Big Zigzag bird families count: 81 (+0 this week: )
Big Zigzag Lifers: 75 (+5 this week: Mulga Parrot, White-browed Treecreeper, Regent Parrot, Striated Grasswren, Black-eared Miner)
Campsite Lifers 19 (+0 this week)
Big Zigzag New for Australia list: 105 (+6 this week)
eBird days of checklist streak: 131
Week’s special milestones: Grasswren #7, eBird’s 1500th checklist, 3500 species photographed, clean-up Australasian Treecreepers, Zigzag travelled over 15000 km
Bird(s) of the Week
Regent Parrot at one of Gluepot Reserve drinking points (Don and Chris Lill Bird Hide )
Mulga Parrot on similar situation
Striated Grasswren at Mallee trail
Black-eared Miner, Gluepot Reserve.
Clean-up Australasian Treecreepers (Climacteridae) with White-browed Treecreeper. The family contain 6 Australian endemics plus 1 papuan.
When you need to leave your vehical at the repairman, you better do than in a walking distance from wetlands… Australian Crake (Porzana fluminea), Barker Inlet Wetlands, South Australia
Happy hour at the bird hide
Non-bird image(s)
Barker Inlet Wetlands
Mallee landscape at Gluepot Reserve
Gluepot lifers by location
Week's Key location(s)
Two lovely morning with 50 species at Barker Inlet Wetlands while fixing my RV
Great birding opportunities in Gluepot Reserve. Including 4 active bird hides, a few waling trails, and campsite facilities.
Big Zigzag Travelled so far: 15460 km (this week 720 km)