Sparrow | Arremon flavirostris | |
Green-striped Brushfinch | Arremon virenticeps | .. |
Chestnut-capped Brushfinch | Arremon brunneinucha | .. |
Sooty-faced Finch | Arremon crassirostris | |
Olive Finch | Arremon castaneiceps | |
American Tree Sparrow | Spizelloides arborea | .. |
Fox Sparrow | Passerella iliaca | .. |
Dark-eyed Junco | Junco hyemalis | .. |
Guadalupe Junco | Junco insularis | |
Yellow-eyed Junco | Junco phaeonotus | .. |
Baird’s Junco | Junco bairdi | |
Volcano Junco | Junco vulcani | |
Rufous-collared Sparrow | Zonotrichia capensis | .. |
White-crowned Sparrow | Zonotrichia leucophrys | .. |
Golden-crowned Sparrow | Zonotrichia atricapilla | .. |
Harris’s Sparrow | Zonotrichia querula | |
White-throated Sparrow | Zonotrichia albicollis | .. |
Sagebrush Sparrow | Artemisiospiza nevadensis | .. |
Bell’s Sparrow | Artemisiospiza belli | . |
Striped Sparrow | Oriturus superciliosus | .. |
Vesper Sparrow | Pooecetes gramineus | .. |
LeConte’s Sparrow | Ammospiza leconteii | . |
Seaside Sparrow | Ammospiza maritima | |
Nelson’s Sparrow | Ammospiza nelsoni | |
Saltmarsh Sparrow | Ammospiza caudacuta | |
Savannah Sparrow | Passerculus sandwichensis | .. |
Baird’s Sparrow | Centronyx bairdii | |
Henslow’s Sparrow | Centronyx henslowii | |
Sierra Madre Sparrow | Xenospiza baileyi | |
Song Sparrow | Melospiza melodia | .. |
Lincoln’s Sparrow | Melospiza lincolnii | .. |
Swamp Sparrow | Melospiza georgiana | .. |
Large-footed Finch | Pezopetes capitalis | |
Zapata Sparrow | Torreornis inexpectata | .. |
Rusty-crowned Ground-Sparrow | Melozone kieneri | .. |
Canyon Towhee | Melozone fusca | .. |
White-throated Towhee | Melozone albicollis | |
Abert’s Towhee | Melozone aberti | .. |
California Towhee | Melozone crissalis | .. |
White-eared Ground-Sparrow | Melozone leucotis | |
White-faced Ground-Sparrow | Melozone biarcuata | |
Cabanis’s Ground-Sparrow | Melozone cabanisi | |
Rusty Sparrow | Aimophila rufescens | .. |
Rufous-crowned Sparrow | Aimophila ruficeps | .. |
Oaxaca Sparrow | Aimophila notosticta | |
Green-tailed Towhee | Pipilo chlorurus | .. |
Spotted Towhee | Pipilo maculatus | .. |
Eastern Towhee | Pipilo erythrophthalmus | . |
Bermuda Towhee | Pipilo naufragus | exinct |
Collared Towhee | Pipilo ocai | |
Rufous-capped Brushfinch | Atlapetes pileatus | . |
White-naped Brushfinch | Atlapetes albinucha | |
Yellow-thighed Brushfinch | Atlapetes tibialis | .. |
Yellow-green Brushfinch | Atlapetes luteoviridis | |
Moustached Brushfinch | Atlapetes albofrenatus | |
Tepui Brushfinch | Atlapetes personatus | |
Santa Marta Brushfinch | Atlapetes melanocephalus | |
Ochre-breasted Brushfinch | Atlapetes semirufus | |
Yellow-headed Brushfinch | Atlapetes flaviceps | |
Dusky-headed Brushfinch | Atlapetes fuscoolivaceus | |
White-rimmed Brushfinch | Atlapetes leucopis | |
White-headed Brushfinch | Atlapetes albiceps | |
Rufous-eared Brushfinch | Atlapetes rufigenis | |
Choco Brushfinch | Atlapetes crassus | |
Golden-crowned Brushfinch | Atlapetes tricolor | |
Northern Slaty Brushfinch | Atlapetes schistaceus | |
Peruvian Slaty Brushfinch | Atlapetes taczanowskii | |
Pale-naped Brushfinch | Atlapetes pallidinucha | |
Antioquia Brushfinch | Atlapetes blancae | |
Yellow-breasted Brushfinch | Atlapetes latinuchus | |
White-winged Brushfinch | Atlapetes leucopterus | |
Pale-headed Brushfinch | Atlapetes pallidiceps | |
Bay-crowned Brushfinch | Atlapetes seebohmi | |
Rusty-bellied Brushfinch | Atlapetes nationi | |
Apurimac Brushfinch | Atlapetes forbesi | |
Black-spectacled Brushfinch | Atlapetes melanopsis | |
Vilcabamba Brushfinch | Atlapetes terborghi | |
Cuzco Brushfinch | Atlapetes canigenis | |
Black-faced Brushfinch | Atlapetes melanolaemus | |
Bolivian Brushfinch | Atlapetes rufinucha | . |
Fulvous-headed Brushfinch | Atlapetes fulviceps | |
Yellow-striped Brushfinch | Atlapetes citrinellus |

Sooty-capped Chlorospingus, Panama 2019

Zapata Sparrow, Cuba 2023

1 Green-striped Brush-Finch, Mexico; 2 Olive Sparrow, USA; 3 Spotted Towhee, USA; 4 Rusty Sparrow, Mexico; 5 Rufous-crowned Sparrow, Mexico; 6 Song Sparrow, USA; 7 Rusty-crowned Ground-Sparrow, Mexico; 8 Black-throated Sparrow, USA; 9 California Towhee, USA; 10 Abert’s Towhee, USA; 11 Black-chested Sparrow, Mexico; 12 Brewer’s Sparrow, USA; 13 Lark Sparrow, USA; 14 Vesper Sparrow, USA; 15 American Tree Sparrow, USA; 16 Striped Sparrow, Mexico; 17 Chipping Sparrow, USA; 18 Lincoln’s Sparrow, USA; 19 Savannah Sparrow, USA; 20 Fox Sparrow, USA; 21 Canyon Towhee, Mexico; 22 Dark-eyed Junco, USA; 23 Yellow-eyed Junco, Mexico; 24 Chestnut-capped Brushfinch, Panama; 25 Yellow-thighed Brushfinch, Panama; 26 White-crowned Sparrow, USA; 27 White-throated Sparrow, USA; 28 Rufous-collared Sparrow, Brazil; 29 Common Chlorospingus, Mexico; 30 Orange-billed Sparrow, Ecuador; 31 Yellow-throated Chlorospingus, Ecuador; 32 Black-striped Sparrow, Ecuador; 33 Sagebrush Sparrow, USA; 34 Green-tailed Towhee, USA; 35 Swamp Sparrow, USA; 36 Golden-crowned Sparrow, USA; 37 Rufous-winged Sparrow, USA; 38 Grassland Sparrow, Brazil; 39 Sooty-capped Chlorospingus, Panama
Family #242
Chat-Tanagers (Calyptophilidae)
- Species: 2
- Distribution: Neotropical endemic (Hispaniola)
- IOC family #241, HBW family #240, H&M family #193 (Chat Tanagers)
- Passeriformes Family Group: Passeroid Oscines
- wf253 status: 35% members ticked
- OH: 1 seen and photographed, first seen in Dominican Republic 2017
- Finding Hints
Western Chat-Tanager | Calyptophilus tertius | .. |
Eastern Chat-Tanager | Calyptophilus frugivorus |

Western Chat-tanager, Dominican Republics 2017
Family #243
Hispaniolan Tanagers (Phaenicophilidae)
- Species: 4
- Distribution: Neotropical endemic (Hispaniola)
- IOC family #242 (Hispaniolan Palm-Tanagers), HBW family #237, H&M family #189 (Warbler Tanagers)
- Passeriformes Family Group: Passeroid Oscines
- wf253 status: 37% members ticked
- OH: 3 seen and photographed, first seen in Dominican Republic 2017
- Finding Hints
Black-crowned Palm-Tanager | Phaenicophilus palmarum | .. |
Gray-crowned Palm-Tanager | Phaenicophilus poliocephalus | |
White-winged Warbler | Xenoligea montana | .. |
Green-tailed Warbler | Microligea palustris | .. |

1 White-winged Warbler, Dominican Republic; 2 Green-tailed Warbler, Dominican Republic; 3 Black-crowned Palm-Tanager, Dominican Republic
Family #244
Puerto Rican Tanager (Nesospingidae)
- Species: 1
- Distribution: Neotropical endemic (Puerto Rico)
- IOC family #243, HBW family #239, H&M family #189 (Warbler Tanagers)
- Passeriformes Family Group: Passeroid Oscines
- wf253 status: 30% members ticked
- OH: 1 seen and photographed, first seen in Puerto Rico 2022
- Finding Hints
Puerto Rican Tanager | Nesospingus speculiferus | .. |

Puerto Rican Tanager, Puerto Rico 2022
Family #245
Spindalises (Spindalidae)
- Species: 4
- Distribution: Neotropical endemic
- IOC family #244, HBW family #238, H&M family #189 (Warbler Tanagers)
- Passeriformes Family Group: Passeroid Oscines
- wf253 status: 54% members ticked
- OH: 3 seen and photographed, first seen in Dominican Republic 2017
- Finding Hints: Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico
Western Spindalis | Spindalis zena | .. |
Jamaican Spindalis | Spindalis nigricephala | |
Hispaniolan Spindalis | Spindalis dominicensis | .. |
Puerto Rican Spindalis | Spindalis portoricensis | .. |

1. Western Spindalis, Cuba 2023; 2. Puerto Rican Spindalis, Puerto Rico 2022; 3. Hispaniolan Spindalis, Dominican Republic 2017
Family #246
Wrenthrush (Zeledoniidae)
- Species: 1
- Distribution: Neotropical endemic (Panama, Costa Rica)
- IOC family #245, HBW family #233, H&M family #190 (Wren-thrush and allies)
- Passeriformes Family Group: Passeroid Oscines
- wf253 status: 41% members ticked
- OH: 1 seen and photographed, first seen in Panama 2019
- Finding hints
Wrenthrush | Zeledonia coronata | .. |

Family #247
Cuban Warblers (Teretistridae)
- Species: 2
- Distribution: Neotropical endemic (Cuba)
- IOC family #246, HBW family #234, H&M family #190 (Wren-thrush and allies)
- Passeriformes Family Group: Passeroid Oscines
- wf253 status: 33% members ticked
- OH: 2 seen and photographed. First seen in Cuba, 2023
- Finding Hints
Yellow-headed Warbler | Teretistris fernandinae | .. |
Oriente Warbler | Teretistris fornsi | .. |

1 Yellow-headed Warbler, Cuba; 2 Oriente Warbler, Cuba
Family #248
Yellow-breasted Chat (Icteriidae)
- Species: 1
- Distribution: Nearctic, Neotropic
- IOC family #247, HBW family #235 (New World Blackbirds), H&M family #192 (New World Blackbirds)
- Passeriformes Family Group: Passeroid Oscines
- wf253 status: 66% members ticked
- OH: 1 seen but not photographed, first seen in USA 2007
Yellow-breasted Chat | Icteria virens | . |
Family #249
Troupials and Allies (Icteridae)
- Species: 106 (1 extinct)
- Distribution: Nearctic, Neotropic
- IOC family #248 (Oropendolas, New World Orioles, Blackbirds), HBW family #235 (New World Blackbirds), H&M family #192 (New World Blackbirds)
- Passeriformes Family Group: Passeroid Oscines
- wf253 status: 85% members ticked
- OH: 56 seen, 46 photographed, first seen in USA 1996
Yellow-headed Blackbird | Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus | .. |
Bobolink | Dolichonyx oryzivorus | |
Western Meadowlark | Sturnella neglecta | .. |
Eastern Meadowlark | Sturnella magna | .. |
Chihuahuan Meadowlark | Sturnella lilianae | |
Red-breasted Meadowlark | Leistes militaris | |
White-browed Meadowlark | Leistes superciliaris | |
Peruvian Meadowlark | Leistes bellicosus | .. |
Pampas Meadowlark | Leistes defilippii | |
Long-tailed Meadowlark | Leistes loyca | .. |
Yellow-billed Cacique | Amblycercus holosericeus | |
Yellow-winged Cacique | Cassiculus melanicterus | |
Russet-backed Oropendola | Psarocolius angustifrons | .. |
Dusky-green Oropendola | Psarocolius atrovirens | |
Green Oropendola | Psarocolius viridis | |
Crested Oropendola | Psarocolius decumanus | .. |
Chestnut-headed Oropendola | Psarocolius wagleri | |
Montezuma Oropendola | Psarocolius montezuma | .. |
Black Oropendola | Psarocolius guatimozinus | |
Baudo Oropendola | Psarocolius cassini | |
Olive Oropendola | Psarocolius bifasciatus | |
Solitary Black Cacique | Cacicus solitarius | .. |
Golden-winged Cacique | Cacicus chrysopterus | .. |
Ecuadorian Cacique | Cacicus sclateri | |
Selva Cacique | Cacicus koepckeae | |
Scarlet-rumped Cacique | Cacicus uropygialis | . |
Yellow-rumped Cacique | Cacicus cela | .. |
Mountain Cacique | Cacicus chrysonotus | |
Band-tailed Cacique | Cacicus latirostris | |
Red-rumped Cacique | Cacicus haemorrhous | .. |
Casqued Cacique | Cacicus oseryi | |
Hispaniolan Oriole | Icterus dominicensis | .. |
Cuban Oriole | Icterus melanopsis | .. |
Bahama Oriole | Icterus northropi | |
Puerto Rican Oriole | Icterus portoricensis | .. |
St. Lucia Oriole | Icterus laudabilis | |
Montserrat Oriole | Icterus oberi | |
Martinique Oriole | Icterus bonana | |
Black-vented Oriole | Icterus wagleri | |
Bar-winged Oriole | Icterus maculialatus | |
Black-cowled Oriole | Icterus prosthemelas | |
Orchard Oriole | Icterus spurius | .. |
Hooded Oriole | Icterus cucullatus | . |
Yellow-backed Oriole | Icterus chrysater | |
Orange-crowned Oriole | Icterus auricapillus | |
White-edged Oriole | Icterus graceannae | . |
Yellow-tailed Oriole | Icterus mesomelas | .. |
Epaulet Oriole | Icterus cayanensis | . |
Variable Oriole | Icterus pyrrhopterus | . |
Venezuelan Troupial | Icterus icterus | .. |
Campo Troupial | Icterus jamacaii | |
Orange-backed Troupial | Icterus croconotus | .. |
Streak-backed Oriole | Icterus pustulatus | . |
Bullock’s Oriole | Icterus bullockii | .. |
Orange Oriole | Icterus auratus | |
Jamaican Oriole | Icterus leucopteryx | |
Yellow Oriole | Icterus nigrogularis | |
Spot-breasted Oriole | Icterus pectoralis | |
Altamira Oriole | Icterus gularis | .. |
Audubon’s Oriole | Icterus graduacauda | .. |
Baltimore Oriole | Icterus galbula | . |
Black-backed Oriole | Icterus abeillei | . |
Scott’s Oriole | Icterus parisorum | .. |
Jamaican Blackbird | Nesopsar nigerrimus | |
Red-winged Blackbird | Agelaius phoeniceus | .. |
Red-shouldered Blackbird | Agelaius assimilis | .. |
Tricolored Blackbird | Agelaius tricolor | . |
Tawny-shouldered Blackbird | Agelaius humeralis | .. |
Yellow-shouldered Blackbird | Agelaius xanthomus | .. |
Screaming Cowbird | Molothrus rufoaxillaris | .. |
Shiny Cowbird | Molothrus bonariensis | .. |
Bronzed Cowbird | Molothrus aeneus | .. |
Brown-headed Cowbird | Molothrus ater | .. |
Giant Cowbird | Molothrus oryzivorus | .. |
Melodious Blackbird | Dives dives | . |
Scrub Blackbird | Dives warczewiczi | |
Cuban Blackbird | Ptiloxena atroviolacea | .. |
Rusty Blackbird | Euphagus carolinus | |
Brewer’s Blackbird | Euphagus cyanocephalus | .. |
Common Grackle | Quiscalus quiscula | .. |
Boat-tailed Grackle | Quiscalus major | |
Great-tailed Grackle | Quiscalus mexicanus | .. |
Slender-billed Grackle | Quiscalus palustris | (extinct) |
Nicaraguan Grackle | Quiscalus nicaraguensis | |
Greater Antillean Grackle | Quiscalus niger | .. |
Carib Grackle | Quiscalus lugubris | |
Red-bellied Grackle | Hypopyrrhus pyrohypogaster | |
Velvet-fronted Grackle | Lampropsar tanagrinus | |
Oriole Blackbird | Gymnomystax mexicanus | |
Mountain Grackle | Macroagelaius subalaris | |
Golden-tufted Grackle | Macroagelaius imthurni | |
Austral Blackbird | Curaeus curaeus | .. |
Scarlet-headed Blackbird | Amblyramphus holosericeus | .. |
Forbes’s Blackbird | Anumara forbesi | |
Chopi Blackbird | Gnorimopsar chopi | .. |
Bolivian Blackbird | Oreopsar bolivianus | |
Grayish Baywing | Agelaioides badius | .. |
Pale Baywing | Agelaioides fringillarius | |
Pale-eyed Blackbird | Agelasticus xanthophthalmus | |
Unicolored Blackbird | Agelasticus cyanopus | .. |
Yellow-winged Blackbird | Agelasticus thilius | .. |
Chestnut-capped Blackbird | Chrysomus ruficapillus | .. |
Yellow-hooded Blackbird | Chrysomus icterocephalus | |
Saffron-cowled Blackbird | Xanthopsar flavus | |
Yellow-rumped Marshbird | Pseudoleistes guirahuro | .. |
Brown-and-yellow Marshbird | Pseudoleistes virescens | .. |

Altamira Oriole, USA 2013

1 Red-winged Blackbird, USA; 2 Peruvian Meadowlark, Peru; 3 Unicolored Blackbird, Brazil; 4 Western Meadowlark, USA; 5 Yellow-headed Blackbird, USA; 6 Chopi Blackbird, Brazil; 7 Brewer’s Blackbird, USA; 8 Great-tailed Grackle, USA; 9 Giant Cowbird, Ecuador; 10 Yellow-rumped Marshbird, Brazil; 11 Orange-backed Troupial, Ecuador; 12 Yellow-rumped Cacique, Ecuador; 13 Hispaniolan Oriole, Dominican Republic; 14 Bullock’s Oriole, Mexico; 15 Yellow-tailed Oriole, Peru; 16 Brown-headed Cowbird, USA; 17 Russet-backed Oropendola, Ecuador; 18 Chestnut-capped Blackbird, Brazil; 19 Shiny Cowbird, Brazil; 20 Orchard Oriole, Mexico; 21 Scott’s Oriole, Mexico; 22 Audubon’s Oriole, USA; 23 Golden-winged Cacique, Brazil; 24 Red-rumped Cacique, Brazil; 25 Greater Antillean Grackle, Dominican Republic; 26 Bay-winged Cowbird, Brazil; 27 Long-tailed Meadowlark, Argentina; 28 Scarlet-headed Blackbird, Argentina; 29 Solitary Black Cacique, Argentina; 30 Eastern Meadowlark, USA; 31 Common Grackle, USA; 32 Yellow-winged Blackbird, Argentina; 33 Austral Blackbird, Argentina; 34 Screaming Cowbird, Argentina; 35 Brown-and-yellow Marshbird, Argentina; 36 Crested Oropendola, Brazil; 37 Montezuma Oropendola, Mexico; 38 Altamira Oriole, USA; 39 Bronzed Cowbird, Mexico

40 Cuban Oriole, Cuba; 41 Puerto Rican Oriole, Puerto Rico; 42 Tawny-shouldered Blackbird, Cuba; 43 Red-shouldered Blackbird, Cuba; 44 Cuban Blackbird, Cuba; 45 Venezuelan Troupial, Puerto Rico; 46 Yellow-shouldered Blackbird, Puerto Rico
Family #250
New World Warblers (Parulidae)
- Species: 115
- Distribution: Nearctic, Neotropic
- IOC family #249, HBW family #236, H&M family #191 (New World Wood Warblers)
- Passeriformes Family Group: Passeroid Oscines
- wf253 status: 91% members ticked
- OH: 55 seen, 38 photographed, first seen in USA 2006
Ovenbird | Seiurus aurocapilla | .. |
Worm-eating Warbler | Helmitheros vermivorum | . |
Louisiana Waterthrush | Parkesia motacilla | |
Northern Waterthrush | Parkesia noveboracensis | .. |
Bachman’s Warbler | Vermivora bachmanii | |
Golden-winged Warbler | Vermivora chrysoptera | |
Blue-winged Warbler | Vermivora cyanoptera | . |
Black-and-white Warbler | Mniotilta varia | .. |
Prothonotary Warbler | Protonotaria citrea | |
Swainson’s Warbler | Limnothlypis swainsonii | |
Crescent-chested Warbler | Oreothlypis superciliosa | |
Flame-throated Warbler | Oreothlypis gutturalis | |
Tennessee Warbler | Leiothlypis peregrina | |
Orange-crowned Warbler | Leiothlypis celata | .. |
Colima Warbler | Leiothlypis crissalis | |
Lucy’s Warbler | Leiothlypis luciae | .. |
Nashville Warbler | Leiothlypis ruficapilla | .. |
Virginia’s Warbler | Leiothlypis virginiae | . |
Semper’s Warbler | Leucopeza semperi | |
Connecticut Warbler | Oporornis agilis | |
Gray-crowned Yellowthroat | Geothlypis poliocephala | |
Masked Yellowthroat | Geothlypis aequinoctialis | .. |
Black-lored Yellowthroat | Geothlypis auricularis | |
Southern Yellowthroat | Geothlypis velata | .. |
MacGillivray’s Warbler | Geothlypis tolmiei | .. |
Mourning Warbler | Geothlypis philadelphia | |
Kentucky Warbler | Geothlypis formosa | |
Olive-crowned Yellowthroat | Geothlypis semiflava | .. |
Black-polled Yellowthroat | Geothlypis speciosa | .. |
Belding’s Yellowthroat | Geothlypis beldingi | |
Bahama Yellowthroat | Geothlypis rostrata | |
Altamira Yellowthroat | Geothlypis flavovelata | |
Common Yellowthroat | Geothlypis trichas | .. |
Hooded Yellowthroat | Geothlypis nelsoni | |
Whistling Warbler | Catharopeza bishopi | |
Plumbeous Warbler | Setophaga plumbea | |
Elfin-woods Warbler | Setophaga angelae | . |
Arrowhead Warbler | Setophaga pharetra | |
Hooded Warbler | Setophaga citrina | . |
American Redstart | Setophaga ruticilla | .. |
Kirtland’s Warbler | Setophaga kirtlandii | |
Cape May Warbler | Setophaga tigrina | .. |
Cerulean Warbler | Setophaga cerulea | . |
Northern Parula | Setophaga americana | .. |
Tropical Parula | Setophaga pitiayumi | .. |
Magnolia Warbler | Setophaga magnolia | . |
Bay-breasted Warbler | Setophaga castanea | |
Blackburnian Warbler | Setophaga fusca | |
Yellow Warbler | Setophaga petechia | .. |
Chestnut-sided Warbler | Setophaga pensylvanica | . |
Blackpoll Warbler | Setophaga striata | . |
Black-throated Blue Warbler | Setophaga caerulescens | .. |
Palm Warbler | Setophaga palmarum | .. |
Olive-capped Warbler | Setophaga pityophila | .. |
Pine Warbler | Setophaga pinus | .. |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | Setophaga coronata | .. |
Yellow-throated Warbler | Setophaga dominica | .. |
Bahama Warbler | Setophaga flavescens | |
Vitelline Warbler | Setophaga vitellina | |
Prairie Warbler | Setophaga discolor | .. |
Adelaide’s Warbler | Setophaga adelaidae | .. |
Barbuda Warbler | Setophaga subita | |
St. Lucia Warbler | Setophaga delicata | |
Grace’s Warbler | Setophaga graciae | .. |
Black-throated Gray Warbler | Setophaga nigrescens | .. |
Townsend’s Warbler | Setophaga townsendi | . |
Hermit Warbler | Setophaga occidentalis | . |
Golden-cheeked Warbler | Setophaga chrysoparia | |
Black-throated Green Warbler | Setophaga virens | .. |
Fan-tailed Warbler | Basileuterus lachrymosus | .. |
Rufous-capped Warbler | Basileuterus rufifrons | . |
Chestnut-capped Warbler | Basileuterus delattrii | |
Black-cheeked Warbler | Basileuterus melanogenys | .. |
Pirre Warbler | Basileuterus ignotus | |
Golden-browed Warbler | Basileuterus belli | |
Golden-crowned Warbler | Basileuterus culicivorus | .. |
Costa Rican Warbler | Basileuterus melanotis | |
Tacarcuna Warbler | Basileuterus tacarcunae | |
Three-striped Warbler | Basileuterus tristriatus | . |
Yungas Warbler | Basileuterus punctipectus | |
Three-banded Warbler | Basileuterus trifasciatus | |
Gray-headed Warbler | Myiothlypis griseiceps | |
Santa Marta Warbler | Myiothlypis basilica | |
Citrine Warbler | Myiothlypis luteoviridis | |
White-striped Warbler | Myiothlypis leucophrys | |
Flavescent Warbler | Myiothlypis flaveola | |
White-browed Warbler | Myiothlypis leucoblephara | .. |
Pale-legged Warbler | Myiothlypis signata | |
Black-crested Warbler | Myiothlypis nigrocristata | |
Buff-rumped Warbler | Myiothlypis fulvicauda | . |
Riverbank Warbler | Myiothlypis rivularis | .. |
Two-banded Warbler | Myiothlypis bivittata | |
Choco Warbler | Myiothlypis chlorophrys | |
Cuzco Warbler | Myiothlypis chrysogaster | . |
Gray-throated Warbler | Myiothlypis cinereicollis | |
White-lored Warbler | Myiothlypis conspicillata | |
Gray-and-gold Warbler | Myiothlypis fraseri | |
Russet-crowned Warbler | Myiothlypis coronata | .. |
Canada Warbler | Cardellina canadensis | |
Wilson’s Warbler | Cardellina pusilla | .. |
Red-faced Warbler | Cardellina rubrifrons | |
Red Warbler | Cardellina rubra | . |
Pink-headed Warbler | Cardellina versicolor | |
Painted Redstart | Myioborus pictus | .. |
Slate-throated Redstart | Myioborus miniatus | .. |
Brown-capped Redstart | Myioborus brunniceps | |
Tepui Redstart | Myioborus castaneocapilla | |
Paria Redstart | Myioborus pariae | |
Saffron-breasted Redstart | Myioborus cardonai | |
White-faced Redstart | Myioborus albifacies | |
Collared Redstart | Myioborus torquatus | .. |
Yellow-crowned Redstart | Myioborus flavivertex | |
Golden-fronted Redstart | Myioborus ornatus | |
Spectacled Redstart | Myioborus melanocephalus | . |
White-fronted Redstart | Myioborus albifrons |

Collared Redstart, Panama 2019

1 Northern Waterthrush, USA; 2 Ovenbird, Dominican Republic; 3 Orange-crowned Warbler, USA; 4 Nashville Warbler, Mexico; 5 Lucy’s Warbler, USA; 6 Grace’s Warbler, USA; 7 Cape May Warbler, Dominican Republic; 8 MacGillivray’s Warbler, Mexico; 9 Black-polled Yellowthroat, Mexico; 10 Common Yellowthroat, USA; 11 Masked Yellowthroat, Brazil; 12 Tropical Parula, Brazil; 13 Northern Parula, Dominican Republic; 14 Fan-tailed Warbler, Mexico; 15 Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon’s) , USA; 16 Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle), USA; 17 Yellow Warbler, USA; 18 Russet-crowned Warbler, Ecuador; 19 Pine Warbler, USA; 20 Riverbank Warbler, Brazil; 21 Black-and-white Warbler, Dominican Republic; 22 Slate-throated Redstart, Panama; 23 Black-cheeked Warbler, Panama; 24 White-browed Warbler, Brazil; 25 Yellow-throated Warbler, Mexico; 26 Golden-crowned Warbler, Brazil; 27 American Redstart, Dominican Republic; 28 Painted Redstart, USA; 29 Collared Redstart, Panama; 30 Black-throated Gray Warbler, USA; 31 Black-throated Blue Warbler, Dominican Republic; 32 Wilson’s Warbler, Mexico

33 Olive-capped Warbler, Cuba; 34 Black-throated Green Warbler, Cuba; 35 Adelaide’s Warbler, Puerto Rico; 36 Palm Warbler, Cuba; 37 Prairie warbler, Cuba
Family #251
Mitrospingid Tanagers (Mitrospingidae)
- Species: 4
- Distribution: Neotropical endemic
- IOC family #250, HBW family #241, H&M family #194 (Aberrant Tanagers)
- Passeriformes Family Group: Passeroid Oscines
- wf253 status: 65% members ticked
- OH: 2 seen and photographed, first seen in Brazil 2015
Dusky-faced Tanager | Mitrospingus cassinii | .. |
Olive-backed Tanager | Mitrospingus oleagineus | |
Red-billed Pied Tanager | Lamprospiza melanoleuca | |
Olive-green Tanager | Orthogonys chloricterus | .. |

Family #252
Cardinals and allies (Cardinalidae)
- Species: 51
- Distribution: Nearctic, Neotropic
- IOC family #251, HBW family #242, H&M family #195 (Cardinals, Grosbeaks and allies)
- Passeriformes Family Group: Passeroid Oscines
- wf253 status: 90% members ticked
- OH: 22 seen, 16 photographed, first seen in USA 1996
Rose-throated Tanager | Piranga roseogularis | |
Hepatic Tanager | Piranga flava | . |
Summer Tanager | Piranga rubra | . |
Scarlet Tanager | Piranga olivacea | .. |
Western Tanager | Piranga ludoviciana | .. |
Flame-colored Tanager | Piranga bidentata | .. |
White-winged Tanager | Piranga leucoptera | .. |
Red-headed Tanager | Piranga erythrocephala | |
Red-hooded Tanager | Piranga rubriceps | . |
Red-crowned Ant-Tanager | Habia rubica | .. |
Red-throated Ant-Tanager | Driophlox fuscicauda | |
Sooty Ant-Tanager | Driophlox gutturalis | |
Black-cheeked Ant-Tanager | Driophlox atrimaxillaris | |
Crested Ant-Tanager | Driophlox cristata | |
Carmiol’s Tanager | Chlorothraupis carmioli | . |
Yellow-lored Tanager | Chlorothraupis frenata | |
Lemon-spectacled Tanager | Chlorothraupis olivacea | |
Ochre-breasted Tanager | Chlorothraupis stolzmanni | . |
Crimson-collared Grosbeak | Periporphyrus celaeno | |
Red-and-black Grosbeak | Periporphyrus erythromelas | |
Black-faced Grosbeak | Caryothraustes poliogaster | |
Yellow-green Grosbeak | Caryothraustes canadensis | |
Vermilion Cardinal | Cardinalis phoeniceus | |
Northern Cardinal | Cardinalis cardinalis | .. |
Pyrrhuloxia | Cardinalis sinuatus | .. |
Yellow Grosbeak | Pheucticus chrysopeplus | .. |
Golden Grosbeak | Pheucticus chrysogaster | .. |
Black-thighed Grosbeak | Pheucticus tibialis | |
Black-backed Grosbeak | Pheucticus aureoventris | |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | Pheucticus ludovicianus | . |
Black-headed Grosbeak | Pheucticus melanocephalus | .. |
Red-breasted Chat | Granatellus venustus | |
Gray-throated Chat | Granatellus sallaei | |
Rose-breasted Chat | Granatellus pelzelni | |
Blue Seedeater | Amaurospiza concolor | |
Ecuadorian Seedeater | Amaurospiza aequatorialis | |
Carrizal Seedeater | Amaurospiza carrizalensis | |
Blackish-blue Seedeater | Amaurospiza moesta | |
Glaucous-blue Grosbeak | Cyanoloxia glaucocaerulea | |
Blue-black Grosbeak | Cyanoloxia cyanoides | .. |
Amazonian Grosbeak | Cyanoloxia rothschildii | |
Ultramarine Grosbeak | Cyanoloxia brissonii | |
Blue Bunting | Cyanocompsa parellina | .. |
Blue Grosbeak | Passerina caerulea | .. |
Lazuli Bunting | Passerina amoena | .. |
Indigo Bunting | Passerina cyanea | .. |
Rose-bellied Bunting | Passerina rositae | |
Orange-breasted Bunting | Passerina leclancherii | |
Varied Bunting | Passerina versicolor | .. |
Painted Bunting | Passerina ciris | |
Dickcissel | Spiza americana |

1 Western Tanager, USA; 2 Flame-colored Tanager, Mexico; 3 White-winged Tanager, Peru; 4 Northern Cardinal, USA; 5 Pyrrhuloxia, USA; 6 Yellow Grosbeak, Mexico; 7 Black-headed Grosbeak, USA; 8 Blue-black Grosbeak, Mexico; 9 Lazuli Bunting, USA; 10 Golden-bellied Grosbeak, Peru; 11 Scarlet Tanager, USA; 12 Blue Grosbeak, Mexico; 13 Blue Bunting, Mexico; 14 Red-crowned Ant-Tanager, Panama; 15 Indigo Bunting, Mexico; 16 Varied Bunting, Mexico
Family #253
Tanagers and allies (Thraupidae)
- Species: 384
- Distribution: Nearctic, Neotropic
- IOC family #252, HBW family #243, H&M family #196 (Typical Tanagers and allies)
- Passeriformes Family Group: Passeroid Oscines
- wf253 status: 90% members ticked
- OH: 139 seen, 94 photographed, first seen in USA 2002
Brown Tanager | Orchesticus abeillei | .. |
Red-crested Cardinal | Paroaria coronata | .. |
Red-cowled Cardinal | Paroaria dominicana | |
Masked Cardinal | Paroaria nigrogenis | |
Red-capped Cardinal | Paroaria gularis | |
Crimson-fronted Cardinal | Paroaria baeri | |
Yellow-billed Cardinal | Paroaria capitata | .. |
Black-faced Tanager | Schistochlamys melanopis | . |
Cinnamon Tanager | Schistochlamys ruficapillus | .. |
Magpie Tanager | Cissopis leverianus | .. |
White-banded Tanager | Neothraupis fasciata | .. |
Black-and-white Tanager | Conothraupis speculigera | |
Cone-billed Tanager | Conothraupis mesoleuca | |
Scarlet-throated Tanager | Compsothraupis loricata | |
White-capped Tanager | Sericossypha albocristata | .. |
Hooded Tanager | Nemosia pileata | |
Cherry-throated Tanager | Nemosia rourei | |
Rufous-crested Tanager | Creurgops verticalis | . |
Slaty Tanager | Creurgops dentatus | |
Black-capped Hemispingus | Kleinothraupis atropileus | |
Orange-browed Hemispingus | Kleinothraupis calophrys | |
Parodi’s Hemispingus | Kleinothraupis parodii | |
Gray-capped Hemispingus | Kleinothraupis reyi | |
Oleaginous Hemispingus | Sphenopsis frontalis | |
Black-eared Hemispingus | Sphenopsis melanotis | . |
Orange-headed Tanager | Thlypopsis sordida | . |
Buff-bellied Tanager | Thlypopsis inornata | |
Fulvous-headed Tanager | Thlypopsis fulviceps | |
Chestnut-headed Tanager | Thlypopsis pyrrhocoma | |
Rust-and-yellow Tanager | Thlypopsis ruficeps | |
Superciliaried Hemispingus | Thlypopsis superciliaris | |
Rufous-chested Tanager | Thlypopsis ornata | |
Brown-flanked Tanager | Thlypopsis pectoralis | |
Plain-tailed Warbling Finch | Microspingus alticola | |
Rusty-browed Warbling Finch | Microspingus erythrophrys | |
Buff-throated Warbling Finch | Microspingus lateralis | .. |
Gray-throated Warbling Finch | Microspingus cabanisi | |
Ringed Warbling Finch | Microspingus torquatus | |
Black-capped Warbling Finch | Microspingus melanoleucus | |
Cinereous Warbling Finch | Microspingus cinereus | |
Three-striped Hemispingus | Microspingus trifasciatus | |
Pardusco | Nephelornis oneilli | |
Black-goggled Tanager | Trichothraupis melanops | .. |
Gray-headed Tanager | Eucometis penicillata | .. |
Inti Tanager | Heliothraupis oneilli | |
Flame-crested Tanager | Loriotus cristatus | .. |
Yellow-crested Tanager | Loriotus rufiventer | |
White-shouldered Tanager | Loriotus luctuosus | .. |
Fulvous-crested Tanager | Tachyphonus surinamus | |
Tawny-crested Tanager | Tachyphonus delatrii | . |
Ruby-crowned Tanager | Tachyphonus coronatus | .. |
White-lined Tanager | Tachyphonus rufus | . |
Red-shouldered Tanager | Tachyphonus phoenicius | |
Fulvous Shrike-Tanager | Lanio fulvus | |
White-winged Shrike-Tanager | Lanio versicolor | |
Black-throated Shrike-Tanager | Lanio aurantius | |
White-throated Shrike-Tanager | Lanio leucothorax | |
Crimson-collared Tanager | Ramphocelus sanguinolentus | |
Flame-rumped Tanager | Ramphocelus flammigerus | .. |
Scarlet-rumped Tanager | Ramphocelus passerinii | . |
Brazilian Tanager | Ramphocelus bresilius | .. |
Black-bellied Tanager | Ramphocelus melanogaster | |
Silver-beaked Tanager | Ramphocelus carbo | .. |
Masked Crimson Tanager | Ramphocelus nigrogularis | .. |
Crimson-backed Tanager | Ramphocelus dimidiatus | .. |
Vermilion Tanager | Calochaetes coccineus | |
Blue-backed Tanager | Cyanicterus cyanicterus | |
Blue-and-gold Tanager | Bangsia arcaei | |
Black-and-gold Tanager | Bangsia melanochlamys | |
Golden-chested Tanager | Bangsia rothschildi | |
Moss-backed Tanager | Bangsia edwardsi | |
Gold-ringed Tanager | Bangsia aureocincta | |
Yellow-green Tanager | Bangsia flavovirens | |
Orange-throated Tanager | Wetmorethraupis sterrhopteron | |
Hooded Mountain Tanager | Buthraupis montana | |
Blue-capped Tanager | Sporathraupis cyanocephala | .. |
Masked Mountain Tanager | Tephrophilus wetmorei | |
Grass-green Tanager | Chlorornis riefferii | .. |
Black-chested Mountain Tanager | Cnemathraupis eximia | |
Golden-backed Mountain Tanager | Cnemathraupis aureodorsalis | |
Black-cheeked Mountain Tanager | Anisognathus melanogenys | |
Lacrimose Mountain Tanager | Anisognathus lacrymosus | .. |
Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager | Anisognathus igniventris | |
Blue-winged Mountain Tanager | Anisognathus somptuosus | .. |
Black-chinned Mountain Tanager | Anisognathus notabilis | .. |
Buff-breasted Mountain Tanager | Dubusia taeniata | |
Chestnut-bellied Mountain Tanager | Dubusia castaneoventris | |
Rufous-bellied Mountain Tanager | Pseudosaltator rufiventris | |
Diademed Tanager | Stephanophorus diadematus | .. |
Purplish-mantled Tanager | Iridosornis porphyrocephalus | |
Yellow-throated Tanager | Iridosornis analis | . |
Golden-collared Tanager | Iridosornis jelskii | |
Golden-crowned Tanager | Iridosornis rufivertex | |
Yellow-scarfed Tanager | Iridosornis reinhardti | .. |
Fawn-breasted Tanager | Pipraeidea melanonota | . |
Blue-and-yellow Tanager | Rauenia bonariensis | .. |
Glistening-green Tanager | Chlorochrysa phoenicotis | |
Orange-eared Tanager | Chlorochrysa calliparaea | |
Multicolored Tanager | Chlorochrysa nitidissima | |
Blue-gray Tanager | Thraupis episcopus | .. |
Sayaca Tanager | Thraupis sayaca | .. |
Glaucous Tanager | Thraupis glaucocolpa | |
Azure-shouldered Tanager | Thraupis cyanoptera | .. |
Golden-chevroned Tanager | Thraupis ornata | .. |
Yellow-winged Tanager | Thraupis abbas | . |
Palm Tanager | Thraupis palmarum | .. |
Dotted Tanager | Ixothraupis varia | |
Rufous-throated Tanager | Ixothraupis rufigula | .. |
Speckled Tanager | Ixothraupis guttata | |
Yellow-bellied Tanager | Ixothraupis xanthogastra | |
Spotted Tanager | Ixothraupis punctata | . |
Golden-naped Tanager | Chalcothraupis ruficervix | .. |
Azure-rumped Tanager | Poecilostreptus cabanisi | |
Gray-and-gold Tanager | Poecilostreptus palmeri | |
Black-headed Tanager | Stilpnia cyanoptera | |
Silvery Tanager | Stilpnia viridicollis | . |
Black-capped Tanager | Stilpnia heinei | .. |
Green-throated Tanager | Stilpnia argyrofenges | |
Sira Tanager | Stilpnia phillipsi | |
Black-backed Tanager | Stilpnia peruviana | |
Chestnut-backed Tanager | Stilpnia preciosa | .. |
Green-capped Tanager | Stilpnia meyerdeschauenseei | |
Burnished-buff Tanager | Stilpnia cayana | .. |
Lesser Antillean Tanager | Stilpnia cucullata | |
Scrub Tanager | Stilpnia vitriolina | |
Masked Tanager | Stilpnia nigrocincta | .. |
Golden-hooded Tanager | Stilpnia larvata | . |
Blue-necked Tanager | Stilpnia cyanicollis | .. |
Blue-and-black Tanager | Tangara vassorii | . |
Beryl-spangled Tanager | Tangara nigroviridis | .. |
Spangle-cheeked Tanager | Tangara dowii | |
Green-naped Tanager | Tangara fucosa | |
Metallic-green Tanager | Tangara labradorides | . |
Blue-browed Tanager | Tangara cyanotis | |
Plain-colored Tanager | Tangara inornata | . |
Turquoise Tanager | Tangara mexicana | |
White-bellied Tanager | Tangara brasiliensis | |
Paradise Tanager | Tangara chilensis | .. |
Opal-rumped Tanager | Tangara velia | .. |
Opal-crowned Tanager | Tangara callophrys | .. |
Green-headed Tanager | Tangara seledon | .. |
Seven-colored Tanager | Tangara fastuosa | |
Red-necked Tanager | Tangara cyanocephala | .. |
Brassy-breasted Tanager | Tangara desmaresti | . |
Gilt-edged Tanager | Tangara cyanoventris | |
Rufous-winged Tanager | Tangara lavinia | |
Bay-headed Tanager | Tangara gyrola | |
Rufous-cheeked Tanager | Tangara rufigenis | |
Golden-eared Tanager | Tangara chrysotis | |
Saffron-crowned Tanager | Tangara xanthocephala | .. |
Flame-faced Tanager | Tangara parzudakii | .. |
Green-and-gold Tanager | Tangara schrankii | . |
Blue-whiskered Tanager | Tangara johannae | |
Golden Tanager | Tangara arthus | .. |
Emerald Tanager | Tangara florida | |
Silver-throated Tanager | Tangara icterocephala | .. |
Swallow Tanager | Tersina viridis | . |
White-bellied Dacnis | Dacnis albiventris | |
Black-faced Dacnis | Dacnis lineata | |
Yellow-bellied Dacnis | Dacnis flaviventer | .. |
Turquoise Dacnis | Dacnis hartlaubi | |
Black-legged Dacnis | Dacnis nigripes | |
Scarlet-thighed Dacnis | Dacnis venusta | . |
Blue Dacnis | Dacnis cayana | .. |
Viridian Dacnis | Dacnis viguieri | |
Scarlet-breasted Dacnis | Dacnis berlepschi | |
Short-billed Honeycreeper | Cyanerpes nitidus | |
Shining Honeycreeper | Cyanerpes lucidus | |
Purple Honeycreeper | Cyanerpes caeruleus | . |
Red-legged Honeycreeper | Cyanerpes cyaneus | .. |
Green Honeycreeper | Chlorophanes spiza | .. |
Golden-collared Honeycreeper | Iridophanes pulcherrimus | |
Sulphur-rumped Tanager | Heterospingus rubrifrons | . |
Scarlet-browed Tanager | Heterospingus xanthopygius | |
Guira Tanager | Hemithraupis guira | |
Rufous-headed Tanager | Hemithraupis ruficapilla | .. |
Yellow-backed Tanager | Hemithraupis flavicollis | |
Black-and-yellow Tanager | Chrysothlypis chrysomelas | . |
Scarlet-and-white Tanager | Chrysothlypis salmoni | |
Bicolored Conebill | Conirostrum bicolor | |
Pearly-breasted Conebill | Conirostrum margaritae | |
Chestnut-vented Conebill | Conirostrum speciosum | |
White-eared Conebill | Conirostrum leucogenys | |
Giant Conebill | Conirostrum binghami | |
White-browed Conebill | Conirostrum ferrugineiventre | |
Blue-backed Conebill | Conirostrum sitticolor | |
Capped Conebill | Conirostrum albifrons | |
Tamarugo Conebill | Conirostrum tamarugense | |
Rufous-browed Conebill | Conirostrum rufum | |
Cinereous Conebill | Conirostrum cinereum | . |
Chestnut-bellied Flowerpiercer | Diglossa gloriosissima | |
Glossy Flowerpiercer | Diglossa lafresnayii | .. |
Moustached Flowerpiercer | Diglossa mystacalis | |
Merida Flowerpiercer | Diglossa gloriosa | |
Black Flowerpiercer | Diglossa humeralis | |
Black-throated Flowerpiercer | Diglossa brunneiventris | |
Gray-bellied Flowerpiercer | Diglossa carbonaria | |
Venezuelan Flowerpiercer | Diglossa venezuelensis | |
White-sided Flowerpiercer | Diglossa albilatera | . |
Scaled Flowerpiercer | Diglossa duidae | |
Greater Flowerpiercer | Diglossa major | |
Indigo Flowerpiercer | Diglossa indigotica | |
Cinnamon-bellied Flowerpiercer | Diglossa baritula | .. |
Slaty Flowerpiercer | Diglossa plumbea | .. |
Rusty Flowerpiercer | Diglossa sittoides | |
Deep-blue Flowerpiercer | Diglossa glauca | . |
Bluish Flowerpiercer | Diglossa caerulescens | |
Masked Flowerpiercer | Diglossa cyanea | . |
Plushcap | Catamblyrhynchus diadema | |
Black-backed Bush Tanager | Urothraupis stolzmanni | |
Black-hooded Sierra Finch | Phrygilus atriceps | |
Peruvian Sierra Finch | Phrygilus punensis | |
Gray-hooded Sierra Finch | Phrygilus gayi | .. |
Patagonian Sierra Finch | Phrygilus patagonicus | . |
Diuca Finch | Diuca diuca | .. |
White-bridled Finch | Melanodera melanodera | |
Yellow-bridled Finch | Melanodera xanthogramma | |
Tit-like Dacnis | Xenodacnis parina | |
Red-backed Sierra Finch | Idiopsar dorsalis | |
White-throated Sierra Finch | Idiopsar erythronotus | |
Glacier Finch | Idiopsar speculifer | |
Boulder Finch | Idiopsar brachyurus | |
Plumbeous Sierra Finch | Geospizopsis unicolor | . |
Ash-breasted Sierra Finch | Geospizopsis plebejus | .. |
Uniform Finch | Haplospiza unicolor | .. |
Slaty Finch | Haplospiza rustica | |
Peg-billed Finch | Acanthidops bairdi | |
Black-crested Finch | Lophospingus pusillus | |
Gray-crested Finch | Lophospingus griseocristatus | |
Gough Island Finch | Rowettia goughensis | |
Inaccessible Island Finch | Nesospiza acunhae | |
Nightingale Island Finch | Nesospiza questi | |
Wilkins’s Finch | Nesospiza wilkinsi | |
Cinereous Finch | Piezorina cinerea | .. |
Slender-billed Finch | Xenospingus concolor | |
Great Inca-Finch | Incaspiza pulchra | |
Rufous-backed Inca-Finch | Incaspiza personata | |
Gray-winged Inca-Finch | Incaspiza ortizi | |
Buff-bridled Inca-Finch | Incaspiza laeta | |
Little Inca-Finch | Incaspiza watkinsi | . |
Mourning Sierra Finch | Rhopospina fruticeti | .. |
Blue Finch | Rhopospina caerulescens | |
Band-tailed Sierra Finch | Rhopospina alaudina | .. |
Carbonated Sierra Finch | Rhopospina carbonaria | .. |
Black-headed Hemispingus | Pseudospingus verticalis | |
Drab Hemispingus | Pseudospingus xanthophthalmus | . |
Gray-hooded Bush Tanager | Cnemoscopus rubrirostris | |
White-rumped Tanager | Cypsnagra hirundinacea | .. |
Long-tailed Reed Finch | Donacospiza albifrons | |
Chestnut-breasted Mountain Finch | Poospizopsis caesar | |
Rufous-sided Warbling Finch | Poospizopsis hypochondria | |
Bay-chested Warbling Finch | Castanozoster thoracicus | |
Slaty-backed Hemispingus | Poospiza goeringi | |
Rufous-browed Hemispingus | Poospiza rufosuperciliaris | |
Bolivian Warbling Finch | Poospiza boliviana | |
Cinnamon Warbling Finch | Poospiza ornata | |
Black-and-chestnut Warbling Finch | Poospiza whitii | |
Black-and-rufous Warbling Finch | Poospiza nigrorufa | .. |
Rufous-breasted Warbling Finch | Poospiza rubecula | |
Collared Warbling Finch | Poospiza hispaniolensis | . |
Cochabamba Mountain Finch | Poospiza garleppi | |
Tucuman Mountain Finch | Poospiza baeri | |
Stripe-tailed Yellow-Finch | Sicalis citrina | |
Puna Yellow-Finch | Sicalis lutea | |
Bright-rumped Yellow-Finch | Sicalis uropygialis | |
Citron-headed Yellow-Finch | Sicalis luteocephala | |
Greater Yellow-Finch | Sicalis auriventris | |
Greenish Yellow-Finch | Sicalis olivascens | |
Monte Yellow-Finch | Sicalis mendozae | |
Patagonian Yellow-Finch | Sicalis lebruni | . |
Orange-fronted Yellow-Finch | Sicalis columbiana | |
Saffron Finch | Sicalis flaveola | .. |
Grassland Yellow-Finch | Sicalis luteola | . |
Raimondi’s Yellow-Finch | Sicalis raimondii | |
Sulphur-throated Finch | Sicalis taczanowskii | . |
Wedge-tailed Grass-Finch | Emberizoides herbicola | .. |
Duida Grass-Finch | Emberizoides duidae | |
Lesser Grass-Finch | Emberizoides ypiranganus | .. |
Great Pampa-Finch | Embernagra platensis | .. |
Pale-throated Pampa-Finch | Embernagra longicauda | |
Blue-black Grassquit | Volatinia jacarina | .. |
Lesson’s Seedeater | Sporophila bouvronides | |
Lined Seedeater | Sporophila lineola | .. |
White-bellied Seedeater | Sporophila leucoptera | .. |
Parrot-billed Seedeater | Sporophila peruviana | . |
Chestnut-throated Seedeater | Sporophila telasco | . |
Drab Seedeater | Sporophila simplex | . |
Chestnut-bellied Seedeater | Sporophila castaneiventris | |
Ruddy-breasted Seedeater | Sporophila minuta | |
Black-and-tawny Seedeater | Sporophila nigrorufa | |
Copper Seedeater | Sporophila bouvreuil | .. |
Pearly-bellied Seedeater | Sporophila pileata | |
Tawny-bellied Seedeater | Sporophila hypoxantha | |
Dark-throated Seedeater | Sporophila ruficollis | |
Ibera Seedeater | Sporophila iberaensis | |
Marsh Seedeater | Sporophila palustris | |
Rufous-rumped Seedeater | Sporophila hypochroma | |
Chestnut Seedeater | Sporophila cinnamomea | |
Black-bellied Seedeater | Sporophila melanogaster | |
Thick-billed Seed-Finch | Sporophila funerea | . |
Chestnut-bellied Seed-Finch | Sporophila angolensis | . |
Nicaraguan Seed-Finch | Sporophila nuttingi | |
Great-billed Seed-Finch | Sporophila maximiliani | |
Large-billed Seed-Finch | Sporophila crassirostris | |
Black-billed Seed-Finch | Sporophila atrirostris | |
Variable Seedeater | Sporophila corvina | .. |
Gray Seedeater | Sporophila intermedia | |
Wing-barred Seedeater | Sporophila americana | |
Morelet’s Seedeater | Sporophila morelleti | .. |
Cinnamon-rumped Seedeater | Sporophila torqueola | . |
White-naped Seedeater | Sporophila fringilloides | |
Black-and-white Seedeater | Sporophila luctuosa | |
Yellow-bellied Seedeater | Sporophila nigricollis | . |
Dubois’s Seedeater | Sporophila ardesiaca | |
Double-collared Seedeater | Sporophila caerulescens | .. |
Slate-colored Seedeater | Sporophila schistacea | |
Temminck’s Seedeater | Sporophila falcirostris | |
Buffy-fronted Seedeater | Sporophila frontalis | |
Plumbeous Seedeater | Sporophila plumbea | . |
Tropeiro Seedeater | Sporophila beltoni | |
Rusty-collared Seedeater | Sporophila collaris | .. |
White-throated Seedeater | Sporophila albogularis | |
Band-tailed Seedeater | Catamenia analis | . |
Plain-colored Seedeater | Catamenia inornata | |
Paramo Seedeater | Catamenia homochroa | |
Coal-crested Finch | Charitospiza eucosma | |
Black-masked Finch | Coryphaspiza melanotis | |
Pileated Finch | Coryphospingus pileatus | |
Red-crested Finch | Coryphospingus cucullatus | .. |
Crimson-breasted Finch | Rhodospingus cruentus | |
Yellow Cardinal | Gubernatrix cristata | . |
Bananaquit | Coereba flaveola | .. |
Yellow-faced Grassquit | Tiaris olivaceus | .. |
Orangequit | Euneornis campestris | |
Puerto Rican Bullfinch | Melopyrrha portoricensis | .. |
St. Kitts Bullfinch | Melopyrrha grandis | |
Cuban Bullfinch | Melopyrrha nigra | .. |
Grand Cayman Bullfinch | Melopyrrha taylori | |
Greater Antillean Bullfinch | Melopyrrha violacea | .. |
Yellow-shouldered Grassquit | Loxipasser anoxanthus | |
Cuban Grassquit | Phonipara canora | .. |
Lesser Antillean Bullfinch | Loxigilla noctis | |
Barbados Bullfinch | Loxigilla barbadensis | |
St. Lucia Black Finch | Melanospiza richardsoni | |
Black-faced Grassquit | Melanospiza bicolor | .. |
Dull-colored Grassquit | Asemospiza obscura | |
Sooty Grassquit | Asemospiza fuliginosa | |
Cocos Finch | Pinaroloxias inornata | |
Green Warbler-Finch | Certhidea olivacea | |
Gray Warbler-Finch | Certhidea fusca | |
Vegetarian Finch | Platyspiza crassirostris | |
Woodpecker Finch | Camarhynchus pallidus | |
Large Tree-Finch | Camarhynchus psittacula | |
Medium Tree-Finch | Camarhynchus pauper | |
Small Tree-Finch | Camarhynchus parvulus | |
Mangrove Finch | Camarhynchus heliobates | |
Small Ground-Finch | Geospiza fuliginosa | |
Large Ground-Finch | Geospiza magnirostris | |
Vampire Ground-Finch | Geospiza septentrionalis | |
Genovesa Ground-Finch | Geospiza acutirostris | |
Sharp-beaked Ground-Finch | Geospiza difficilis | |
Common Cactus-Finch | Geospiza scandens | |
Medium Ground-Finch | Geospiza fortis | |
Española Ground-Finch | Geospiza conirostris | |
Genovesa Cactus-Finch | Geospiza propinqua | |
Yellow-shouldered Grosbeak | Parkerthraustes humeralis | |
Many-colored Chaco Finch | Saltatricula multicolor | |
Black-throated Saltator | Saltatricula atricollis | .. |
Buff-throated Saltator | Saltator maximus | .. |
Black-winged Saltator | Saltator atripennis | |
Black-headed Saltator | Saltator atriceps | .. |
Orinocan Saltator | Saltator orenocensis | |
Olive-gray Saltator | Saltator olivascens | |
Cinnamon-bellied Saltator | Saltator grandis | . |
Bluish-gray Saltator | Saltator coerulescens | .. |
Streaked Saltator | Saltator striatipectus | .. |
Lesser Antillean Saltator | Saltator albicollis | |
Green-winged Saltator | Saltator similis | .. |
Black-cowled Saltator | Saltator nigriceps | |
Thick-billed Saltator | Saltator maxillosus | . |
Golden-billed Saltator | Saltator aurantiirostris | .. |
Masked Saltator | Saltator cinctus | |
Slate-colored Grosbeak | Saltator grossus | |
Black-throated Grosbeak | Saltator fuliginosus | .. |

1 Burnished-buff Tanager, Brazil; 2 Magpie Tanager, Brazil; 3 Golden Tanager, Ecuador; 4 White-capped Tanager, Peru; 5 Rufous-headed Tanager, Brazil; 6 Flame-crested Tanager, Brazil; 7 Ruby-crowned Tanager, Brazil; 8 Brazilian Tanager, Brazil; 9 Blue-gray Tanager, Mexico; 10 Sayaca Tanager, Brazil; 11 Azure-shouldered Tanager, Brazil; 12 Golden-chevroned Tanager, Brazil; 13 Palm Tanager, Brazil; 14 Blue-capped Tanager, Peru; 15 Lacrimose Mountain-Tanager, Peru; 16 Grass-green Tanager, Peru; 17 Diademed Tanager, Brazil; 18 Yellow-scarfed Tanager, Peru; 19 Paradise Tanager, Peru; 20 Lined Seedeater, Brazil; 21 Blue-black Grassquit, Brazil; 22 Silver-beaked Tanager, Brazil; 23 Cinnamon Tanager, Brazil; 24 Green-headed Tanager, Brazil; 25 Blue-necked Tanager, Peru; 26 Saffron-crowned Tanager, Peru; 27 Flame-faced Tanager, Peru; 28 Bananaquit, Brazil; 29 Beryl-spangled Tanager, Peru; 30 Blue Dacnis, Brazil; 31 Green Honeycreeper, Brazil; 32 Red-necked Tanager, Brazil; 33 Red-crested Cardinal, Brazil; 34 Yellow-billed Cardinal, Brazil; 35 Black-goggled Tanager, Brazil; 36 White-rumped Tanager, Brazil; 37 Cinereous Finch, Peru; 38 Brown Tanager, Brazil; 39 White-banded Tanager, Brazil; 40 Cinnamon-bellied Flowerpiercer, Mexico; 41 Saffron Finch, Peru; 42 Wedge-tailed Grass-Finch, Brazil; 43 White-bellied Seedeater, Brazil; 44 Lined Seedeater, Brazil; 45 Black-headed Saltator, Mexico; 46 Red-crested Finch, Brazil; 47 White-shouldered Tanager, Brazil; 48 Chestnut-backed Tanager, Brazil; 49 Ash-breasted Sierra-Finch, Peru; 50 Band-tailed Sierra-Finch, Peru; 51 Buff-throated Warbling-Finch, Brazil; 52 Golden-billed Saltator, Argentina; 53 Double-collared Seedeater, Brazil; 54 Rusty-collared Seedeater, Brazil
55 Black-faced Grassquit, Dominican Republic; 56 Lesser Grass-Finch, Brazil; 57 Uniform Finch, Brazil; 58 Greater Antillean Bullfinch, Dominican Republic; 59 Green-winged Saltator, Brazil; 60 Yellow-faced Grassquit, Dominican Republic; 61 Carbonated Sierra-Finch, Argentina; 62 Blue-and-yellow Tanager, Argentina; 63 Mourning Sierra-Finch, Argentina; 64 Common Diuca-Finch, Argentina; 65 Gray-hooded Sierra-Finch, Argentina; 66 Black-and-rufous Warbling Finch, Argentina; 67 Great Pampa-finch, Argentina; 68 Greyish Saltator, Brazil; 69 Black-throated Saltator, Brazil; 70 Black-throated Grosbeak, Brazil; 71 Streaked Saltator, Peru

72 Masked Tanager, Ecuador; 73 Masked Crimson Tanager, Ecuador; 74 Opal-crowned Tanager, Ecuador; 75 Rufous-throated Tanager, Ecuador; 76 Copper Seedeater, Brazil; 77 Blue-winged Mountain-Tanager, Ecuador; 78 Opal-rumped Tanager, Ecuador; 79 Flame-rumped Tanager, Ecuador; 80 Black-chinned Mountain-tanager, Ecuador; 81 Black-capped Tanager, Ecuador; 82 Golden-naped Tanager, Ecuador; 83 Gray-headed Tanager, Panama; 84 Crimson-backed Tanager, Panama; 85 Silver-throated Tanager, Panama; 86 Slaty Flowerpiercer, Panama; 87 Glossy Flowerpiercer, Ecuador; 88 Yellow-bellied Dacnis, Ecuador; 89 Morelet’s Seedeater, Panama; 90 Variable Seedeater, Panama